Cyberpunk: Become David’s Dad At The Beginning!

Chapter 234 Can You Stop Being So Double-Standard?

"Oh? So you asked me to watch Mewtwo, then it's okay!"

After a short explanation, Zhucun carefully patted his chest, took the Mewtwo headband from Arthur's hand and put it on his head.

Arthur looked at Takemura with some confusion, but considering that the other party bought the Mewtwo with a thousand ladies surrounding him, he was relieved.

After all, the other person seems to be a pretty serious person.

If someone discovered that he was still watching this kind of Mewtwo, wouldn't that mean he was completely dead?

If you want to deceive an honest person, you must first stand on a united front with him.

So Arthur felt he had to help him hide this.

"Don't worry, I will never tell anyone about that, Takemura!"


When I typed the question mark, it wasn’t me who had a problem, it was you who had a problem!

At this moment, Takemura really wanted to give Arthur two big mouthfuls.

He found that the other party was really blind!

Why hadn't he realized before that this Arthur was as annoying as the cockroaches in Night City?

"Believe me!"

Arthur solemnly put his hand on his chest and knocked the exoskeleton armor with a bang. it's as annoying as Night City's vomit!

There is no sense of trust at all!

Zhucun rolled his eyes and soon entered the super dream state with the white light.

His eyes widened and he was stunned, as if 820 was a fish just caught out of the water.

If it weren't for the fact that the other person's chest still had a certain breathing range.

Arthur probably thought the other person was dead.

Arthur looked at Takemura who was sitting there motionless, and asked Judy, who was playing with the equipment next to him with some doubts, "Do you think he will react if I give him a little thrust?"

The corners of Judy's mouth twitched, please be a human being!

"Are you mentally ill again? How about I wait for you for a while and help you contact a doctor or something?"

"No, no, no, my exclusive doctor has died a long time ago. He said before that I would not live for three years, but now that I have lived, his ashes are gone. What's more, my mental illness has been cured, and you haven't answered me yet. What’s the problem!”

The corner of Judy's mouth twitched, and then she put on a headset. After a little test and found that there was no problem, she answered Arthur: "Yes, he is in a light sleep state at this moment, and any external interference may It will wake it up from its super dream state."

Arthur nodded and glanced at Takemura with regret.

Takemura clearly heard Arthur's words in Mewtwo.

He wished he could just wake up from Super Dream (bbca) and ask Arthur if he could be a normal person.

After a short period of time, Takemura woke up from the Mewtwo device.

Sweating profusely, he took off the Mewtwo ring on his head, his face looking ugly.

Even if he has undergone special training, he still cannot accept such heavy taste.

"Well, the feeling of the first way to die, the feeling of having everything on your body sucked away by a super strong electromagnet, is really... hard to describe."

Arthur just sat and smoked and added with a smile: "This kind of thing is for people with burned out synapses."

"The guys who cut the kidneys specialize in making this kind of movies. The other guys, even if they are gang members, don't have such strong tastes."

"Well, as far as the way of death is concerned, they are the most keen to explore other people's feelings about how to die. People from the Uzumaki Gang are their regular customers."

The people in the Uzumaki Gang sucked things and their brains were damaged. If you don't show them something like this, they really can't experience the feeling of being alive.

As for the cold sweat on Zhucun's body, it was not because he was scared.

It was his body's subconscious reaction.

Because when you enter Mewtwo, you will actually experience those feelings.

This refers not only to the spirit but also to the body.

In other words, your body has sensed that you are close to death and secretes adrenaline like crazy.

This caused Takemura to break into a cold sweat.

"The old Charter Hill Electric Power Group power plant, if nothing else, should be that place."

After a moment of silence, Takemura revealed the results of his investigation.

Although he is not an expert in investigating Mewtwo, there is actually a lot of knowledge that is shared between them.

He has been trained as a bodyguard and as an agent.

He had already memorized the map of Night City, so it was not easy to discover something.

Arthur couldn't help but applaud: "He is indeed the most elite bodyguard of the former Arasaka Group!"

"What? He's a company dog?!!"

As soon as Judy took off her headset, she heard Arthur's words and looked at Zhucun behind in shock.

"Zhuo! How the hell can you do these tasks on behalf of the company dog?"

Arthur blew out a puff of smoke and said nonchalantly: "Isn't this normal? V turns out to be a senior member of the counter-intelligence department of the Arasaka Group!"

"What? No wonder she smells clean and elegant."

Judy touched her chin and seemed shocked.

The corners of Arthur's mouth twitched.

"Can you stop being so double-standard?"

Judy smiled and then stepped on the accelerator and drove towards the old power group.

The reason why it is called the Old Power Group is of course because it was once the power plant of Night City.

It's just that they have been bankrupted by Kangtao people, and now only a dilapidated factory is left there.

There are houses like this everywhere in Night City.

These houses are usually occupied by two types of people. One is gang members who transform these places into institutional dens, or are filming strongholds for Black Mewtwo, or simply make them a gathering place.

The other type of person is the homeless person, but generally speaking, the homeless person will not occupy these places.

Because you don’t know when you will die if you sleep in a place like this.

Homeless people usually gather with a group of homeless people and hide under overpasses and the like.

After a while, Arthur and the others arrived at the power plant of the old power group.

Arthur looked at his surroundings and smelled the air.

Sure enough, no matter where you go, the smell of Night City is still the same.

"Well, it still smells the same!"

Takemura next to him took out his pistol after looking around, clasping his hands and staring at some members inside the old power group factory.

Those members were very conspicuous, and their faces seemed to be garbled, making it difficult for people to see their faces clearly.

"What kind of smell can there be in Night City? It still smells bad. I don't like it very much. Please finish it and go back early!"

Takemura waved his hand in disgust.

If you think about it carefully, he is also a member of the upper class, but now he is performing these tasks like those rats.

Arthur threw the cigarette in his hand on the ground and stamped it out.

"Night City certainly has a smell, an aluminum compound, carbon dioxide, sulfur trioxide and a little bit of sulfuric acid. If you study it carefully, there will be dead red blood cells and E. coli, as well as a little bit of sodium chloride. "

"Damn! Your understanding of Night City is really profound!"

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