Cyberpunk: Become David’s Dad At The Beginning!

Chapter 279 Johnny Silver Legs Is Also Good?

After Johnny Silverhand saw this scene, he immediately realized what was going on in his heart.

He couldn't help but secretly cursed the Sea Kings in Night City.

He also secretly cursed why he hadn't updated his love story after being resurrected for so long.

If talking is not possible, then you can only rely on another kind of action.

That's right, it's just a change of position, directly press Rogge on the door, and then kiss him again.

Such a domineering CEO's demeanor will make the other party speechless, and everything will be over.

Women always like strong men!

Yes, this will definitely work!

Thinking of this, Johnny Silverhand couldn't help but look at Arthur in the distance, his eyes quite provocative.

He sent Arthur a message directly from his brain-computer system.

"Watch well and study hard!"

After Arthur saw the message from Johnny Silverhand, he touched his chin and wondered if he should add more fire.

After all, Johnny Silverhand's skills in picking up girls are well known.

Maybe this bastard would be able to escape if he didn't add some firepower.

If you say you want to break one of the opponent's legs, you must break one of the opponent's legs!

At worst, Arthur would personally pay for the wheelchair.

Besides, Night City's prosthetic technology is so advanced, if you can't make 123 Silver Hands, you can make Silver Legs!

Johnny Silverlegs has a pretty good name too.

Just as Arthur was thinking, Johnny Silverhand grabbed one of Roger's arms in an instant.

Then he pulled Rogge hard, and the whole person dodged from the side to avoid Rogge's impact.

Rogge didn't expect that Johnny Silverhand would dare to attack her.

But she quickly came to her senses and immediately turned her head, but the next moment he found that one of Johnny Silverhand's hands was already pressing on the door next to her head.

Her whole body was imprisoned by the strong silver hand in a kind of wall-dong way.

Before Rogge could react, Johnny Silverhand opened his mouth and kissed Rogge directly on the mouth.


Johnny Silver gave himself a thumbs up in his heart.

Sure enough, power still works...


But the next moment, he only felt the strong wind hitting his face, and then a burning feeling climbed onto his face.

After finishing the slap, Rogge rubbed his hand a little.

She felt that it was slightly more comfortable to hit Johnny Silverhand than before, but she didn't know if it was an illusion.

"Pfft! Hahahaha..."

After Arthur saw this scene, he couldn't hold it back and burst out laughing.

This kind of thing really looks good to him, but he really can’t learn it!

Even Mann next to him felt uncomfortable.

Potato shreds almost came out of his nostrils.

Arthur originally planned to laugh again, but he saw Johnny Silverhand's resentful expression and Roger's complicated eyes.

"Ahem, sorry, I have received professional training. No matter how funny it is, I will never laugh! But this time I really can't help it...Haha!"

"Next, I will try my best to fulfill my duties as an audience member and not disturb the communication between your souls!"

"Please continue!"

Mann next to him finally couldn't bear it anymore, and the potato shreds came out of his nostrils and fell on the table.

What a soul exchange!

Can a big mouth still be called soul communication?

This shouldn't be called physical communication...ahem, soul communication is better!

Johnny Silverhand felt that now was a good opportunity, and he had to explain his current situation.

So he spoke immediately.



"A woman, right?"



"Baby, right?"



"Honey, right?"

Johnny Silver covered his face with his hands and wanted to say something, but every time he opened his mouth, Roger slapped him in the face.

Silver Hand only feels that he is aggrieved now.

What kind of evil had he done? First, he was imprisoned in a broken server by the Arasaka gang.

It's like the BBCA prison plot in those neon movies.

Those experimenters almost didn't train themselves to do that.

The excretion areas are all loose!!!

As a result, he had just returned to Night City, and it would be fine if Brother Luo came to visit him and refused to give him any comfort.

I gave myself a lot of big mouths when I came up.

Do you know how much psychological shadow these big mouths can have on you?

Johnny Silver covered both sides of his face with his hands, looking like he was about to cry without tears. I have to say that Rogge's beating was actually quite even.

At least Arthur thought it was quite symmetrical.

Maybe Rogge has specially trained himself in this aspect.

I don’t know if there are any training courses that specialize in this kind of skills?

For a moment Arthur was lost in thought.

"What are you thinking about?"

"I was wondering if there is a chip in Night City that is specially designed to slap people in the mouth?!"

...I just think you really need to see a psychiatrist, but here’s your doctor’s phone number, how about I contact you?”

While the two were talking, the two people in the distance were already entangled in each other.

Roger had committed a crazy act of domestic violence against Johnny Silverhand.

The kind that are serious enough to go to court.

It’s just that Johnny Silverhand must lose the case, because Rogge is acting on behalf of God. Johnny Silverhand has committed extremely serious crimes against humanity and is a very dangerous terrorist and criminal!

Johnny Silverhand is not a vegetarian. Although he feels that he has wronged Rogge, he is not a fool.

Even a Bodhisattva has the appearance of a vajra with angry eyes.

How could he be ridden by a girl and beaten like crazy?

So Johnny Silverhand immediately fought back after being beaten for more than ten minutes.

Both parties had long hair, and they grabbed their hair and started a crazy street fight.

Arthur curled his lips immediately after seeing this scene.

Because the occurrence of this situation means that Rogge intends to stop after this incident.

After all, Rogge didn't use a prosthesis or a pistol.

Just use your pure physical fitness to fight.

It can be said that water has been released. It should be said that it has been released into the sea.

But facing Rogge who had released the water, Johnny Silverhand still kept wailing.

Because Johnny Silverhand's prosthetic transformation actually isn't much.

The main reason is that Arthur didn't give the opponent any powerful prosthetic body.

Because the Umbrella Company now has exoskeleton armor, you can just give one to the other party when the time comes.

Things outside are expensive and hard to use.

The original ones are better.

It was because of this suggestion that Johnny Silverhand suffered.

After a while, the two parents-in-law finally finished fighting.

Rogge stood aside intact, and even took out a bottle of cooking wine from the kitchen in the cafeteria and drank it.

He was holding a cigarette in his hand and crossed his legs. His legs were trembling, as if he had been electrocuted. .

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