The two sides of the border have been in chaos.

Ascension Technology.

"Long time no see, V."

In the reception room, Rocky greeted V who was sitting opposite.

"Arasaka asked you to come, what do you want to see me about?"

Then Rocky asked V's intention directly.

V came to the company to find Rocky instead of asking him to go to the bar. It was obvious that he came for company matters.

Seeing Rocky pointed it out directly, V said without too much greeting.

"Long time no see, L. You are right. This time we came because Arasaka wants to have some deeper cooperation with Ascension Technology on the matter of advanced soldier serum."

"For example?"

"Arasaka wants to monopolize the soldier serum and needs a large supply of serum."

Although V came to Ascension Technology to negotiate with Arasaka, V and Rocky were acquainted, so naturally there was no beating around the bush.

He directly said what Arasaka wanted most.

According to the intelligence obtained by the counterintelligence department, the press conference that Ascension Technology was preparing to hold was planning to sell serum drugs to the outside world.

Although according to the contract at the time, the drugs sold could only be weakened versions of primary soldier serum, Arasaka could still maintain its advantage.

But they were not satisfied with this.

The weakened version of soldier serum flowing into the market would inevitably weaken Arasaka's advantage.

At the same time, it would also allow Military Technology to use some shady ways to get the serum drugs.

This is what Arasaka does not want to see.

They want to make soldier serum exclusive to Arasaka.

Before, Arasaka had not fully realized the changes that Soldier Serum could bring.

Paying a very small price can get the advantage of the original medicine.

And two years later, unconditionally obtain the formula, realize self-production and self-sale, and get the market share of Soldier Serum.

This is already a huge profit.

But people are always greedy, let alone a company like Arasaka.

If we can use Soldier Serum to gain greater advantages and suppress military technology.

The market share that can be obtained will bring extremely terrifying benefits to Arasaka.

How could Arasaka miss this opportunity.

Hearing V's words, Rocky smiled slightly.

"Exclusive Soldier Serum? That's easy. I remember I promised to give priority to Arasaka's serum orders. As long as Arasaka can take all the serum we produce, isn't that equivalent to monopoly?" Rocky said jokingly.

If Arasaka can really buy no matter how much serum is produced, then he will directly open the production line.

It won't be long before Arasaka's people can drink serum as a beverage, and Rocky will no longer worry about money.

Of course, this is impossible, and Arasaka is not a fool.

"Arasaka wants a monopoly in the nature of the contract."

Faced with Rocky's ridicule, V could only helplessly make things clear.

Arasaka wants to completely monopolize the serum. Whether now or after getting the formula in the future, Arasaka is the only company that has soldier serum besides Ascension Technology.

"Tell me more specifically." Rocky asked.

Rocky is very happy to talk to Arasaka about these cooperations, of course, the premise is that the conditions can satisfy him.

Arasaka wants serum, and Rocky only wants money.

He doesn't care who the serum is sold to. It's okay for Arasaka to have a monopoly, as long as the money is in place.

He invested a lot of euros in the expansion of the Ascension Technology Industrial Park, and the production and armament of the mechanical army is also a bottomless pit.

In addition, the exchange of many technologies also requires a lot of money.

Only with money can you change the world.

Originally, Rocky's plan was to make money by selling primary soldier serum to the outside world, but if Arasaka can give a suitable price, Rocky doesn't mind cooperating with it.

"Soldier serum will only be provided to Arasaka, and the plan to sell serum to other companies will be cancelled.

In exchange, Arasaka will provide a large number of serum orders and pay a huge monopoly compensation fee to Ascension Technology when the serum formula is delivered in the future."

Rocky was not surprised why Arasaka knew about Ascension Technology's recent plan to sell serum to other companies.

But when he heard V's offer from Arasaka, Rocky shook his head.

According to V, it is equivalent to using the money from selling primary soldier serum in exchange for the so-called huge compensation from Arasaka.

Let's not talk about who makes more money. Even if the compensation amount is large, it is money that can only be obtained in the future.

Rocky doesn't need money in the future, he needs money now.

"Ascension Technology can accept Arasaka's proposal, but there is one thing. The compensation must be paid immediately after the contract is signed. Ascension Technology needs to get it immediately.

Get tangible benefits. "

Hearing the conditions proposed by Rocky, V nodded.

"I have no right to finalize this. This time I came only to inform you of Arasaka's idea in advance. As for the specific transaction content, you have to wait until you contact the people on the board of directors to determine it. But I will explain your request to the higher-ups.

Arasaka attaches great importance to the serum. I believe that as long as it is within a reasonable range, Arasaka will try its best to meet your conditions. "

While responding to Rocky, V also kindly reminded Rocky of the importance of Arasaka to this matter, so that he can take some advantages in the subsequent negotiations.

But what V didn't expect was that Rocky's next words surprised him.

"Oh? Interesting, it seems that the matter of the cyborg has a great impact on Arasaka. "

The moment the word Cyborg appeared, V's expression changed unconsciously.

Although Cyborg is not a secret to Arasaka staff of V's level, this word should not come from Rocky's mouth.

V also didn't remember that he and Rocky had revealed the matter of Cyborg, how did he know.

"Cyborg is Arasaka's experimental project, you seem to know something about it?" V asked calmly.

"I know a little bit, after all, this big guy has caused quite a stir in the Badlands. It's really interesting that Arasaka secretly developed a cyborg suit and used military technology to test actual combat.

It's just a pity that Arasaka has been busy for so long, but the data in the experimental subjects disappeared in the end. It's a pity. "

If V was just a little surprised when Rocky mentioned the Cyborg at the beginning, after all, the data of Tanaka's case was leaked, and it is not impossible for him to get some information from it.

But now that Rocky said the fact that the experimental data was lost, V was just shocked.

This is secret information within Arasaka, how could Rocky know it.

Could it be that the spies of Ascension Technology have infiltrated Arasaka?

This explanation may make sense, but if it is true, it would be too magical.

"I'm a little curious about how you got this information." V couldn't help asking.

Of course, this is just V's curious question.

Although V has not thought of betraying Arasaka for the time being, he has not yet mentally identified himself as Arasaka's loyal dog.

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