Cyberpunk: Become David’s Dad At The Beginning!

Chapter 289 The Alley Doesn’T Seem That Dark After All!

Arthur smiled and ignored the other party.

Just turn around and leave.

Are you kidding me? You have become the savior, and you have been nailed to the cross by your own workers. What kind of blessing do you need from the Lord?

If there really was a God in this world, the first thing he would do would be to crucify Arthur and let him feel how it felt, whether it felt good or not.

On the other side, Johnny Silverhand has changed his appearance.

He was wearing the worn-out exoskeleton mecha, of course it was only on the surface but still very new on the inside.

In terms of power, it can be compared to the captain-level exoskeleton of the Umbrella Company's security members.

Under Arthur's deliberate manipulation, Umbrella Company's exoskeletons are mainly divided into the following levels.

First of all, it is exclusive to Arthur. This top-of-the-line product is an experimental product created by Arthur and Thomas in the laboratory.

Not only is it stable, it is also the strongest in terms of speed and power.

There is even another spine-type Sian Westan as a plug-in, which can be used directly under extreme circumstances. Of course, this is a new product. Arthur contacted Kangtao to buy it. It is basically the top product in the world. .

As for Adam's hammer, Arthur threw it to David.

Arthur calls his set Type 1 900. Finally, the Type 2 abilities exclusive to relatives and confidants are about three percent weaker than Arthur's set.

For example, David, Mann, and Lucy Rebecca were wearing this set.

Of course V and Jack also have it.

Then there are the three types customized for the security team captain. Johnny Silverhand is wearing this set, and its power is about 50% weakened version of Arthur's exclusive set.

But Johnny Silverhand's set is rather special.

In order to prevent this naughty kid from dying so easily, the level of defense is comparable to Arthur's.

The rest is type four, which is the kind of exoskeleton worn by ordinary security personnel.

Currently, all of these products are produced in laboratories, and Arthur has no plans to directly open a production line to sell these products outside.

Arthur has no idea of ​​selling weapons to his enemies just yet.

Arthur felt that he would at least take over Night City before he started selling products that were 20% weaker than the security team's Type 4 products.

But even so, Arthur believes that it still has considerable market prospects.

The main reason is that wearing an exoskeleton does not require modification of oneself.

While there is no need to modify oneself, one can still use the functions of the prosthetic body.

Not all mercenaries want to become cyberpsychotics.

As long as Arthur dares to sell, these mercenaries dare to buy, okay?

Johnny Silverhand stepped into a small alley, looked at the surrounding environment and couldn't help but light a cigarette for himself.

This is Watson’s little Chinatown.

In fact, the social security here is pretty good, at least compared to some places in Taipingzhou.

The main reason is that there are too many mercenaries here, and even the people from the Tiger Claw Gang are not willing to cause trouble here.

The main reason is that I am afraid of provoking some cyber lunatics. What will I do if these cyber lunatics come directly to my door?

Why are you saying that the Tiger Claw Gang is behind the Arasaka Group?

Go Saibo is mentally ill, who cares whether it’s the Arasaka Group or the Coffin Board Group behind you?


"After so many years, it still smells the same...hiss...hoo!"

Johnny Silverhand lit a cigarette for himself, took a deep breath and exhaled slowly.

He doesn't have as much time as Arthur.

Aside from the first date, Johnny Silverhand was basically plotting about the Resistance.

Although he didn't want to be a slave to others, and he didn't like the dog collar Arthur put around his neck.

I don't like being forced to do certain things.

He is a violent rock youth and a madman who never compromises.

However, he had to admit that Arthur's idea was true...


A hairless cat (bbcb) squatted on the ground and barked at Johnny Silverhand and turned away. It seemed that he didn't like the smell of cigarette smoke on Johnny Silverhand.

"Zhuo, there is not a single dog in the city this year, but these cats are living quite well.

"You can't even survive yourself, but you can still feed these cats with food, what a stupid bunch!!!"

Of course, it's impossible for an ordinary cat to survive in Night City.

Unless it's the one modified by Buttermoss.

So this is not because the cats are superior, but because someone specially comes up with food to feed them.

Living in Night City is already difficult.

Living in Little Chinatown is even worse.

Under such circumstances, these poor people were actually willing to take some rice from their own bowls and feed this hairless cat until it became fat and white.

All I can say is... Night City occasionally has flashes of humanity.

Johnny Silverhand exhaled a deep puff of smoke.

...But the company took away everything, and now it's not even willing to let go of its soul.

"Someone must stand up and defeat them, tear them apart. If I need to kill, I will kill. If I need to be controlled, I will be controlled by others!"

At this moment, Johnny Silverhand dropped the cigarette in his hand on the ground, did not stamp it out and let the cigarette butt flicker in the dark alley.

In fact, there is no need to step on them at all, because the alleys are not only as dark as an abyss, but also as moist as a rainforest.

I thought that this cigarette butt would be extinguished soon.

But for some reason, this cigarette butt was extremely tenacious and burned for five minutes. Finally, it was picked up by a homeless man and stuffed into his mouth.

While smoking, the homeless man took out a basin from his arms and placed it on the ground with a smile.

In his other hand, he also held a small bag of food.

Looking through the transparent packaging, you can see that there is a miscellany of everything inside.

He poured out a third of what could barely be called food from the package and placed it in a bowl.

And he himself slowly ate the remaining two-thirds of the package.

Before he had even eaten two bites, a cat jumped down from the wall. It was the cat that scolded Johnny Silverhand just now.

It squatted next to the homeless man and slowly ate the little bit of food in the bowl.

The homeless man gnawed at the contents of the package.

While reaching out his hand, he slowly touched the kitten's back.

At this moment, I don't know if it was due to the weather, or if the sun had changed its direction, but this dark alley seemed to be less dark.

"Jarvis, are you sure this is this way?"

Johnny Silverhand stood next to a dilapidated building. There were many such dilapidated buildings in Little Chinatown or Watson District.

"Yes Mr. Robert, I'm pretty sure he's over here!".

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