Lucy next to her didn't dare to say a word.

There were two mentally ill people standing next to him, communicating about their condition.

Which bar will host members of the Terrorist Mobile Team? Who in the entire Night City doesn't know that every member of the Terrorist Mobile Team is a legal cyberpsychopath, and if they kill them, it will be in vain.

At this time, Melissa suddenly set her sights on Lucy.

He touched his chin and thought for a while. The depth and complexity of his eyes were unimaginable.

After a moment, Melissa said something shocking.

"Well, your little girlfriend is really pretty. It wouldn't be impossible if we were together."

Lucy froze on the spot, a little at a loss, and her face instantly turned red.

Next to him, Arthur frowned, took a deep drag on his cigarette, and looked at Melissa with serious eyes.

"I've told you before that bisexuality is a disease that needs to be treated! Didn't your doctor prescribe medicine for you?"

Melissa rolled her eyes and said, "I've told you before, bisexuality is not a disease. You have to accept me with an open and tolerant attitude. What's more, the only man I love is you. So you should be the beneficiary, right? Why do you object?"

Arthur was stunned when he heard this, then scratched the back of his head, seeming to be thinking seriously about how to refute Melissa's words.

After thinking for a while, Arthur's eyes gradually brightened, and he said to Melissa sincerely: "It makes sense, you are right, I really have no reason to oppose you, it was just It’s a habit, please keep up your efforts and let me enjoy a different life!”

Lucy next to her couldn't help it anymore and punched Arthur on the back of the head with her fist, and then complained: "What on earth are you talking about? Bastard! Even if you do this in Night City, it's unacceptable It’s quite explosive! Give me some seriousness, besides, is the current scene suitable for flirting? Don’t you think it’s bloody at all?”

The battle not far away has come to an end. Ordinary members of the Voodoo Gang have absolutely no power to fight back against the members of the Terrorist Mobile Team.

As for the powerful hackers in the Voodoo Gang, they didn't dare to take action at all.

After all, this is not a gang war, but the NCPD's Terrorist Mobile Team. If the members of the Terrorist Mobile Team are really killed, it will most likely lead to the arrival of more Terrorist Mobile Teams, and then an ordinary fight will become It will turn into a battle between gangs and terrorist mobile units.

Whether the fight can be won is another matter. The point is that killing too many NCPD members will cause Night City to lose face.

In order to protect their own face, Night City is likely to ask some big companies to take action. If that happens, the Voodoo Gang will not have to live.

Melissa waved to the team members in the distance and made a tactical gesture, and then she had time to look at Lucy.

"Don't you think this is an artistic performance?"

"When the bullet hits the human body, when the blade cuts through the enemy's body, that feeling of life passing by is the real art. I get really high every time I think about it."

After listening to Melissa's words, Arthur immediately understood that the other party's illness had not been cured, but had become more serious. Is this inappropriate Dior behavior?

The quacks in Night City deserve to die for making me so passive now. If you cure her, won’t she stop pestering me?

I have to find time to go to the mental hospital in Night City and take out all the quack doctors and kill them.

Lucy next to her felt her scalp tingle when she heard the scream, and she was even more frightened than before.

This is indeed a cyberpsychosis, good guy, look, do you listen to what a human would say?

Lucy's look of being unable to accept it made Melissa very hurt. After all, it's not enough just to satisfy people on the outside. True love also requires having the same thing on the inside.

Then Melissa looked at Arthur with a, you know me expression.

"Arthur, you used to take me to this kind of show the most, right?"

It was because I was crazy before that I would go to see this kind of show. Now I go to the Ritz Bar to watch Mewtwo. Isn’t it good?

The corner of Arthur's mouth twitched, and then he nodded silently and said: "Well, it is indeed very artistic, but it is not very ornamental. After you go back, you have to train these boys well, let them cool down, and be more precise. "

Melissa jumped up and down with joy, as if she were a little girl, which attracted Arthur's side glances.

Arthur almost fell into her trap because the scene was just like it was more than ten years ago.

Fortunately, Arthur is now a time traveler, Arthur, so he escaped. Arthur repeatedly told himself in his heart that this was a crazy person, and he must not have any feelings for this crazy person.

"Sir, everything has been taken care of. Do you want to go back with us or will this gentleman take you back later?"

At this moment, a member of the Terrorist Mobile Team, covered in blood, walked over with two mantis knives in his hand, and asked Melissa what was going to happen next.

Melissa frowned, as if she was a little unhappy. She looked at Arthur and then at the floating car in the sky, and then said: "Remember to make an appointment with me earlier. If I wait too long, If you are anxious, I will go directly to your home to find you."

After saying that, Melissa followed the member of the Terrorist Mobile Team and headed towards the floating car that had landed on the ground.

Arthur wiped the cold sweat from his forehead. Good guy, these crazy women are really not easy to mess with.

At this moment, a phone call came in instantly.

"Arthur, you are the stinky shit in Night City Cyberpunk! Are you actually in a relationship with that lunatic from the NCPD Terrorist Mobile Team?"

Arthur had just connected and a roar came out of his mind, his words full of contempt and surprise.

Arthur smiled and said casually: "Maman, look at what you said, this matter is like the vegetables in Night City, they are never fresh. How dare you say that you have nothing to do with the members of the NCPD? Relationship?"

The person on the other side fell silent immediately, then came down and said, "Tell me, what do you really want?"

Arthur shrugged, then turned around and pushed open the door of his factory. Looking around, he found that everything inside had become a garbage dump.

"First point, I'm going to open a factory here in Taipingzhou next. Find some people for me, people who have no criminal records and are more honest."

"Are you serious?"

"Nonsense, could it be that I climbed all the way out of hell just to joke with you?"

"There's no problem with that!"

"The second point is to help me find some people to come and clean it up. This factory is full of garbage. Could it be that you bastard threw it in there? I think I saw your aunt's towel in it!"

"I promise that the next time we meet, I will definitely tear your bastard's mouth apart! Go on!"

"The third point is that your people are absolutely not allowed to come to harass my company. If you dare to come over to collect protection money, I will go to your place to collect protection money!"

"anything else?"

"The other thing is to ask that guy from Placid to chop three kilograms of chicken for me. I want fresher free-range chicken, and I'll take it back and make soup."


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