Cyberpunk: Become David’s Dad At The Beginning!

Chapter 325 The Calculated Adam Hammer!

Takemura was still eating the yakiniku meatballs in his hand, but when he heard the sound of the TV, he immediately looked up at the TV.

Inside, a host sat seriously in his seat, holding a manuscript in his hand and looking at the camera.

Zhucun suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

He felt as if something big was about to happen. He had experienced this premonition on the day Saburo Arasaka was assassinated.

Originally, as a loyal dog, he should strictly carry out the orders given by his master.

But that day he refuted his master Arasaka Saburo.

I hope Saburo can let him scan that room carefully.

But unfortunately, in the end, Saburo Arasaka's majesty defeated his trust in intuition.

"I'm Jillian Jordan and I'm sorry to interrupt the current show.~"

"During the previous neon street roller coaster parade, Miss Huangcheng Hanako was supposed to return to her company after an important speech.

"But he was robbed by a group of gangsters..."

After hearing the news, Takemura raised his eyebrows and didn't pay much attention. After all, Arasaka's security company had already arrived when he left.

Under this situation, no one can harm Miss Huazi.

He just had to retreat into the shadows.

Quietly waiting for Miss Hua Zi to read the contents of the chip, in a few days.

He can return to Arasaka and stand in front of the board of directors table and only control that bastard Yorinobu Arasaka!

Drive the opponent completely into hell!!!

As for the accident?

What accidents can happen if there is a group of security personnel protecting you?

You must know that the big companies in this world represent force in a certain sense.

The larger the company, the stronger the security team it has.

If anything goes wrong, he, Zhu Wu, will eat the garbage burning bird in front of him!

No matter how many times he eats it, Goro Takemura feels that it is not something humans should eat.

Zhucun threw the roasted bird on the plate aside with some disgust and patted his hands.

"Night City's legendary mercenary Adam Hammer stepped up and took over this mission-critical rescue mission..."

Takemura Goro was even more satisfied when he heard this.

What could be wrong with this?

Although Adam Hammer was also a stinky rat in the past, Takemura Goro admitted it based on his experience.

"But just now, Mr. Arasaka Yorinobu made a statement in front of the Arasaka Group. He said that his sister's subcutaneous GPS device had been removed, and now he cannot receive any tracking signals at all.

"There is also reason to suspect that the bastard Adam Hammer colluded with other people in the company to kidnap his sister."

"The Arasaka Group's bounty for Adam's Hammer is now officially announced..."

After Goro Takemura stopped here, he silently picked up the skewered bird, stuffed it into his mouth and took two bites.

He suppressed his nausea and ate the bunch of things.


These four words were almost squeezed out of Goro Takemura's throat, and it was even harder to squeeze out than popping a pimple.

At this moment, Zhucun was like a completely crazy wild dog.

Each piece of information will be analyzed differently in the hands of different people.

In the hands of Takemura, this message obviously has other meanings.

Adam Hammer has been unpopular with other Arasaka clan members since he came to the Arasaka Group.

He basically just followed Arasaka Yoriken.

Now Adam Hammer took the initiative to take over the task of saving Hanako Arasaka, and also lost Hanako Arasaka in the process.

There is no problem here and even the dogs won’t believe it if you tell me... No, there are no dogs in Night City. If you tell me this, even the cockroaches in Night City won’t believe it!

If a cockroach in Night City has the brain capacity to figure out a problem, how could someone else in the village not be able to figure it out?

Isn't it obvious yet?

This is clearly what that bastard Yorinobu Arasaka wants to do to get rid of Hanako Arasaka!

Maybe now Adam Hammer has taken Ms. Hanako Arasaka to hide in a hidden location.

Miss Hanako Arasaka is completely under house arrest!

He is leaving here now, leaving Watson, going to Taipingzhou, and to the Umbrella Company!

Go to Arthur and help him take revenge!

Let Arthur help him get rid of this bastard Arasaka Yoriken!

As long as we can do this, then the next things will not matter, and the things about Arasaka and Arasaka will not matter!

Avengers only have revenge in their eyes!!!

He slapped a few banknotes in his hand viciously on the table, turned around and was about to leave.

Asking for flowers…………

But who knew that the boss next to him came up and said, "Well, this is the roasted bird I learned from Neon Street. This is a rare delicacy, and I paid a hundred euros for it!" "

Zhucun gritted his teeth and finally took out his pistol and shot the boss.

Then, taking advantage of the chaos around him, he quickly led into the crowd and left the scene.

After blanching, this kind of thing is also called roasted bird?!

Do you understand that there must be chicken in the roasted bird?

It’s none of my business if chicken isn’t sold in Night City! If there’s no chicken for sale, just go find chicken somewhere else!!!


On the other side of the sky, Adam Heavy Hammer looked at the screen in front of him with a very gloomy expression.

What he is reading now is the news that Zhucun saw just now.

At this moment, the entire cabin of the floating car was so quiet that it felt scary.

It's so horrible that it's uncomfortable.

The surrounding Arasaka security members were also silent.

They grasped the rifles in their hands tightly, as if they would lose their lives if they let go even slightly.

Adam gritted his teeth. At this moment, he still couldn't understand that this was a game. Then he should have been thrown into the river of Night City to feed the maggots.

Although he is a reckless man, he believes that strength is justice and eradication is truth.

But he is not a stupid person. If he goes back to explain at this moment, he will be a real stupid person!!!

So he immediately turned to look at the security team members next to him. Each of these security team members had forgotten about him and obviously regarded him as their backbone.

"Turn around, go to Santo Domingo, take a detour from Santo Domingo into Taiping Prefecture, let's go to Dog Town!!!"


"Made, if I find out who is plotting against me behind my back, I will definitely twist off your head and stuff it into your anus!"


Adam punched the machine next to him with a heavy hammer, and sparks flew out the next moment.

Fortunately, this machine does not have much effect.

In the past, it was just used to assist them in performing tasks.

It does not affect the flight of the car. .

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