Cyberpunk: Become David’s Dad At The Beginning!

Chapter 254 Hidden Dangers In Taipingzhou!

"Zhuo, you guys are always like this, Zhuo Zhuo!"

After saying that, Judy hung up the phone, and Arthur didn't care. Anyway, there was one more experimental question, no more, no less.

There is no shortage of such people in his laboratory.

Anyway, there isn't much else in Night City, but there are a lot of scavengers and the like.

If there is a shortage of people in the laboratory to conduct experiments, Arthur will ask Xia En and others to take over the cleaning job.

While making some money, you can also grab some experimental materials for your laboratory.

Of course, those people recruited at the beginning were actually very resistant.

But after only two or three days, they experienced the pleasure of using people to conduct experiments.

Because no matter what the result is, it can be verified immediately.

There is no need to first make a guinea pig, then make a large animal, and then make an ape or something like that.

To be honest, in this day and age, monkeys are much more expensive than people.

There was nothing Arthur could do about it.

Of course, this is not a bloody primitive accumulation.

Are you kidding? Scavengers are considered human beings?

"The system signed in today!"

Arthur recited silently in his mind without caring at all, crossed his legs and continued to look at the monitor.

[Ding~Congratulations to the host for successfully signing in and getting a complete set of virtual reality game information!]

Arthur was stunned for a moment, then touched his chin while looking at the display.

Virtual 600 reality game...

It's already 2077, and Arthur hasn't found a game to play in this world.

Arthur is not doing experiments or going out on missions every day, or playing some boy-girlfriend games with his girlfriends.

So Arthur is actually quite boring most of the time.

Because there are actually not many entertainment activities in the entire Night City.

Either Mewtwo, a young lady, or some contraband.

Apart from these, I just listen to music, nothing more!

That's right, there are only so many entertainment activities in Night City.

Otherwise, there wouldn't be so many lunatics in Night City.

Arthur touched his chin and thought that starting a game company seemed to be quite profitable.

And being able to avoid the territory of all other big companies.

this point is very important!

Only by avoiding competition can we live with more peace of mind.

It wasn't that Arthur was afraid, but he just disliked the trouble.

And this thing... has a lot of potential!

While Arthur touched his chin, his eyes flashed and he quickly looked through the data loaded in his brain-computer system.

It contains not only game development information, but also immersive game development technical information.

There are some other things in it...

For example, use this technology to control robots and so on.

Speaking of which, the Dog Town in Taipingzhou was indeed a problem, and Arthur felt that he would have to get rid of this cancer sooner or later.

After all, as long as this place exists, the entire God of Night's lawless gangsters will come to Taipingzhou in an endless stream.

It's really confusing.

This technology gave Arthur a little glimmer of hope.

And it also brought a group of free labor to Arthur.

Arthur touched his chin and decided to work overtime in the next month to make this immersive game after this incident was over.

This is related to future development.

Time passed by as Arthur thought.

Soon, Night City slowly entered the sober state of night from the indiscriminate bombardment during the day.

There's no way the company dogs can go out and show off tonight.

This is all thanks to Arthur.

Because of Arthur, other companies began to explore information about the Umbrella Company and the situation in Taipingzhou.

Arthur, on the other hand, was completely unaware of these things and paid no attention to the resentment that had gathered on the top of his forehead to the point that it was about to turn into a cloud.

He has returned to his factory in Taipingzhou.

This time Arthur did not drive the Sword in the Stone, but drove a large truck specially designed to transport goods.

Wait until you park your car in front of the Umbrella Company.

Arthur jumped out of the car with a cigarette in his mouth and looked at the security team at the entrance of his factory who were covered in blood and could scare countless people to tears at this night.

Although there were not many people, some people seemed to have suffered a lot of injuries.

But everyone stood there quietly, staring straight at Arthur, looking quite energetic.

Arthur nodded with satisfaction, then clapped his hands, attracting the attention of everyone present.

There are not only the Umbrella security team here, but also the immigrant groups who have been hiding in the Umbrella factory before.

"Bah bang bang!"

"Everyone, did your mission go well today?"

Arthur made a knowing expression, but the security team did not answer, but slowly moved out of the way.

What was recorded was even more like a hellish scene.

Because the person being protected by the security team was not an important person or important document.

Protected by them in the middle was a pile of human heads as high as a hill.

Most of them have dark skin color, and only a small number of people have white or yellow color.

There is no way Taipingzhou has such a racial composition.

After taking a quick look, Arthur didn't care whether they were all leaders.

Because it doesn't matter at all.

I don't care if there are innocent people inside, because there are no innocent people in Night City.


Do you think there are still some honest people in Night City?

Yes, you are right!

But at this moment, the honest man in Night City is sitting in his home, shivering and covering his head.

Instead of being put here as a trophy.

Arthur nodded with satisfaction and couldn't help but applaud.

Then he blew out a puff of smoke, took the cigarette butt from his mouth, grabbed the tarpaulin covering the truck with his other hand, and pulled hard!


As Arthur pulled down the tarp, the contents loaded on the back of the truck completely shocked everyone present.

Because what's behind it is not any goods, but all white banknotes.

The bundles are piled like a rotten mattress that can be seen everywhere on the street.

Although they are all banknotes, they have no luminous properties.

But for some reason, everyone present felt their eyes stinging.

It felt as if something had stimulated me, and tears could not help but flow from the corners of my eyes.

The corners of Arthur's mouth turned up slightly, and then he took the chair that his grown-up boy had brought over, and sat down on the stool, holding his chest with his hands and leaning back.

His feet were lifted up and rested directly on the table that Haodaer had just moved over.

He said in a very calm tone: "Come up and get the money yourself, as much as you want!"

"But I suggest you not to be clever. I believe you understand what I mean."

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