Cyberpunk: Become David’s Dad At The Beginning!

Chapter 218 If It Really Doesn’T Work, You Can Just Sell Your Butt!

Simply put, Buttermoss showed great disappointment in humanity before his death.

Because he dug out some incredible secrets.

This secret is the truth behind the Fourth Corporate War.

Behind the fourth corporate war is actually not a war between companies but the sins of capital.

The force behind it is actually the bank behind the currency currently used in Night City.

That thing is actually very simple, that is, the bank continues to lend money to two companies, Otech and Xinuo.

By the way, these two companies, Otech and Xinuo, are actually the triggers of the fourth corporate war.

It was the conflict between the two parties that led to the escalation of the war. In the end, even Arasaka and military technology were dragged into the water.

The bank's idea is actually very simple, that is, to promote a constant battle between the two parties.

Continuous fighting requires more funds.

So where do the funds come from?

Bank: "Little brother, I heard that you are short of money? I tell you to be a good person and never say that I loaned you money to kill him!!!"

Say the same thing twice, and both companies will gladly accept the loan.

Then the loan was converted into equity and the two companies were annexed.

Originally this step was enough, but the continuous escalation of the war has caused more and more companies to be involved.

More and more interests have been exposed.

Don't let this free money go to waste.

As a result, the war continued to escalate until it finally brought down the two giants Arasaka Technology and Military Technology.

Many people may wonder why big banks are targeting the two maritime companies, Otech and Sino.

Because in the world at that time, these two companies almost monopolized the world's shipping.

In other words, if you want to transport something on the sea, you must go through these two companies.

The money here can be described as huge profits.

But these two companies are developing well and do not need external capital injection.

Who wants others to come in and share the cake?

So the big bank started this war. After the Fourth Corporate War ended, the big bank completely monopolized global shipping and made a lot of money.

It's just that every penny is stained with the blood of innocent people, and there are countless souls wailing on every banknote.

But it doesn’t matter to bankers, because in 2077, they can transfer money directly without using banknotes.

So it doesn't matter to them whether there is wailing or blood.

Because of this, Butmosus was completely desperate for the world. In the final showdown, he used his consciousness to create an AI using the Soul Killer.

So Arthur has reason to believe that this guy Buttermoss will definitely be doing something behind his back.

Because a pretentious genius always thinks that God must have given him some task before he was born into this world.

"Then what about the resistance? Do you want to have a fourth corporate war again․々?"

Johnny Silverhand nodded after a moment of silence.

It's not so easy to repay the life-saving grace. It's just that Johnny Silverhand feels that he is okay if he takes it with him.

What's more, he also wanted to see his old sweetheart.

"Actually, it's nothing..."

Arthur said directly to the air next to him: "Jarvis, help me project the video I recorded earlier onto the wall.

The next moment, the projector next to him lit up and projected a video onto the wall, which was extremely clear.

"Something big happened in Night City recently. Your fans strangled his father to death in his own home."

"What is this..."

Johnny Silverhand was about to say what a big deal this was.

After all, there is no morality, no logic, no bottom line in Night City.

Not to mention killing one's own father, there are many people who would kill their whole family and then go out and kill them like crazy.

This little thing is not big news at all.

But he fell into silence as he watched the scene in the projector where the little old man wearing small glasses was strangled to death by a middle-aged man in front of him.

No, regardless of whether Saburo Huangcheng is called a fan dad?

So the fan who strangled Saburo Arasaka to death was Saburo Arasaka’s son?

Johnny Silverhand was shocked.

If things could go so smoothly, he should have contacted his fans twenty years ago.

Wouldn't it be enough to ask his fans to help him strangle Saburo Arasaka to death?

How about getting a big mushroom?

"You call this a little big deal?"

"Well, billion points!"

The atmosphere in the entire room suddenly became silent.

Arthur waited for a while and saw no response before continuing: "Arasaka Yorinobu, he has always wanted to send the Arasaka Group to hell, so there will definitely be chaos recently, especially the tacit understanding between Arasaka and Military Technology. will be broken.

"This is an opportunity for people to maybe be a little bit interested."

When Silver Hand heard this, he fell silent and stared at Arthur for a while before saying, "...I think this is your chance?"

Arthur nodded, picked up the glass and took another sip of whiskey.

"There is no conflict. You fight for the welfare of the people in Night City, and I fight for the living space of my company.

"I can tell you without hesitation that I am more dangerous than Saburo Arasaka, but at least I want to make the people under me live a better life.

"So I think you should prioritize, should you help me or refuse?"

As he spoke, Arthur pointed the pistol in his hand straight at Johnny Silverhand.

If Johnny Silverhand said no, then Arthur would regretfully ask the other person to die.

As for Ultra, don't worry.

When Johnny Silverhand's body was being made, Arthur had already left some backup.

The moment the opponent dies, the data will be transmitted back to the chip.

Johnny Silverhand looked at his former partner who was now pointing at his head, and felt a little emotional for a moment.

He didn't know how many people's heads he had blown off (Qian's) with this gun before.

Now this gun is going to blow his head off.

What a wonderful reincarnation!

"Zhuo, after finally returning to this world, shouldn't you talk to me about girls and wine?"

"I'm just a rock singer, a street gangster, a fly on the street, a maggot on the shit..."

"Why do you need to talk to me about this? Why don't you let me go and I'll go talk to my old friends. If you don't want to, I can accept selling my butt at most."

God wants your ass!

Arthur didn't speak but he was already complaining in his heart.

He knew that Johnny Silverhand was an unscrupulous person, but he didn't expect Johnny Silverhand to be so unscrupulous.

Don't think Johnny Silverhand is a spiritual guru.

In fact, he is the worst kind of human being in this world.

If you believe him, he will definitely piss on your coffin at your funeral. .

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