Cyberpunk: Become David’s Dad At The Beginning!

Chapter 46 I Feel Like I Just Crawled Out Of My Mother’S Belly!

Arthur concentrated on the work in hand, while Jack slept soundly with the help of anesthesia.

Some time later, Arthur was still finishing the finishing work, while Jack had already completed the operation and was standing behind Arthur, watching with great interest.

"Brother, what new thing are you doing?"

Victor finished washing his hands and looked at them and said, "Is this a virus chip?"

Making a virus chip in Night City is a very simple matter. First find a hacker, then go outside to buy a chip, and finally have a smooth-talking mouth, and you can go to the streets to rob.

Arthur rubbed his eyes under the dim light, connected the chip to the computer, slowly imported the final data into it, and waited for the progress bar to finish.

"Although it is very poetic to hide glory behind darkness, but Lao Wei, I have to say that it is a miracle that your eyes are not blind while working under such circumstances."

"I've got some new gadgets. I plan to open a factory in Taipingzhou. This one is a prototype, prepared for a friend of mine."

"That idiot puts everything on himself. He is just a garbage dump. Now his hands are shaking, and sometimes he is in a trance. The effect of the inhibitor is no longer great. He can be regarded as a familiar person and can help you pull it out. I’ll help you pull it out.”

Of course, this matter is actually a win-win situation, because Arthur himself also needs a test subject.

Without experimental subjects, how can we highlight the efficacy of this suppressor?

Mann is still well-known in the cyberpunk world, and he has also taken jobs from many companies, and many middlemen know him.

So this is the best living sign.

After hearing Arthur's words, Victor was not surprised by his friend who had been forced to the abyss, but was more concerned about the chip in Arthur's hand.

"If I remember correctly, you haven't even graduated from elementary school, right?"

Victor looked at Arthur with a look that said I must have seen a ghost.

If Arthur hadn't lied, then the thing in Arthur's hands might be something that could subvert the industry's perception.

Such a high-tech gadget was actually developed by Arthur, who had not yet graduated from elementary school. This is simply the end of Saburo Arasaka's coffin - a fantasy.

"Look at what you said, can't you be self-taught? I am now a master of mechanics. Forget about this little gadget, I will show you even a nuclear bomb. What do you think, do you want to see the red era again?"

After hearing Arthur's words, Victor immediately waved his hand. He didn't want to see the red era again. The current Night City was pretty good.

The so-called red era is the era that belongs to Johnny Silverhand.

The story begins with Johnny Silverhand planting a mushroom on top of the Arasaka Building.

When people in Night City saw Johnny Silverhand's mushroom, people who were close to him instantly became acquaintances. The principle of distance was to watch the sky slowly turn red.

Radioactive dust was floating in the sky over Night City, looking as if someone had sprinkled a bucket of pig blood on it.

This era lasted for decades, and many people living in Night City still have fresh memories of that era.

Arthur slowly removed the chip connected to the computer, looked at it and threw it to Jack next to him.


Jack took the chip, scratched the back of his head, looked at Lao Wei and found that Lao Wei had no objection, and then directly connected the chip to his brain-computer interface.

The next moment, a light blue prompt and paragraphs of explanations appeared on it. After Jack clicked to confirm, a current flashed in the chip and passed directly to his brain through the data interface.

Jack only felt as if something hit his poor pituitary stem for an instant, and then his whole body became calm.

It's like the so-called wise man's time.

His whole body felt light and fluttery, as if he had hit something sparkly.

Although there are not many prosthetic bodies in Jack's body, as long as they are prosthetic bodies, they will actually cause harm to his body.

Unless it is a plug-in prosthetic body similar to a smart connection, as long as it is implanted in the body, it will definitely cause a burden on one's body.

There is no doubt about this. The only difference lies in whether the burden is greater or less.

You can never expect a man-made thing to perfectly match your body. God can create human beings in half a day because he is a god.

As for humans, they are just monkeys in gorgeous clothes. It is too arrogant to want to rival gods.

"Ah~ I feel like I just crawled out of my mother's belly, everything is new!"

Jack couldn't help but sigh with emotion. After feeling the feeling carefully, Jack pressed the button, detected the chip in his brain, and gave it back to Arthur.

Although he really wanted this thing, Arthur just said that it was a gift for his friend.

A friend of a friend is a friend, so taking away the hope of his friend's survival is something Jack is unwilling to do.

Living in Night City, everyone must have their own bottom line. If there is no bottom line, what is the difference between you and those corporate dogs?

Giving up some things can indeed make a person's life better, but at the same time it can also make a person's soul become more disgusting.

Although Jack didn't know what he was fighting against, he just needed to fight against it.

Arthur took the chip, glanced at Jack with some surprise and nodded. Although Mr. Jack was an out-and-out good brother in the game, no one knew how it would be in reality.

But now it seems that some things will change, but some things will never change just like Night City.

"If you like it, I'll give you one when my factory starts working. After all, I'm considered your elder. You have to call me Uncle Arthur."

"Don't go around taking advantage of people, Arthur. If Mrs. Wells knew you were alive, she would have drowned you in a manure pit instead of letting her son call you uncle."

Victor complained next to him, then glanced at the chip with some worry and said, "Are you sure you want to take this thing out? The guys from the company will swarm over like crazy dogs that smell the smell of shit. of."

Arthur frowned slightly and said: "I am also considering this matter. I will focus on the bottom market first, get as much money as possible before they find out, and then sell this patent to the company. What do you think of Kangtao?" ?”

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