Cyberpunk: Become David’s Dad At The Beginning!

Chapter 83 Money And Power Are Based On People!


It turns out you have to pay extra!

That would be easy. Big companies like them have nothing but a lot of money!

If the Voodoo Gang can be killed by paying money, then the network surveillance company is willing to pay a large price to buy the Voodoo Gang's life.

The network monitor couldn't help but pinch his eyebrows. He really couldn't understand why these cyberpunks didn't like to speak directly.

"Okay, Mr. Arthur, please forgive me for being a very standard science and engineering man, so please be more pragmatic when talking to me in the future!"

"I wonder what Mr. Arthur wants to get from the network monitoring company?"

Arthur smiled and raised his legs and said: "Are there any men from science and engineering in the company? I thought that the gang of guys in the company had become infighting among themselves. They all have seven orifices and exquisite hearts. Even if you don't lie, you can't show him. Ability comes.

"Now that you have checked my information, you should know what I am going to do next."

"Once this kind of thing is spread, those pharmaceutical companies that made their fortune selling inhibitors will want to strangle me directly."

"Although I have already found a way out and am waiting to negotiate, one company is not enough. "I hope you can stand up and withstand a wave of pressure on my behalf!"

The network monitor immediately shook his head like a rattle.

What a joke, the reason why their network monitoring company is so dominant is because they don’t compete with the world.

An An An is helping people in this world to remove viruses from cobwebs and AI to build a more harmonious network.

It is precisely because they are willing to do such thankless things that they are able to win over the entire online world.

But if they get involved in these things, it means they will also have to compete.

Isn’t it good to show off from a high position?

Why do you have to get involved with those companies?

"Don't refuse in a hurry. I'm not asking you to go directly to the war. I'm asking you to spread some rumors on the Internet at critical moments. This should be your network monitoring company's specialty anyway."

Internet monitoring companies are not good companies.

To say they are spreading rumors is not even a lie.

For example, network surveillance companies have always claimed that blackwalls are safe, but in fact, can Arthur not know whether they are safe or not?

Not to mention Arthur, even the ordinary people of Night City know that it is not safe within the black wall.

"You can't say that, Mr. Arthur, we have worked very hard, but as you know, killing gods is not an easy task."

"If it's just to spread some rumors, our network monitoring company is still willing to do it for Arthur."

"But with all due respect to Mr. Arthur, it would be better to sell these items yourself than sell this patent directly to biotechnology.

"There's no telling what price the other party can offer, which can make more money than selling it yourself!"

Of course Arthur knew what the Internet Monitor said was true.

Biotechnology or pharmaceutical companies that manufacture inhibitors are absolutely willing to spend a lot of money to buy this patent.

Because only by buying it can you continue to hide it.

Once it is hidden, ordinary people will have to continue to buy their inhibitors.

This business will make huge profits for a year.

Arthur tilted his head and looked at the network monitor and said with a smile: "Since you are willing to do such thankless things for the world, then why can't I do some thankless things for the people of this world?"

The corner of the network monitor's mouth twitched slightly. He understood Arthur's words and knew that Arthur was a very ambitious person.

Indeed, selling patents to biotechnology or other pharmaceutical companies can make a lot of money, even more than Arthur himself selling this kind of thing.

But the problem is that having a lot of money is just a fat sheep.

Without one's own property and one's own life, one is nothing more than a rootless duckweed.

Is the reason why Arasaka and Military Technology are strong because of their scientific research strength or because of the high technology developed in their research laboratories?

the answer is negative!

What really makes some people ascend to the position of emperor are the families under their group who rely on them for food.

Talent is strength and fundamental!

Power comes from people, and money also comes from people!

When hundreds of thousands of people want to eat with you, you will be surprised to find that you have reached the top of the world.

In this way, the words and expressions in fantasy novels came to the real world.

Even if someone wants to attack your group, they must consider the hundreds of thousands of families behind those hundreds of thousands of people.

We must also consider whether they can withstand the consequences of the economic crisis.

This is true greatness, and it is also the history of the fortunes of all companies in the world.

Arthur, who saw through this, could only have that little money.

If Arthur really only needs money, he can continue to be a mercenary and take on some non-dangerous tasks and wait for the filial son to come to Night City.

Then directly short the Arasaka Group's shares at the critical moment.

After making a lot of money, take some time to do something for V or Jack during key tasks.

Then buy more at this moment, and this time can directly make Arthur one of the richest people in the world.

But so what?

Are you going to wait for someone from the Arasaka Group to come and give you a shot?

Or should we wait for people from military technology to come over and get some sponsorship?

"..By the way, there is another condition, help me get a legal identity!"

Arthur suddenly thought of one more thing he could ask the network monitoring company to do.

Internet surveillance companies are capable of a lot in this world.

Basically all companies use the services of network monitoring companies.

So cyber surveillance companies have hidden hands within all companies.

Therefore, Night City's system is nothing more than a trivial matter.

The network monitor nodded. This is not a big deal, or it can be said that the network often does this kind of thing.

It is very effective to use it to buy and sell people's hearts.

There are always some stowaways who come to Night City, and these people have no registered status due to various reasons.

For example, he once stole something from the company (Li Zhao's), or he once kicked a rich second generation.

But in short, they cannot reveal their identities, so they have not registered. Without registration, they have no identity.

Without an identity there is no way to gain much.

Take Lucy, for example. But because Lucy is a hacker, she can directly hack into certain public devices, forcing her to think that she is a Night City person.

"Wait a minute, I want to ask first. Isn't it someone who committed a heinous crime and once bombed the headquarters of a large company?"

Arthur rolled his eyes and said, "If there is such a person, it's not your turn to identify him. Don't worry, he's just a deserter."

The network monitoring team breathed a sigh of relief when they heard this.

Whether they are soldiers in the real sense or soldiers in other senses, this kind of thing doesn't matter.

Because soldiers are soldiers, not senior officials.

So there is basically no problem in getting these soldiers identities. .

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