Cyberpunk: Become David’s Dad At The Beginning!

Chapter 384 The Lark Will Definitely Go Back!

"no problem!"

Hansen can't wait to leave now.

If you stay any longer, something might happen.

"Do you have anything else to do Arthur? I'm very busy right now. I may need to go out and spend some time with those clients. You know these people can do Tai Chi very often.

Arthur scratched his head and took out the chips he had just won at the gambling table from his pocket.


"Can you help me get rid of all the money I won at the gambling table?"

Hansen's heart was in his throat when he heard Arthur's request, and his heart was beating hard.

But when he heard that Arthur just wanted to exchange the chips, he was relieved and took the chips without hesitation.

After all, guests must pay cash when they come to play in his casino.

When guests come to your place to play, you don't pay any money.

Who will play with you in the future?

What's more, this thing is a kind of entertainment in itself, which is equivalent to spending money to buy favors.

So this casino doesn't make much money at all or even loses money.

So Hansen had already made a mental budget.

"Mr. Arthur is very lucky. Let me see how much you earned... 100...millions, tens of millions!"

Hansen immediately looked up at Arthur.

Although his business is huge, it is actually hard-earned money.

The vast majority of the money is going to the aircraft transport personnel.

After all, people have to pay a high price to break through the border of military technology and fly to Night City.

But if the smuggled items are too expensive or even more expensive than officially imported items, then no one will buy them.

Therefore, regardless of how big Hansen's business is, his earnings are really pitiful.

Although tens of millions is not a particularly large amount, how long has this guy Arthur been sitting at the gambling table?

"If you have this ability, why don't you go to Las Vegas to play in a casino?"

"You're saving a damn human being!"

After finishing speaking, Hansen felt that his tone was a bit harsh.

Where is this troublemaker standing in front of me?

This is obviously the God of Wealth!

If this man takes me to the Las Vegas casino for a few rounds, wouldn't he be able to retire directly?

"Ahem, Mr. Arthur, if you want to bet next time, you can take me with you. I'm living a miserable life!"

(bbej) As he said that, Hansen transferred a sum of money to Arthur's account, and transferred the entire amount without even deducting the handling fee.

Although Arthur has no interest in this money at all, after all, the money his factory can make in a day when it is operating at full capacity is an astronomical figure.

But what is yours is yours.

After the matter was dealt with, Arthur stood up, shook his head a little and said, "Then that's it for today."

"Be careful not to talk nonsense about what happened today. Although the senior people are basically aware of it, if too many people know about it and react strongly, Ah Piao, who is hiding in the dark, will start to take action."

"No one knows how things will turn out by then, so Xiaoxin is always not wrong.

After Arthur finished his instructions, he left the banquet and took the elevator to the side to the first floor.

The surrounding defense personnel looked surprised when they saw Arthur.

But he still bowed respectfully.

Obviously Hansen had already said hello in advance.

Arthur had just arrived on the first floor when he saw Li De, who was being guarded by others with his hands behind his back.

To be honest, it's quite dark at this moment.

If it weren't for the splendid decoration on this floor, the lights around it wouldn't be stingy at all.

Maybe Arthur really couldn't see this big black coal.

"Come down?"

Li De's tone was very calm, but Arthur could hear that there was still a trace of nervousness in his tone.

After all, this is the territory of the Netherworld Dog. The Secret Service and the Netherworld Dog are not very good at dealing with it.

Once discovered, he could be killed at any time and at any time.

Although he is not afraid of death, why would he die if he could live?

It's very miserable after death.

The prosthetic body was stripped away, and everything that could be used was pulled off.

All that's left is a piece of rotten meat.

It was thrown directly into a smelly ditch and slowly rotted, attracting rats and cockroaches to eat.

Eventually it becomes a skeleton...

Oh no, agents like Li De are equipped with reinforced skeletons, so Li De won't even have a skeleton left.

"Well, we negotiated a deal with Hansen."

Arthur nodded without explaining too much to Li De.

The identity of the other party is not worthy of explanation.

So just be perfunctory.

A Nether Dog officer next to him bowed to Arthur and said: "Mr. Arthur, I'm glad you can come to Sapphire Blue, but next time you can come in directly from the main entrance. Your status will make you welcome wherever you go." of."

Arthur nodded and took the lead walking outside without saying anything else.

Li De followed Arthur silently, and soon the two of them left Sapphire Green and came to the open space aside.

"You're hiding something from me!"

Li De leaned against the wall and stared at Arthur.

If Arthur was also kicked out, Li De might even force himself to believe or temporarily cooperate.

But now the situation is clearly different.

Arthur definitely reached some kind of cooperation with Hansen in the short period of time just now, and it was not just a business between umbrellas.

This will most likely include the Secret Service as well as larks and even new bald eagles.

This is something Li De cannot accept.

It doesn't matter if you are sold by others once. If you are sold by others twice, you will be a huge fool!

Li De will never be sold for a second time!

Of course, this is speaking in a general direction. If speaking in a small direction, it means that he still wants to retire with peace of mind.

Now is an opportunity to switch from field service to civilian work.

As long as this mission can be successfully completed.

He will be able to return to the Secret Service and work as a civilian until he is old.

So whether it was for selfish reasons or public reasons, he, Jide, would never allow Arthur to cause trouble.

"Come on, aren't you also hiding something from me?"

Arthur took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket without caring, took out one and lit it for himself.

I don't like this at all.

Not to mention the current Arthur, even if it were placed on Arthur's predecessor, the other party would never care.

Because this kind of scene of interrogating prisoners has been commonplace before the whole body became famous.

Entering the bureau is simply more diligent than returning home.

"I don't care what you are thinking, but lark involves national security, and under no circumstances should you step on the bottom line and dance."

"You are a good person and I don't want you to go down the wrong path."

Li De was silent for a long time and finally spoke to admonish.

Arthur showed a smile and said: "Well, yes, you will definitely take the lark back, whether alive or dead...",

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