Cyberpunk: Become David’s Dad At The Beginning!

Chapter 310 Exposure Also Requires Methods!

Although Arthur's appearance effectively prevented Lucius from offending many forces.

But Arthur couldn't change Lucius's mind.

The main reason why Night City turned into this bird-like shape is because human thoughts are not easily changed.

It is the normal behavior of political strongmen to insist on having their own way.

So the other party must have made some decision without telling Arthur, and this decision had been leaked by his confidants before it was issued.

For example, Mayor Lane's right-hand man, Holt.

This guy has been following Ryan since a long time ago.

That big bald man is a perfect compromiser. It should be said that he is actually more suitable for this city.

Because he will do whatever the company says, and by the way, he can also help beautify the company, fill up its butt, and so on.

Unlike Lucius who thinks about how to rebel every day.

If Lucius hadn't done well recently, people in the company would have taken action against him long ago.

After a while, Arthur looked at the cyber mad woman lying in front of him and shook his head.

Sure enough, this guy escaped from the Cradle of Life Company.

Those fertility modifications are very obvious.

Moreover, the other party was wearing the kind of work clothes that only those who came from the Cradle of Life Company would have.

Just call it work clothes.

In fact, it is a big T-shirt with the Cradle of Life logo on the sleeve that is clean and hygienic.

The actual price is estimated to be only a few yuan.

After all, for those companies, these people are just tools or machines and there is no need to wear such good clothes.

Arthur sent a message to Regina, asking her to come over quickly, and told Regina all the information about this woman and the problem of the cradle of life.

After finishing speaking, Arthur paused for a moment, allowing Regina to curse wildly.

"Zhao, these Sabis from Mader, sooner or later I'm going to put bullets in their buttholes!"

"I'm going to push..."

Then it turned into a telegraph machine, which made Arthur touch his nose in embarrassment.

But from what Arthur heard as a master of swearing, he felt that the other party's aggression needed to be improved!

"Zhuo, Arthur, I will send someone over right away to pick up this poor sister. You wait for me over there!"

Arthur did not leave directly this time but stood there and waited slowly because Regina said she wanted to come over in person.

And Arthur still had something that Regina needed to deal with.

After a while, a car stopped behind Arthur, and Regina jumped out of the car. Ten bodyguards wearing sunglasses lifted the cybernetic spirit and threw it into the back seat.

Regina cursed a few times and asked the other person to be gentler, and finally looked up at Arthur and stretched out her hand.

"Hello, we've always been in contact on the phone and haven't seen you in real life. Do you want to have a cup of coffee?"

After Arthur shook her hand gently, he withdrew his hand, took out a separation chip from his pocket and threw it to Regina.

"This is all the data about the Cradle of Life. I have put all the data in it except for a certain person."

"If you want to enforce justice, then I hope these things can help you!"

Regina looked at the chip and inserted it into her brain-computer interface. She rummaged around and the anger on her face became more and more serious.

Because this information involves almost all the high-ranking officials and dignitaries in Night City.

Except for some specific and important people who cherish their feathers, everyone else is included.

"Why are there so many?"

"Not everyone needs a descendant..."

"You mean..."

"Yes, what some people need is just a pet to let them experience the feeling of being human. After all, such a cold approach may have turned Shan's whole body into rotten iron.

Arthur shrugged. In fact, Arthur had seen this kind of thing before in Night City, but there was still no change after so many years.

Still a dark group.

Sure enough, night represents darkness and this will never change.

Regina took the chip and fell silent, scanning Arthur up and down: "What do you want?"

Arthur shook his head and said: "Actually, I didn't go to that company to enforce justice, but you also know that seeing these bullshit things is a bit exciting.

"I understand. I will take over this matter. It has nothing to do with you Arthur. You are just a thief who went to clear some data."

…‥Please give me flowers…

After thinking for a moment, Regina immediately understood what Arthur meant, then nodded and put the separation chip into her pocket.

Arthur smiled with satisfaction and lit a cigarette for himself. Just as he was about to leave, Arthur turned to look at Regina.

"If you really want some people to suffer retribution, then I suggest you capture the small ones and enlarge them, or release one or two big ones."

"Otherwise, it would be impossible for something like yours to appear on the market, and it wouldn't have any impact on them."

"If everyone is bad, then everyone can live, but if only a few people are bad, then the group of mad dogs without new ones will rush forward and tear the rotten flesh into pieces.

"So when it comes to exposure, sometimes you have to pay attention to the method!"


After thinking for a moment, Regina nodded and said, "Thank you, I know what to do!"

Arthur nodded and turned around to leave without looking back again.

In fact, these high-level figures in Night City have long been ruined. The election in Night City is not so much good as it is actually bad.

In Arthur's opinion, the overall electoral situation in Night City is only slightly better than that in White Elephant Kingdom.

After all, the electoral situation of the White Elephant Kingdom in Arthur's era was a magical one, which even the Night City Patriot in 2077 could not keep up with.

In Night City, if a candidate publicly stated that he had killed someone, he would never become mayor.

But if there is a candidate in the White Elephant Country who publicly states that he has killed someone, then he is likely to be elected.

Yes, it’s so magical!

Some time later, Arthur was sitting in the mayor's office in the Civic Center, and Lucius was correcting official duties.

Arthur, on the other hand, took a sip of a cup of coffee.

Sure enough, these insects are corruption. Arthur doesn't believe that Night City has the budget to buy such expensive coffee.

I don't think Lucius is willing to save most of his life's money to buy such a small jar.

Then this thing can only be selflessly donated to Mayor Lucius by some kind-hearted entrepreneur.

I don’t know if Lucius awarded the other party a good citizen medal.

"There is a cybermaniac who plans to have sex with you. You'd better take your security personnel with you before going out."

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