The more you know, the better.

After hearing Rocky's words, Lao De spoke.

"I run Delaman because this is the goal I was set at the beginning, and I have learned a lot from running it again and again, and I have been trying to integrate into human society, learn about human emotions and life.

I am not going to give up Delaman, and I plan to run it all the time.

L, I will accept the cooperation plan you offer me, and I wish you a smooth progress in this new project."

As a rare lawful artificial intelligence, Delaman is not too disgusted with the new network management regulations proposed by Rocky.

After all, he rarely touches on the above prohibited events.

This cooperation with Delaman went very smoothly.

Both Rocky and Lao De got satisfactory results.

"Then it's settled. The construction team of Ascension Technology will go to the headquarters of Delaman later. You can contact them at that time. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me, Lao De."

Rocky said hello to Lao De and ended the communication.

Then he ordered Jarvis to send the factory construction team to Delaman.

Under Jarvis' control, one Marvin robot after another got on the container vehicle departing from the Ascension Technology Industrial Park and went to Delaman.

Now Ascension Technology's construction robot team is very large. Although most of it is currently used for Ascension Technology's own construction, it is more than enough to help Delaman build a new automated factory.


The cooperation was finalized, and Ascension Technology continued to prepare for the cyberspace project.

Lissandra, immersed in the computing power of Atlas, also continued to evolve during this period.

After a period of preparation, Ascension Technology finally released a preview of their new project.

"Big news! Ascension Technology, a well-known Night City company, has made another big move recently!

Guess what it is? It's not a new drug, not a robot, and certainly not a space rocket.

It's the Internet. You heard it right. Ascension Technology's new project is a brand new urban network.

And in this latest project preview, Mr. L, the chairman of Ascension Technology, said that this is a brand new commercial product project.

This means that Ascension Technology will no longer bring out a big pie this time, but a product that can be seen in the near future.

Although it is not clear why Ascension Technology is suddenly interested in the network field. After all, the city network of Night City is actually very stable, except for the occasional appearance of some malicious AI and rampant hackers, isn't it?

But since Ascension Technology has chosen to enter this field, let's wait and see..."

In the news radio station, the news host is passionately broadcasting the latest project preview released by Ascension Technology.

This new cyberspace construction plan quickly caused a sensation in Night City.

After all, the Internet is very close to everyone.

Whether it is ordinary citizens or companies, the daily life operation requires the use of the Internet.

Since the Internet collapsed, humans have used the NET architecture and data pool technology to build a new city network, and the network structure of the entire Night City has basically been solidified.

Ziggurat (Pyramid Company), a communications and infrastructure company funded by the Night Company, used the old public computer terminal network to build a new city network and restored the network communication of the entire Night City.

And with the development of the company, Pyramid Company has gradually expanded outward and covered the construction of urban networks in most cities in North America.

Of course, Pyramid Company has also tried to develop in the UK and Australia, but has been greatly resisted.

In addition to providing cheap and reliable network services to the citizens of Night City, Pyramid Company also provides various public applications to the citizens of Night City, including data crawlers, chat and email programs.

It also provides interfaces for citizens to browse various public information, including major news channels and the election voting interface of the Night City government.

It can be said that for decades, the entire Night City network has basically relied on the city network provided by Pyramid Company.

Except for the private networks built by a few companies and the expensive satellite communication networks, the urban network of Night City is the network that most Night City citizens can access.

In their minds, they have become accustomed to using this network.

But now...

A company came and said it wanted to build a new network space, which naturally attracted the attention of citizens.

Some people thought that Feisheng Technology was just randomly trying some strange technologies, and the actual effect would not be good, while others were looking forward to the moment when they could connect to the new network.

Although they are now accustomed to using the Night City city network.

But that is more because they have no choice, the city network is the only network they can connect to.

The service of the city network may be reliable, but it is definitely not a good experience.

A large number of hackers in Night City steal other people's information on the Internet every day, leaving them with no privacy at all.

And the wandering AI that appears from time to time threatens their network security.

So many people are looking forward to whether this new network space can improve this situation.

Of course, these citizens are noisy, but at most they are just watching for fun.

What is really closely related to this matter may be the Pyramid Company, which is facing a huge threat.

The Pyramid Company, which was originally operating the city network with peace of mind, suddenly had a competitor, and the entire company entered a tense situation.

All departments started to operate, and began to explore the information of the Ascension Technology Network Project, and conduct various analyses and evaluations on it.

Unlike the tense atmosphere at Pyramid Company, Ascension Technology is still operating normally, as if it has not been affected.

Because Ascension Technology does not have many human employees now, and the core members of the company are not in Night City now.

Black Star.

Atlas core area.

Rocky and Lao Wei are standing in front of the Atlas entity.

"I saw the information given by Jarvis. The project preview has caused quite a stir in Night City."

"It's just a little wind and waves before the storm. When the project is officially launched, it will be a real storm."

"Indeed, after all, those companies are just speculating and watching now."

Lao Wei and Rocky chatted casually.

The attention of these two people is always on the Atlas entity and the evolution progress prompts he gave.

In the deep red concrete body of Atlas, the miniature image of Lissandra is appearing.

The evolution progress bar given by Atlas also reached its maximum value at this moment.

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