The members of the Terrorist Mobile Team were suddenly dispatched.

And it's still directed at one's own actions.

At this point Melissa didn't tell herself any information that she shouldn't have.

Melissa is not a very upstanding public servant.

On the contrary, she is a crazy woman. She only joins the violent terrorist mobile team to pass the time and legally release the desire to kill.

Therefore, it is abnormal that the other party did not give him any information.

So it’s back to the same old Night City routine.

"Zhuo, the company plays kidnapping and assassination, the gang plays kidnapping and assassination, now you NCPD are also playing it?"

Officer Han smiled bitterly and shook his head.

He actually didn't want to do that.


"This method is the fastest way to achieve the goal, isn't it? People like you or the existence behind me are usually very rational."

"Even if you use ten armored vehicles, you may not be able to pull back what you have determined." "Zero 40" "So it is normal to use these dirty methods to deal with you. If you are greedy for money, then I think Knight The people in the group should also give you a large bonus."

Arthur took a large amount of the separation chip in his hand, and without even thinking about it, he knew that it must be a video recorded by Melissa.

For example, she is now kidnapped in such and such a place, and then tells Arthur not to worry or something like that.

The main reason why Melissa was chosen instead of other members was because Arthur's other wives were basically in the umbrella factory.

Others couldn't do anything if they wanted to.

Arthur crushed the separation chip into pieces and scattered them into the carriage.

There is no need to deceive this kind of thing, so there is no need to do verification.

"Damn it, sooner or later I will kill all of you scum. I will not support the return of the bald eagle. Let the people over at Chater release you as soon as possible.

"Also, Inspector Melissa is resigning as of this moment!"

Arthur flicked the cigarette butt in his hand out of the window. He himself did not support the return of bald eagles to Night City.

He also wants to take control of this city and become the king of the city!

How could he be allowed to return?

"Huh, yes, thank you so much, Mr. Arthur, it's great that you don't have such dangerous thoughts!"

Arthur rolled his eyes, and the vehicle quickly stopped outside the NCPD headquarters.

Melissa was leaning next to a sword in the stone. Beauty and beautiful cars always complement each other so well.

She did not appear to have been abused in any way, and there were no other signs of injury on her body.

There was an unhappy expression on his face.

Arthur opened the car door and got out of the car, and Melissa couldn't wait to jump directly on Arthur.

"These bastards, they imprisoned me, I originally wanted to tell you!"

Melissa was talking intermittently next to Arthur, and she seemed to feel a little guilty.

Arthur patted the other person's head to see that it was fine, and then turned to look at the Sword in the Stone.

Officer Han came over at this time with a cigarette in his mouth to relieve the pain in his abdomen.

"This is a gift from the Knight Group to you. After all, your Sword in the Stone is not a very legal product.

"It is not in line with your distinguished status, so Chente Group took it upon itself to choose this car for you as a reward!"

Arthur touched the car and said, "It's so generous!"

"Haha, Knight Group will never treat people who follow Knight's will badly!"

Arthur nodded, and finally got on the Sword in the Stone, took Melissa and drove away in the distance, leaving more than 1 kilometer away in an instant.

Arthur rubbed his temples with a headache and then said softly: "Lucy, do it..."

Lucy's voice came from Arthur's ear, and she seemed a little hesitant and confused.

"Are you really going to do it Arthur?"

"At present, it seems that the other party has a lot of power behind it, and if they really take action, it is likely to lead to retaliation.

"This is not a good thing for us. Even if we really want to take action, can we wait a few days so that we can put the relationship aside!"

Arthur shook his head and smiled and said: "It's just an abandoned son. If you start now, you will never find any firewall."

"You can easily burn out the opponent's brain!"

There was silence on Lucy's side, and after a short period of time Lucy hung up the phone.

In the police station where Arthur left before, Officer Han was sitting on the toilet, smoking a cigarette with a cigarette in his hand.

His expression was very indifferent.

But the next moment, a lot of sparks appeared in his brain, and a lot of white smoke came out from the lightning.

Then he lost all his strength and fell to the ground instantly.

No blood came out.

After a short period of time, a masked man with blue eyes came in and put Officer Han's body into a black body bag.

Then he left the police station through the back door carrying the body bag.

It seems that he has verified Arthur's idea.

Meisha next to her asked with some confusion: "How can you be so sure that you just burned out Officer Han's brain?"

"No matter how you say it, the other party can be considered a high-level person, and he also has a pair of white gloves specially used to handle some illegal things."

"This kind of person is not so easy to find!"

Arthur touched his steering wheel in silence. There were so many things that happened today that Arthur felt that his CPU was about to be burned out.

But Melissa's confusion is easy to explain.

"This matter is originally a bad job. In the mercenary world, even a dog would not pay attention to it.

"You stopped me openly in public, just to warn Lucius.

"That is to say, even if I don't take action, Lucius will try his best to tease what's going on behind the scenes of Officer Han."

"So Officer Han is already in a certain death state. Lucius may not kill him, but Knight will definitely kill him.

"So no matter what the opponent chooses, it will be a dead end."

"As for ICE, it was probably Knight's group who opened it."

Melissa next to her nodded and he understood the joints. She couldn't help but look at Arthur and wondered how the other person's brain grew.

Arthur touched his chin and quickly integrated all the information in his mind.

There are actually many things that artificial intelligence cannot do. For example, intelligence integration is difficult for artificial intelligence to do.

Because it is necessary to make conclusions and infer upwards from certain information, this is an illogical process.

So Jarvis can't help Arthur with this kind of thing, Arthur can only do this kind of thing himself. 4.4

"It's still Buttermoss..."

Arthur murmured softly, and he realized that he seemed to have underestimated Mr. Blue Eyes.

And this guy Bartmos may not only be causing trouble in the country of sticks.

It may have already spread its tentacles all over the world.

There is probably someone behind him in every place.

Knight is probably one of them...

This matter is just Arthur's inference, and more detailed investigation is needed later.


When Arthur was thinking about it, the phone call came in and he saw it was from Yorinobu Arasaka.

"Arthur, the production line has been prepared for you. Do you want the factory building or should I ask someone else to send the production line to you directly to Taipingzhou?"

"In addition, I have also prepared a raw material production line for you. This thing is very heavy. I will give you an address later and you can pick it up yourself."

" sister has arrived in Night City. I think we may need to take some time to chat."

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