On the other side, Arthur came to the Hawk Moth Bar.

"Alex, I think you need to read more. For example, did you originally want to marry the Swan Bar?"

"No, I wanted to marry Hawkmoth Bar from the beginning! Do you understand that moths fly into flames?"

Alex's face turned red and then he spoke hard, and as he spoke, he led towards the basement.

"Who would have thought that there was a secret base built in the basement?"

Arthur complained as he sat in the elevator.

He feels that there is something wrong with the people in this world.

How can you build a secret base like this?

There are so many people in this place, so you might be exposed.

But it's normal in Dog Town, mainly because we don't have that condition.

Soon I took the elevator to the first floor. Yes, the secret base was not on the first floor but on the first floor.

"This used to be our stronghold. After the "630" evacuated seven years ago, they left me here alone. In order to hide it, I built a bar on the second floor of this building."

"The first floor was sealed up and has been kept until now. Who knows that it will be useful one day.

Alex smiled wryly as he spoke.

Obviously, if someone chooses her, she will not choose to enter the industry again.

Whether it is the new bald eagle or military technology, they are not good products. The fate of the intelligence officers was actually doomed from the beginning.

If Alex dares to refuse this mission, then the next assassination is likely to be waiting for him.

Because the Joint Service Agency will not let go of those who betray.

Although Alex just wants to retire and no longer wants to participate in all the troubles, this kind of thing is seen as a kind of betrayal by others.

But it is a pity that even the person who assassinated Alex may face the same choice as Alex in the future.

This is an extremely disgusting and extremely dark cycle that will most likely never be broken.

Arthur came to the basement and looked around, then sat down on the sofa next to him.

His feet were placed directly on the tea table in front of him.

Alex came over with two cups of coffee, placing one in front of Arthur and one in front of Li De.

She herself was holding his Majesty the Queen and sitting on the other side. It was obvious that she was only assisting in this mission.

Doing some logistics and stuff like that.

In a professional organization like the Secret Service, everyone has something that everyone is good at.

Unlike the lone wolves outside, for example, Morgan Blackhand is basically a decathlete.

He can accomplish almost any task on his own.

But the Secret Service doesn't need such people, what they need is one gear after another.

As long as they are embedded in the machine of the Secret Service and continue to operate, they will be responsible for what they are supposed to do.

When these gears break, new gears can be easily replaced.

"The slider guy is right. I have dug through everything related to Xiao Song. It is hidden very deep. Even if I have permission to access it, it is not that easy.

Li De sat on the sofa and took a sip of coffee, then opened the box next to him and took out a drawing and spread it on the table.

This is a printed version of the intelligence provided by Hands.

Although the world has long been able to see everything through separate chips, occasionally people prefer to use paper items.

This is an old tradition.

Only old-school intelligence officers like Li De like to do this.

"It's really hard for you. It's much harder to find a printer in Night City than an injection molding machine."

Arthur stretched out his hand and touched the paper in front of him, and couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth sharply.

It’s so easy to print a plastic copy in Night City.

Night City is full of plastic, plastic is everywhere, I wish everyone was made of plastic.

As for paper?

Sorry, Night City doesn't like native items very much.

For example, people in Night City dislike pineapples, and even after a congressman came to power ten years ago, he even proposed a new law.

That means eating pineapple pizza is illegal in Night City!!!

And he will be wanted!

"There are machines left here from our previous missions, so it's not particularly difficult."

"Back to the topic, it turns out that Xiao Song's information is all related to the Black Wall, and all authorized tasks were personally signed by one person, Rosalind Miles!"

Next to her, Alex crossed her legs. She knew that this matter would definitely turn out like this!

In fact, more than 30% of the tasks performed by the Secret Service are related to the scandals of those Zichongzi.

Alex was already used to it.

"If I were Miles, I wouldn't want this to be exposed!"

Li De nodded and then said: "New Bald Eagle is a small country, and the woman who rules it is ambitious... but sometimes this ambition can overwhelm reason."

Arthur touched his chin and heard something.

"So what you're saying is that the bobcat plans to take the whole world into his hands?"

There are many ways

The political system of every country is actually dedicated to twisting all people into a rope and turning hundreds of millions, one billion, or more than one billion human beings into a huge giant.

So ruling the world is not much different from subduing one person.

You can threaten to use force. To put it simply, it means hitting the other party until they are afraid.

Like a world war?

But Miles obviously took another path, since the way to rule the world is no different from the way to subdue a person.

So if the use of force is not advisable, of course the method of fear can also be used.

For example, if you don't listen to me, I will die with you.

And the lark is the source of that fear.

Because according to Li De, Lark seems to have the means to open a hole in the black wall.

Of course, it is impossible to directly destroy the black wall.

No human being can do it.

Because the computing power does not allow the AI ​​of Blackwall to be too big.

But even opening a hole would be extremely dangerous to humans all over the world.

Because as long as you open an opening, the beasts in the wilderness will swarm you like flies smelling Ollie.

By then, the number of casualties at 1.0 may reach an unimaginable level.

"Yes, but we'll talk about this later. Alex, how are you preparing?"

Li De nodded and did not go into too much depth on this topic. There was a leader who had lost his mind and his subordinates were not concerned about the face.

So he simply ignored the topic.

Alex nodded and then said: "It's okay. Arthur, do you like to wear nice clothes?"

"Me? Just so so. If you can get me clothes made of pure cotton, then I'd really like to thank you!"

Arthur immediately became energetic after hearing what the other party said.

The clothes in this Night City are all made of technical fabrics.

Nothing about it is natural.

If he didn't have cotton seeds in his hands now, he would have asked the old black men in his plantation to grow cotton, so that they could experience what it means to be affirmed by their ancestors. .

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