Although David likes to watch Dark Mewtwo and likes to watch bloody and exciting things for excitement.

But if that kind of thing really happened in front of your eyes, the feeling would be completely different.

Because of something like Mewtwo, no matter how immersed you are in it, you will clearly realize that it is not reality.

This is Mewtwo's protective mechanism.

But if it happened in reality, this protection mechanism would not exist.

"You're only at this level, but you can't do it? Those black Mewtwos of yours are really in vain. If you are too weak, you won't be able to survive in this world. Follow me!"

Arthur didn't wait for David's intention and strode straight into the hospital.

It must be said that a man who can become a legend in Night City within a year has strong adaptability.

Although Arthur didn't offer much comfort, David stood up on his own, wiped the corner of his mouth with his right hand holding the pistol, and barely kept up with Arthur's pace.

Arthur dialed the number of his old friend while walking.

Although he has not returned to Night City for a long time, he still has some resources in his hands, which he used to be in Night City.

Although cyberpunks are awesome today and may die in a smelly ditch tomorrow, there are some people who value their lives very much and hide themselves very well.

These people have very clear goals and are able to restrain their actions.

So the probability of these people surviving is very high.

Arthur happened to have worked with a hacker who had such a personality.

It's not that Arthur doesn't want to contact the other party in advance, it's mainly because the original owner is very confused due to cyberpsychosis, and the memories he gives are intermittent, and the mess is so messy that it makes people's heads explode.

Arthur would only rummage through the trash heap when necessary, otherwise he really couldn't stand it.

Of course, even if Arthur doesn't read it himself, he will be able to recall something immediately when he occasionally sees some familiar faces.

"Hi, T-Bug!"

"Arthur? I thought you had gone crazy and died outside, but I didn't expect you to come back to this muddy pond again."

"Please, the only one who can kill me is myself. I have something to ask you. Please help me check that there is a person named Gloria in the Night City Psychiatric Rehabilitation Center who admitted a car accident patient this afternoon."

"I understand, it's good to be angry for beauty, right?"

"Please, I have told you not to read so many literary books, otherwise your speech will become literate."

"You owe me a favor. The specific information has been sent to your terminal. Pay attention to check it. Literature is the human soul. If you don't read something, sooner or later you will become a cyberpsychopath like you."

"The speed is quite fast, but I don't know how accurate it is. I can barely be considered a rookie. Okay, that's it for today. Let's work together next time when we have time."

Arthur looked at the information displayed on his terminal, touched his chin and sneered, "It's really bloody."

Arthur adjusted his direction and walked towards a certain direction deep in the hospital. No one who came to block or passed in front of him and wanted to escape would be able to leave the hospital alive.

The road ahead was filled with corpses without heads, and red and white were mixed on the ground, coating the entire road evenly.

David, on the other hand, was muttering something in his mouth, going crazy, holding the gun in his hand and shooting wildly in all directions. He seemed to be over-stimulated.

Although he didn't hit anyone, the important thing was the sense of participation.

Arthur even dodged David's bullets several times.

In the end, Arthur couldn't bear it anymore and gave David a big mouth. He was trying to kill his biological father!

"Can you wake up? You're so crazy, just like a cyberpsycho!"

Arthur complained angrily, and shot another gun-wielding doctor in the head.

David, on the other hand, twitched the corner of his mouth slightly and complained: "Who is the one who looks like a cyber psychopath?"

Arthur glanced at him and didn't answer, but continued walking in a certain direction in the basement.

There are not many doctors in this hospital. Because it is evening, everyone needs to rest.

Although Arthur made a lot of noise here, it was nothing to the Night City at night.

It is too common for hundreds of people to die every day in Night City.

Gunshots are everywhere every day, which is a unique and beautiful scenery in Night City.

Because it is so frequent that NCPD has no time to pay attention to these small things.

After all, they are peace officers, or simply bodyguards, who are only responsible for protecting their employers.

What's more, the Night City Psychiatric Rehabilitation Center, who doesn't know where that place is? Even if something goes wrong, Ncpd will just come and wash the floor.

After all, the profession of scavenger is at the lowest level in the entire Night City.

Even the homeless people on the street don't like these scavengers, let alone the NCPD who prides themselves on having a sense of justice.

Arthur soon arrived at the basement door.

"Standing here, but no one seems to be coming. I'll go in for a while."

"I want to go in too, I want to save my mother!"

"Some scenes in it are not suitable for children. Watching it too much will have some impact on your mind."

Arthur complained angrily that the scavenger's operating room was not a good place. The excitement inside was 100 times, no, 1,000 times more exciting than what happened just now.

Because on the battlefield or in a firefight between the two sides, at most the bullets would only penetrate the body, and then the person would lie down on the ground, leaving some blood at most.

But the scavenger's operating room is a real slaughterhouse.

After rejecting David's proposal, Arthur strode into the basement and closed the door, not paying attention to the displeasure on David's face.

The scene in the basement was as hell-like as Arthur expected, with blood, body parts, metal saws, and scalpels everywhere.

Many people were even hung in the air, with blood slowly falling from their bodies and falling to the ground. Wails and cries could be heard in the air.

Not to mention a teenager like David, he still couldn't bear this scene even if it were a different NCPD police officer.

This is why Arthur didn't let David in.

Although they are children under the cyberpunk world view, children are children, and if they are not suitable for contact, they are not suitable for contact.

This is why scavengers are the ones at the bottom of the contempt chain in the entire Night City. Anyone who sees them will feel disgusted.

Because scavengers are not hunting enemies at all, they are hunting a more fundamental category, that is, people.

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