Cyberpunk: Become David’s Dad At The Beginning!

Chapter 335 An Unexpected Visitor!

The next moment, the lark disappeared in front of Arthur in an extremely exaggerated performance.

The corners of Arthur's mouth twitched. His performance was so heavy that he wouldn't even get a statuette in Hollywood!

Arthur just watched the lark in silence and then focused his attention on Miles next to him.

"Let's go, there seems to be something wrong with Lark just now. He said he was caught by Hansen.

"When we are safe, I will send you out first, and then I will go find this kid."

Miles was still looking at the war robot, but he was stunned for a moment after hearing Arthur's words.


It was fine just now, why did it suddenly disappear?

You, a bad guy, don't want to sell me, the president, right?

Miles immediately looked at Arthur up and down with suspicion, and Arthur entered the elevator without caring at all.

Miles thought for a moment and hurriedly followed up and said: "I feel something's not quite right Arthur..."

Arthur rolled his eyes and pressed the button: "What could be wrong? Strangers in Dog Town are easily recognized because they don't smell like dog hair.

"Isn't it normal to be caught?"

"Besides, it doesn't matter what's wrong. I'm only responsible for protecting your safety. I'm not an employee of the Federal Secret Service. There is no need to be responsible for finding companions."

"Of course, if you're willing to pay, that's another matter."

Arthur immediately put Miles out of control.

Are all of these upper-class people?

Can we discuss some metaphysical things?

Is there any friendship, such as love, or is it love?

This is money, money, money, money, you damn well die on top of the pile of money!


“It’s all about the new bald eagle!”

Arthur scratched the back of his head. He felt that there was something wrong with his helmet, whether it was infected with some germs that made the back of his head always itchy.

The main reason is that Arthur feels that he has a brain, so he won't have the feeling of having a brain again.

So Arthur rolled his eyes and said: "Come on Miles, I am a resident of Night City, not a member of New Sun Eagle.

Time passed in the blink of an eye, and the two of them arrived outside the mobile shack on Elizabeth Kress Street without incident.

Miles was holding his flying eagle, waiting aside as if he wanted to discuss with Arthur how to get in.

"I'll count three to two - attack in together..."


"I'm back!!!"

Before Miles had finished speaking, Arthur kicked open the door and strode in.

"What the hell...have you worked at Neon before?"

Miles was almost mad at Arthur, so he patted his chest to suppress the anger.

He really couldn't stand Arthur's feeling of not relying on common sense.

After Arthur scanned the environment, he came to the table and casually opened the head of a drone and pulled out its battery.

After arriving at the nearby house, he directly turned on the generator modified from a car engine.

The room suddenly became brighter.

When Arthur came out, he found that Miles had changed his clothes and was holding a dozen beers on the table.

Arthur picked up a beer, opened it, took a sip, and heard intermittent sounds from the radio.

"Isn't it clear that I have been framed? The new bald eagle has long wanted to peel off my skin and eat my flesh."

"Although I have many faults, I am not stupid enough to commit suicide and attempt to assassinate the new Bald Eagle head of state?"

"This is not how you seek death!"

...I urge you to consider the real motive behind this farce. If given the opportunity, the new Bald Eagle will stick his dirty hands into Dog Town..."

Miles next to him couldn't listen anymore and turned off the radio directly.

He angrily drank the can of beer in his hand and threw it to the ground.

Arthur glanced at the other party and said: "Is this the only way the new Bald Eagle President can manage his emotions?"

"Who do you think caused this!"

Miles glanced at Arthur angrily and then said: "This orangutan is quite smart, but I'm afraid that he will be mistaken for his cleverness!"

"It's none of my business. I won't get involved in your dirty fights anyway."

After Arthur finished speaking, his ears twitched, and then he immediately took out his pistol and pointed it at the door not far away.

Then there was a bang, the door was kicked open, and two people strode in. However, when they saw the dark gun in Arthur's hand, they immediately raised their hands.

…Please give me flowers…

"Don't be nervous, friend, we just want to find a place to sleep for one night?"

Arthur took a sip of beer and said, "Friends? I don't have friends who would break into other people's homes late at night."

"We are just...waiting for that person to wear..."

"If I were you I wouldn't say certain things to avoid pushing the situation in an irreversible direction.

Arthur stood up slowly with his pistol, and then waved the gun to signal them to throw the weapons to the ground.

But in a ghost place like Dog Town, I would rather leave my big steel cannon somewhere else than throw my gun on the ground.

This is a matter of principle.

Giving your life to someone else is a very, very, very stupid thing to do in Dogtown.

Because the people in Dog Town are perverts and have no mercy.

"Hey, don't get excited. How about we leave now and pretend nothing happened?"

Although the two men did not drop their weapons, they still stretched out their hands in an attempt to comfort the excited Arthur.

But Arthur's performance is relatively stable.

He drank the beer in his hand and put it back on the table.

Miles stood up at this time: "Wait, Arthur!"

Arthur glanced at Miles and knew what she wanted to do.

It's just that I can't believe that I am planning to recruit two thugs, but this kind of thing is not important.

Arthur slowly drew back his pistol.

"It's up to you. You two are just lucky. Now you have the opportunity to contribute to the new Bald Eagle. As for the conditions, you can discuss them with the President."

There was a trace of ridicule in Arthur's tone and he sat back on the chair, put his feet on the countertop, picked up a bottle of beer and drank again.

I have to say that today is really exciting.

Mainly the new bald eagle president actually dropped in Night City.

This kind of plot is enough to make another Hollywood blockbuster.

It's a pity that there is no Hollywood in this world, because Mewtwo is obviously better than the movies.

This actually made Arthur feel a pity, otherwise he felt that he could have received a statuette. .

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