Cyberpunk: Become David’s Dad At The Beginning!

Chapter 344 Who Would Install The Prototype Body On Themselves?

Arthur was about to go upstairs to find the Zeta Technology prototype.

But I found a sneaky person running quietly out of the skyscraper, like a thief. He was obviously quite strong, but also had a sinister face.

Arthur quietly came up behind him and patted his shoulder gently.

"Don't move. What if a scavenger is attracted to you?"

"I don't know what happened to these cockroaches in Night City. They all ran out suddenly. By the way, did you smell the smell of blood?"

"Blank it, it's too strong, I feel like vomiting!"


The man was still nagging, but suddenly he remembered that he was still in the scavenger's lair.

He just slipped out alone, how could there be someone behind him?

He was so frightened that he sat down on the ground and immediately pointed a pistol at Arthur.

The golden fist blade in Arthur's hand flashed, and the next moment he cut the uniform in the opponent's hand into cold salad.

Because the heat of the laser knife was too high, there were still traces of melting on the gun that was cut in half.

"Let me see, Hassan Mir, engineer from Zeta Technology, I scanned a prosthetic eye on you that has no information.

"You are a real tiger. The guy who installed the prototype technology on himself last time is still in my umbrella company. 407 Arthur glanced at the Hassan in front of him, and quickly gave it to him in Jarvis The other party's identity was found in the prepared database.

In fact, most company employees will have their own files and store them in the company.

The security level of the company's servers is actually very high. At least ordinary hackers can't get anything out of it.

But there are always exceptions to everything.

Since you can't hack the company's server, you can hack the NCPD's server. Anyway, as long as you live in Night City, your information will be recorded in the NCPD service.


People under the NCPD have trouble eating, let alone their outdated system.

All it takes is a hacker to connect.

Even if you don't want to take this route, you can go directly to the NCPD officers patrolling outside.

For hundreds or thousands of dollars, you can buy a reasonable and legal ncpd obsolete device.

Arthur couldn't help scratching his head as he looked at the eyes in the other person's eyes.

He originally wanted to put this thing on himself.

But I didn't expect that there were people like me in the world. (bbdi) It seems that this time the idea failed.

But Arthur must get the design drawings. "He also wants to see what the design is like that can overwhelm the established leading eye prosthetic companies."

Just make a backup copy, and throw the original file directly to Hanz and let him take it back for submission.

Arthur has always felt that the original owner was quite lucky ever since he traveled through time. Look at Jack who only put the biochip in his head for a short period of time and couldn't control his shame every day.

I am still doing restorative training to this day.

Now employees within Umbrella Company are calling Jack the Funny Boy.

Because Jack makes faces every day to make them laugh.

In response, Jack shouted several times that he wanted to kill these workers, but unfortunately his mother stopped him every time.

"Let me guess, Zeta Technology sent you here, right?"

"You're still telling me, don't you also have a bunch of experimental prototype prosthetics with no discernible model?"

Hassan stood up from the ground. Looking at Arthur's completely different dress from ordinary Qingdao, he knew that the other party must be a mercenary sent by the middleman.

Not the scavenger bunch.

Anyone with a little bit of skill would not be a scavenger.

Because the social status is so low, even being a homeless person in Night City has a higher social status than a scavenger.

"Let me see, this exoskeleton armor you have on the outside is pretty good. Zhuo, what's the power behind this thing? It's so cool!"

As a standard science and engineering man, Hazen began to look up and down at the exoskeleton armor on Arthur's body.

"Can you compare with me? I almost became a cybernetic psychosis and went crazy, but I cured myself later. 11

Arthur rolled his eyes.

The prototype has many problems. The thing itself is not designed to be installed in the body.

It is used for debugging.

For example, if a company invented a prosthetic hand, the first thing after it was invented was definitely not to install it on a human body.

Instead, an extension cord is attached to the human body and the hand prosthesis is controlled through the extension cord.

How much force should be used, and should the nerves be made more sensitive?

Should the feedback be made weaker and the stimulation current should be made smaller?

These things all need to be debugged, and the same goes for eye prostheses. Usually, a connecting cable is used to connect to the eye through a personal connection.

Carry out a series of debugging, and after obtaining the parameters, produce an experimental first version of the mass production model.

Then put it on people.

Give it a try and see if it works. If there is no problem, start mass production according to this version.

In fact, this process sounds simple but is very tortuous.

There may be dozens of generations between prototype and mass production.

So people who put prototypes in their heads usually have some problems with their brains.

"Where are the blueprints?"

Arthur didn't want to know if there was something wrong with this man's mind.

He just wanted to complete the task quickly and make a copy of the design drawing.

This thing is the company's treasure, and unless there is an accident, it usually won't be left outside.

Now that you have the opportunity, you must not let it go.

Hassan touched his nose kindly and took out a tablet from his waist.

After a few swipes, he handed it to Arthur.

"This is the design of the eye prosthesis... So what, can we discuss something?"

After Arthur looked at the tablet, he connected his personal connection to the computer and quickly cracked Zeta Technology's security system.

And asked Jarvis to make a copy of all the design data and experimental data on the tablet.

Then the security system of Zeta Technology was restored.

This kind of operation is just like secretly wearing underwear that no one else has worn, and it has a strange ntr feeling.

"What's up?"

Arthur was looking through the information as he spoke. As a machinist, he could still understand these things. He would first get a little familiar with it and then ask Thomas to see if he could improve it and make a new version and register a patent first. What.

It would be nice to let Zeta's technological incompetence rage for a while when the time comes.

Zeta Technologies is a terrible company.

It’s also good to feed each other some Ollie.

"What about that? In fact, my biological father doesn't know. I did it secretly behind the company's back. Can you let me go?"

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