The enemy was so angry that he was about to be killed.

Placid had no time to react.

Hackers followed one after another and happily got the charcoal-grilled brain flower set meal.

These hackers were like rashly invading a high-intensity data fortress, but were discovered by the enemy's top hackers and were instantly annihilated.

Placid had never encountered such a large-scale failure in an operation.

He hurriedly wanted to save something, and just when he was panicking and wanted to help the remaining hackers exit the cyberspace.

The only remaining Voodoo Gang hacker had disconnected the deep dive connection and escaped.

Placid was glad that they still had a hacker alive. Just when he was about to ask him what happened during the deep dive and why the data fortress that invaded Ascension Technology suffered such an attack.

The hacker who escaped immediately had a violent spark bursting from the brain interface.

He also could not escape the fate of death.

The impact of the hacker's death did not end there.

Before his brain was burned, his network access warehouse uploaded a large number of offensive programs to the surrounding network space.

These were carefully prepared by Lissandra in the mark she buried.

In an instant, the unprepared Voodoo Gang members around were collectively attacked.

Placide was no exception. He covered his head in pain and howled.

The malicious program was constantly eroding his nerves.

Fortunately, due to the limited strength of the mark and the triggering of a large-scale network attack, the performance of these programs was much weaker.

These Voodoo Gang members with powerful hacking abilities were not caught in one fell swoop.

But the gift that Lissandra left for them also made them suffer.

After a long time, many members of the Voodoo Gang base returned to normal.

After clearing the offensive programs and dealing with the mess,

Placide cursed at the dead gang members.

"Damn it, why does Ascension Technology have this kind of network technology? Impossible."

Back to his desk, he pounded the table vigorously.

It was so easy for ICE to break through Ascension Technology just now, why did an accident suddenly happen?

"Who is the one who did it, the Internet police or Arasaka?" Placide didn't quite understand.

But obviously, he guessed wrong.

Just when Placide was still thinking about using network technology to find out.

The person who settled the account had already come to the door.


The huge glass window in front of Placide's desk was kicked to pieces with an excited shout.

The fighting loli Rebecca with green twin ponytails on her head broke into the territory of the Voodoo Gang from the air without any warning.

Behind Rebecca, Rocky slowly came down from the suspended Deroso.

Through the gap kicked out by Rebecca, he came behind Rebecca.

"People from Ascension Technology!"

Placid was no stranger to these two people.

Originally, Ascension Technology didn't have many living employees, including the senior executives.

So he immediately recognized the identities of the two people who suddenly broke in.

The Voodoo Gang had just invaded their data fortress, and now they broke into the Voodoo Gang's territory in this way.

It was obvious that they were here to settle accounts.

Not wanting to be passive, Placide took the lead and the network access warehouse was running at full power, instantly locking the two people.

Placide, who had just suffered a severe injury, didn't care about the burning pain of the neural interface and launched a network invasion on the two people.

Of course, what shocked Placide was that the ICE of these two people blocked his hacking with ease.

Placide on this side was sweating profusely because he couldn't hack into Rocky's system.

On the other side, Rocky was leisurely observing the famous black brother of the Voodoo Gang.

Rocky really disliked this guy when he was doing the mission, and it was just right to send him to hell now.

Placid's proud network ability was completely ineffective on Rocky and Rebecca.

And with Placid's alarm and the huge noise made by the two.

Everyone in the Voodoo Gang base realized that someone had invaded, and they all launched network hacking against the two invaders.

But this time the ICE they faced was no longer the junk used for disguise in the Ascension Technology server.

Now Rocky and Rebecca are equipped with the top-level protective ICE from Lissandra, which is naturally not something these Voodoo Gang guys can break through in a short time.

Many members of the Voodoo Gang soon realized that cyber attacks had no effect on these two people.

Although their Taoism was basically broken, they still took out guns under Placid's organization.

The Voodoo Gang naturally could not dominate the Taiping Island area with hacking technology alone.

Basic physical attack methods would still be available.

"Have fun, Rebecca."

Seeing that these guys from the Voodoo Gang finally took out their guns, Rocky touched Rebecca's head and signaled her to use them freely.

And Rebecca didn't hesitate, she had been holding back her anger for a long time.

Rebecca kicked her calf and instantly turned into a residual shadow, rushing towards Placid.

Before Placid could see Rebecca's movements clearly, she was kicked against the wall by her.

Stones flew, and a crack was instantly knocked out of the wall behind him, and Placid couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood.

Although the hacker's body is weak, as a native Haitian, Placid is still strong and his body is not as thin as that of ordinary hackers.

But under the kick of this loli who is several times smaller than him, he felt that all the bones in his body were broken.

And Rebecca's action was not only that.

After giving Placid a big kick, Rebecca then flashed in front of Placid and stepped on his chin.

While kicking his chin, he locked his head tightly.

"Huh? You are the second in command of this shitty voodoo gang, right?

Do you know that I am very angry now?"

Take out the iron gall shotgun that she modified herself, and point the muzzle of the gun at Placid's head and question it fiercely.

"Gu... Uh..."

Placid made strange syllables from his mouth.

At this time, his chin was broken, and Rebecca's foot was still firmly against his head so that he couldn't say anything.

He could only let the blood in his mouth flow into his stomach along with his teeth, making a series of strange noises.

At this time, the other voodoo gang members around him also reacted and shot at Rebecca.

Bullets kept flying towards Rebecca, but she did not dodge at all, still holding on to Placid.

The bullets hit Rebecca without deviation, splashing blood.

But the scene of Rebecca being shot to death by random gunfire that these voodoo gang members imagined did not appear.

Instead, in the midst of a hail of bullets and blood mist, Rebecca burst into a crazy laugh.


Is it just this extent? It's really... a pity!"

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