Cyberpunk: Become David’s Dad At The Beginning!

Chapter 306: What Else Does Night City Talk About About Environmental Protection?

With the first there will be the second.

Because there were still five minutes left on the clock, people around him simply swarmed around him.

The whole scene is like some kind of zombie crisis.

Arthur didn't pay attention to the commotion of the crowd, but pulled out his personal link and directly connected it to the girl's personal terminal.

After checking the other person's body for a while, he couldn't help but sigh, then withdrew his personal link and patted the other person's shoulder.

Mann looked a little confused and said, "What's wrong?"

Arthur touched his chin and said: "Actually, it's not that big of a deal. Life is already quite good."

It's not that Arthur's requirements are low, it's mainly because you can't ask for too much in this Night City.

Every moment, someone in this city is in bad luck.

Some people were tripped and fell by homeless people while walking on the road. "Three or four zero" some people were knocked down by homeless people and then kicked up. The point is that it was still a cyber psychosis.

So as long as you can still save your life, you are considered pretty good in this city.

As for Taro Ueda, Arthur could only say that he was a liar.

Because those children were not born from the mother's belly to be precise.

But it was cultivated from the machine.

These women are no longer women, they are transformed machines.

In fact, if you think about it, you will know that in this world where biotechnology is not very developed, of course, in vitro fertilization is easier to modify.

Arthur was chatting with Mann.

The elevator door suddenly opened, and a man with a cockscomb head walked out. His hands were almost made of gold, and they were as long as a gibbon.

"Hey, I'm not late, am I? Zhuo, you don't ask me to eat...forget it, you eat, you eat!"

Pyrrha just came down and said hello to Arthur. Suddenly she saw the crowd in the distance was very lively, so she complained and wanted to go up and join in the fun.

But when I walked up and saw the skeleton inside, I almost vomited.

So he said something sarcastic and retreated to Arthur.

Arthur looked at Mann beside him. Mann immediately understood what Arthur meant, took out the pistol from his back and fired three shots at the ceiling.

"Bang bang bang!"

The crazy zombie-like women around them finally woke up from the sound of gunfire.

Finally, they all knelt on the ground, tears flowing from their eyes as if they were asking for no money.

The crying echoed throughout the basement.

It was as if he wanted to vent all the things he had encountered before at this moment.

Arthur really smiled. It was better to cry than not to cry. After crying, it meant that they might be able to cut off from the past.

But if you don't cry, these things will stay in the other person's body forever, and then block the excretion pipe.

Because the place of excretion is blocked, the toxins in their bodies will accumulate more and more until one day they explode.

Eventually turning into a cyberpsycho.

This is how civilians generally become cyberpsychotic.

Even if the other person lives a happy and normal life, he may end up going crazy because of the accumulation of toxins in his body because he did not vent his grievances.

Of course, in this case they need the umbrella's suppressor chip.

"Arthur, when will you come up? NCPD Landscape is planning to slap a ticket on our car, saying that our car does not meet environmental protection requirements."

Arthur was still smiling and waiting, and Lucy's voice came directly from the chat history.

"What the hell is environmental protection? There is still environmental protection in Night City? Tell him that if he cleans up the river in Night City, I will pay the environmental protection treatment fee!"

"You're so outrageous. Ask him his name. I'll visit Mayor Lucius tomorrow to see if I can kill him!"

Arthur complained as he got on the elevator. When the elevator was about to close, he said to Mann outside: "I'll give them three more minutes and bring them up after they finish crying."

As for the staff in the penultimate scene?

Pyrrha is not a vegetarian. When she came here just now, she was already killing people in the penultimate scene due to fatigue.

There are basically no combatants in this company.

Because this company is located in the city center, very close to Arasaka headquarters.

Basically, as long as someone attacks and is monitored, it won't take long for someone to come to support.

And the less people know about this place, the better.

Not to mention, who would come to a company in the city center to cause trouble when they are full?

Based on these things, Pyrrha didn't spend much effort at all...

By the time Arthur reached the second-to-last floor, there were already corpses lying on the ground.

But unlike what Arthur did, Pyrrha was relatively gentle and gave these people a little dignity.

All the corpses in the office had a crater on their head, and they looked much better when they died.

Arthur came to the street outside and saw a bald NCPD arguing with Lucy about something.

"Ma'am, I've said it many times, parking is prohibited here, and vehicles like yours should have been eliminated long ago!"

"Can you please stop being unreasonable?!!"

Arthur walked up quickly and soon saw the bald head, okay, isn't this River?

"Isn't this River?"

Arthur went up to say hello, and the bald man turned his head and saw Arthur and immediately felt like he had eaten shit.

His last bank robbery almost cost him his reputation.

Fortunately, he performed well in the last mission and soon returned to the criminal department from the patrol police.

It's just that people like River were the biggest headache last time.

So not long after he returned, his boss sent him here to work as a traffic policeman.

The main purpose is actually to suppress the other party.

Let River stop being so prickly and learn to take away the thorns on his body and become a little bit smoother.

As for expulsion?

4.4 Are you kidding? Not to mention that few of the NCPD in Night City are operatives, but in fact not many of the CPD in Night City have experienced professional training at all.

It's okay to let these gangsters go out and start shooting.

Asking them to investigate the case would simply cost them their lives or at best leave it unsolved.

But it's good to use it to help the company occasionally.

Therefore, it is absolutely impossible for his boss to fire River. Who will investigate the case if he really fires River?

Will the director go and check it himself?

This is not impossible, but neither can the director!

Although I still feel a little bit bitter about what happened last time, I admire this young man for still being full of a sense of justice.

As long as the criminal can be caught, it doesn't really matter what he looks like.

"It turns out it's you! I haven't thanked you for what happened last time!".

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