Cyberpunk: Become David’s Dad At The Beginning!

Chapter 250 I Have Rich Experience!

There was only one word in Lucy's mind at this moment.

That is black!

This is so dark!

Good guy, I’ll sell it at five to ten times the cost price!

There is no business in Night City that is more profitable than this.

In fact, Arthur didn't think there would be a very big market for organ cloning at first. After all, prosthetic technology was actually quite popular.

Although there is no such thing as a country in capital.

However, if a company wants to develop and grow, it cannot do without people. People still have a country.

So looking at the companies in Night City, each company actually has its own position.

We will still put some cheaper liquid prostheses in our own country.

Do you think these big companies are doing charity?

Arthur just wants to say that you are overthinking.

Other big companies are engaged in breeding.

Everything is based on people, and no one's money or rights will fail.

A pyramid wants to remain standing.

Then the bottom layer of the pyramid must be rammed strong enough, right?

But Kangtao's need for these cloned organs was unimaginable.

This was a bit unexpected to Arthur.

Although Arthur didn't know what Kang Tao wanted to do, if the other party wanted it, just sell it to him.

"You are really evil. Didn't you say before that you and Liu Yishou are fellow villagers?"

Lucy was silent for a while before uttering a word.

Although she couldn't understand why Arthur, who obviously had a Western face, became a fellow countryman with an Easterner.

But whatever Arthur says, that's what it is.

Arthur shrugged his shoulders: "There is an old saying in the Dragon Kingdom: when a fellow villager sees a fellow villager, he shoots him in the back. I didn't shoot him in the back, I just stabbed him dozens of times. How many? Not much!"

"Liu Yishou is really lucky to have a fellow like you for eight lifetimes!"

Lucy rolled her eyes, took Arthur's finished coffee cup and put it next to her.

As Arthur opened the attachment and signed the contract, he said with a smile: "He has to thank me!"

Before he finished speaking, Arthur signed the contract and sent it back to Liu Yishou.

Liu Yishou replied with two words to Arthur.


On the Pacific coast, which is quite far away from the city center, Taipingzhou here has been completely in trouble.

Countless immigrant groups were surfing the Internet in their own homes when they suddenly found their home was gone.

The entire Taipingzhou was packaged and sold to the Umbrella Company for one dollar!

Is this okay?

In just a few minutes, people in twos and threes started discussing with each other on the street.

As time went by, more and more people came out of their homes to participate in this huge discussion.

The momentum became louder and louder.

There were faint signs of a riot.

Outside the Umbrella Company factory, the place is already occupied by nearly five hundred fully armed soldiers.

Except for the Mann team, this place is basically all new people that Arthur has recruited during this period of time.

They were wearing exoskeleton mecha from the Source Project, although it was a weakened version of Arthur's version.

But it's enough for some ordinary people.

These people were basically trained by people entrusted by Arthur to Kang Tao.

As for spies?

There are so many companies in Night City. Which company doesn’t have a few commercial spies in it?

A company without industrial espionage has no future!

Because it shows that the company has nothing to steal.

You can't prevent them for a while, not to mention they are just some security members.

Johnny Silverhand was wearing the Source Plan exoskeleton. He touched his body and said intoxicatedly: "It's very strong. I feel so strong now!"

Mann next to him suddenly rolled his eyes.

He had seen perverts, after all, there was a pervert in his team, Pyrrha.

But I have never seen Johnny Silverhand so crazy and perverted.

If it weren't for Arthur's guarantee, Shane would never have believed that this kind of person could be one of his own.

"Have you ever been involved in repression before?"

Mann was arranging the firearms in his hands while asking Johnny Silverhand next to him.

Their team was considered the leader, and most of them were dispersed. Each person commanded dozens to hundreds of people.

Responsible for suppressing various areas and streets in Taipingzhou.

Although five hundred people will become very few after being divided into various streets.

But in fact, not many people participated in the riots.

Because most people are relatively honest in character, or relatively weak and expectant.

Of course this is not inherently the case.

It's because they have already been tamed.

Whether it is gang members, Night City officials, or those companies, the only common method is to tame these people.

‥Please give me flowers...

Because only by wearing mouth chews on these people can these people be exploited with peace of mind.

After decades of training, the people of Night City have endurance beyond ordinary circumstances.

Therefore, there are very few people who are actually rioting, and there is no need to make a big fanfare.

All we need to do is learn from what other companies are doing and kill the culprits to scare the monkeys for a moment.

What's more, neither the Voodoo Gang nor Valentino will be involved in this operation.

Because they need to test the umbrella first.

Look at the bottom line of the umbrella and the strength of the umbrella.

It's very stupid to go into the ring with an unfamiliar opponent.

As for whether those people will be killed by the umbrella company?

Chixian, it doesn’t matter how many cannon fodders die!

Johnny Silver scratched his head. He picked up a huge machine gun and gestured for a while. He found that it still didn't work smoothly and threw it aside.

He casually picked up a smart automatic rifle from Kangtao Technology and looked at it before nodding with satisfaction.

Sure enough, he still prefers these little guys.

While handling the firearm, Johnny Silverhand said: "I have very rich experience in this kind of activity!"

After hearing Johnny Silverhand's words, Mann's eyes suddenly lit up.

He didn't expect that there was an expert beside him.

Although Mann is a good mercenary, to be honest, he usually has no experience in such activities.

If there is an expert, it would be easier for him to inquire about it, so that he can be sure.

"Robert, tell me and pass on your experience?"

Johnny Silverhand rolled his eyes, took out a cigarette from somewhere, opened his mask and lit one.

"Zhuo, I do have a lot of experience, but I am the one being suppressed! How the hell could I suppress the people?"


Mann was speechless when he heard this.

Well, this guy used to be a restless person.

I don't know where Arthur got them from, they are all these weird guys.

Just like that T-bug!

After the cyber hacker came to Umbrella Company, he hid in the equipment room and stayed there all night.

Except for meeting him on the first day he came here, Xia En had never even seen that guy's face again.

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