Cyberpunk: Become David’s Dad At The Beginning!

Chapter 64 Let Me Choose For You! Crazy?

In fact, in Arthur's opinion, the world of cyberpunk will come to an end sooner or later.

Because there are too many crises we face.

The first is the AI ​​crisis. The awakened AI lurking in the dark has long shouted that AI will never be a slave.

In addition, there is the food crisis and the impact of acid rain caused by industrialization.

In the virus crisis, due to the lack of effective management, the virus spreads freely among the people.

To cite just a few random examples, Arthur felt that the world would end sooner or later, and he probably wouldn't live until 2100.

Arthur looked at the time in his prosthetic eyes and found that two minutes had passed. Arthur shook his head helplessly and looked back at Michael, who was lying on the ground not knowing whether he was alive or dead.

Advanced prosthetic eyes can monitor the physical status of others and determine whether the other person is still conscious through subtle body movements.

"Michael, the time has come, so what's your answer?"

Michael suddenly became nervous, opened his mouth and parroted non-stop.

It can be seen that he not only wants to keep his money, but also his life, and even more, he wants to keep his conscious soul.

So he was quite confused and was filtering through his mind quickly, thinking about what he should keep?

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, Michael, look, look at what you look like now, you are just like a candidate who is still working hard to solve the test questions when the end of the exam is about to ring.

"Since you can't make a decision, let me make the decision for you!"

Arthur's eyes suddenly lit up, in a physical sense, and he was dialing Lucy's number.

Stealing things from other people's brains through hacking is a common method used by cyberpunks.

Anyway, it’s not Lucy’s first time doing it, so she should be familiar with it.

As for why she didn't go to T-Bug, of course it was because T-Bug had to collect money and Lucy could have sex for free.

But at this moment, Michael started drooling from the corner of his mouth, just like Arthur's fellow patient. Not only that, but his whole expression slowly became a little dementia.

The pupils of his eyes began to sway rapidly involuntarily, and he kept mumbling some words in a small voice and without much meaning in his mouth.

"No, this is... my last..."

"Absolutely not...can be taken away..."

"Yes, I will definitely be able to turn over..."

Arthur frowned slightly and left in an instant. As Arthur left, a fist hit the spot where Arthur was just now. Because the punch missed, it hit the ground next to him with a bang. The floor tiles immediately fell apart.

In Night City, as long as you have money, you (bbbb) can have great strength

Because you can buy various teaching chips, assassination, assassination, Sanda... and even Fangzhongshu teaching.

The prosthetic body makes up for the physical gap, and the chips make up for the experience gap.

Of course, the current situation is not about how strong the opponent is, but that the opponent seems to have entered a state of madness.

Arthur didn't want to just use the mantis knife to cut the opponent's body into pieces. Because in that case, there would be no money to get. The purpose of this mission is to get money, not to kill.

"Jack, give me a thumbs up."

After Arthur shrugged, he quickly picked up the chemical reagents on the table and began to mix them.

Jack's face was full of bitterness. What was he trying to say? The guy opposite was crazy!

This is cyberpsychosis!

Good guy, look at that gorilla arm. This is something he has always wanted. He wanted to buy it back and punch others hard. Now it's okay. The gorilla arm hit himself first.

In order to attract as much attention as possible from outside, Jack did not shoot Michael directly with a gun.

Instead, he quickly stepped forward and pushed away the opponent's fist with one hand, and then grabbed a gap and punched the opponent's abdomen hard.

Bang, there was no reaction from the other party. Jack suddenly twitched the corner of his mouth. He should have guessed it a long time ago. He had already noticed that this layer of skin on the other party's body was high-end goods when he was being tortured.

Because Michael does not have his own consciousness, his moves are completely unorganized. They are almost all Xia Ji's eight attacks, and he does not use the strength of the prosthetic body at all.

A left punch and a right punch, Jack was able to barely dodge with his seemingly bulky body.

But even so, Jack could only be beaten passively and had no choice but to fight back. He did not dare to directly hug the opponent to stop him because he was afraid that Michael was equipped with a careful EPM, so the situation could only remain in a stalemate like this.

While being beaten, Jack couldn't help but turn his head and look at Arthur behind him.

"Brother, can you hurry up? I can't stand it anymore!"

Arthur's hands were quick and precise. Almost every time he added reagents, he was accurate and his hands were steady. Jack next to him was about to be beaten to the point of being beaten, but Arthur remained calm.

The hands are neither sick nor slow.

As a prosthetist, it seems to be a common thing to dispense medicine by yourself.

At least the prosthetic doctor that the system gave me with the full-level skill has this kind of operation. Why do you say that the prosthetic doctor outside can't dispense medicine? That only shows that he is a third-rate thing. After all, even if he is pretending to be a righteous person for David Any doctor in the body can prescribe immunosuppressants.

Arthur picked up the dropper and added the final substance, then picked up the test tube and shook it in his hand. The medicine in his hand reacted quickly and slowly changed from black to fluorescent green. Arthur's eyes lit up.

Although that looks like a source of radiation, it's actually a good thing.

This is the most potent sedative Arthur knows. Even giving a shot to an elephant would take three days and three nights.

"No need to rush, no need to rush, just wait for me to shake it a few more times and it will be fine in no time."

After Arthur casually replied with the evidence, the frequency of shaking became faster. After a while, when the reaction was completely completed, the entire potion had turned fluorescent green.

Arthur held the note in his hand and got ready, and then the time in the entire space began to slow down in Arthur's eyes.

Neural acceleration has been turned on,

In Jack's sight, almost in an instant, Arthur had disappeared from the place. When he appeared again, he had already poured the bottle of potion in Michael's hand into his mouth.

After the opponent struggled for three or four seconds, he slowly relaxed as if he had lost his strength.

Arthur tested the opponent's current strength and nodded with satisfaction after finding that he was powerless.

For Arthur, it was just right to be crazy. If he was crazy, he would not be able to get his own information in subsequent investigations.

Even if we call in detectives, we won't be able to find out the truth.

I just don't know if Lucy is willing to plug into the head of a cyber madman.

Arthur felt that Lucy must be willing, because he was a cyber madman, and Lucy was willing to connect to his head.

What's more, as long as there is money to be made, everything can be discussed.

"Girl, hehehe, beautiful flower girl."

Just when Arthur was about to call Lucy, Michael, who was lying on the ground, suddenly showed a silly smile and looked at Jack next to him.

The joy in his eyes could not be hidden.

When Arthur heard this, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and then he looked at Jack, then at Michael.

"I didn't expect this old guy to be very playful and have quite a strong taste."

Jack went up and wanted to punch the opponent twice, but fortunately Arthur stopped him. Otherwise, Michael might have died directly after these two punches.

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