The night is coming.

Santo Domingo.

An abandoned warehouse.

This place has been occupied by the Six Street Gang and has become one of their bases.

At this time, the Six Street Gang has just carried out a thrilling robbery mission.

The target is the recently popular Ascension Technology.

The mission was also very successful, although several Arasaka security personnel in the transport team were not easy to deal with.

They lost several gang brothers.

But the reward they can get after the mission is completed is very generous.

At this time, they have just transported the stolen goods back to this secret warehouse.

They are waiting for the employer behind them to come and take them away.

The warehouse is full of sentries and patrol soldiers of the Six Street Gang.

The entire warehouse base was on alert.

Most of the gang members of the Six Street Gang were veterans of the battlefield.

So compared to other gangs, they had to have better discipline.

At this time, they were concentrating on alert.

The Six Street Gang had taken on many commissions against Ascension Technology.

Although they were not afraid of Ascension Technology, they had also heard about the efficiency of the Ascension Technology Special Operations Department.

In order to prevent their attacks from coming.

The Six Street Gang naturally strengthened the defense of the base.

In the corner of the warehouse.

Two Six Street Gang soldiers were standing in front of two pillars, performing the guard duty face to face, monitoring the corner of the warehouse.

The surveillance area formed by the two people was theoretically foolproof.

Once someone wanted to secretly attack one of the sentry soldiers, the other soldier would immediately find the abnormality.

At this time, one of the soldiers seemed a little tired and yawned unconsciously.

Standing guard was not as easy as imagined.

Staying alert at all times would quickly consume one's energy.

But fortunately, their task will be completed soon.

According to the agreement, the employer who came to pick up the goods will come soon.

And so far, everything has been so peaceful.

It seems that today can end smoothly and successfully again.

The soldier glanced at the time and there were still ten minutes left before the agreed time.

And just at the moment when the soldier's eyes deviated from the center of his vision.

His peripheral vision seemed to catch a glimpse of something flashing across from him.

The soldier immediately looked over vigilantly, but found that the other soldier standing opposite him was gone.

Only the four terrifying claw scratches on the concrete pillar behind him were left.

The soldier immediately realized that something was wrong.

But before his brain could issue an order, his head was completely separated from his body.

The two soldiers lost their lives in a short moment, but there was no movement.

The other soldiers in the warehouse were still completely unaware that an uninvited guest had come to the stronghold.

But these two soldiers were just the beginning.

Two, three, four...

One soldier after another was killed without noticing.

As more and more soldiers fell, the Six Street Gang soldiers realized something was wrong.

"There is an enemy!"

The alarm sounded in an instant.

All the Six Street Gang soldiers were on alert.

Trying to find the guy who suddenly broke in.

But even this was in vain, the killer's actions did not stop.

In the horrified eyes of a soldier, his companion beside him was cut in half in front of him.

The gushing blood poured on his body unscrupulously.

But he couldn't see the murderer clearly.

The Six Street Gang soldiers in the warehouse were decreasing at a terrifying speed.

The Six Street Gang leader in the stronghold had no way to deal with this situation, and could only order all the soldiers to gather together.

Otherwise, if this continued, the soldiers in the entire warehouse would not be able to escape death.

In the middle of the warehouse, all the Six Street Gang soldiers gathered around the looted goods.

This is the most open position in the entire warehouse, with the clearest view.

Although several gang members were killed during the gathering process.

But they still managed to save the remaining combat power.

At this time, the number of Six Street Gang members has been reduced by half.

But fortunately, as they completed the gathering, the terrible killer did not appear again.

For a moment, the atmosphere in the entire warehouse seemed very strange.

All the Six Street Gang members gathered together, holding their weapons and alert to the surroundings.

They controlled their movements and did not make any extra noises, for fear of covering up the appearance of the killer.

Key information.

In this tense atmosphere, the killer who killed people invisibly seemed to disappear and did not move for a long time.

It seemed that the death of those soldiers just now was just an illusion.

But just when many soldiers thought that their gathering had worked and that guy dared not appear again.

In the darkness in the distance, a blue light suddenly lit up.

The blue light gradually appeared and was clearly visible in the darkness.

Now all the Six Street Gang soldiers saw clearly that it was a pair of claws flashing with blue light.

Above the claws, there were two rows of sharp beast teeth that also glowed blue.

Before the Six Street Gang soldiers could react, the owner of the claws and fangs jumped towards them.

Instantly knocked one of the soldiers down.

The claws waved and blood splattered.

In front of many Six Street Gang soldiers, their companions were cut into several pieces.

And at this time, under the light.

These Six Street Gang soldiers saw the full picture of this terrifying monster for the first time.

The all-metal body in black and white, without any trace of biological tissue.

It is hard to tell whether it is the result of prosthetic transformation or a simple machine.

The beastly body like a wolf, the sharp teeth and claws flashing blue light, and the fluttering tail behind it.

It also made them realize that they were not facing a person.

But an unknown, terrifying killing monster that they had never heard of.

[Source Plan: Doomsday - Warwick]

[From the Source Plan universe, a super weapon created by the Source Plan Company. It is the first generation version of Source Plan: Annihilation.

But unlike Annihilation, it is a product of the fusion of human and multiple beast genes. Source Plan: Doomsday is the ultimate weapon created by simply weaponizing ferocious beasts.

Warwick was created to serve killing, it is a pure killing machine.

This beast-based transformation also achieves this. It has no reason, only the instinct of beasts, violent and wild, and difficult to control.

When the Project was testing the control program on Warwick, a group of uninvited guests disturbed him, allowing the beast to escape the control of the Project...

(Under this module, Warwick has perfected the control system and is absolutely loyal to the host...)]

This is the gift from Rocky to these annoying guys.

A hunting feast from Warwick, the top killing machine.

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