After finishing the negotiation, Rocky and Rebecca stood up and walked out of the bar.

Passing by the second floor, he ran into Jack drinking. Seeing the two of them leaving side by side, he secretly gave Rocky a thumbs up.

Arrived at the door of the bar.

The streets of Night City were very empty at this time, with almost no pedestrians. Only the bar behind added a lot of vitality to the silence of the night.

"Rebecca, did you drive here?"


Rebecca shook her head. She didn't have her own car, but Falco would usually pick her up when she went out for a mission. There was not much demand for this. Tonight was a special case.

"Then I'll take you home. Where do you live?"

"Thank you. My home is in North Long Beach."

Rebecca didn't refuse. After all, it's inconvenient to go home at night without a car.

"I live in Little Chinatown. It's just on the way."

Rocky called his motorcycle over through the vehicle connection, sat on it, patted the seat behind him, and signaled Rebecca to get on.

Rebecca looked at Rocky and was stunned for a moment. She didn't expect Rocky to drive a motorcycle, but soon she didn't hesitate and sat on it openly.

"Sit tight."

As the engine started and the speed increased, Rebecca's little hands were on both sides of Rocky's waist.

Rebecca clearly felt the muscles hidden under Rocky's clothes, which didn't look like those of an ordinary prosthetic doctor.

Rocky drove very fast, and the wind around him was whistling.

Rebecca sat up straight and leaned forward, stretched her head to the right back of Rocky's head, and tried to get her mouth close to Rocky's ear and spoke to him.

"I didn't expect that you, a prosthetic doctor, could be so strong."

"I usually exercise every day. Besides, those who do this kind of underground business must be able to protect themselves."

"That's true."

Rocky drove Rebecca slowly through Night City.

Rebecca didn't retreat even though she had come closer to talk to Rocky.

At this time, Rocky was concentrating on driving the car, and didn't notice that there were a pair of cute big eyes staring at her.

Staring at Rocky's profile for a long time, this was the first time Rebecca observed this man so closely.

Looking at his focused expression, Rebecca found that he was pretty good in other aspects except that he was a little strange, especially to herself.

For Rebecca, her petite figure also caused her a lot of trouble, especially those arrogant middlemen and frivolous mercenaries, who often looked down on and teased her, and even the security guards in the bar often stopped her.

But Rocky did not look down on her because of this. Instead, he trusted her very much. Rebecca felt warm in her heart and felt affirmed.

'Thinking about it this way, he seems to be pretty good. ' Rebecca thought so.

Rocky's car has good performance, and with Rocky's skilled driving skills, he quickly took Rebecca through most of Night City and returned to the North Industrial Zone.

On the main road leading to Long Beach North, Rocky, who was concentrating on driving, soon found something wrong.

Rocky's right eye keenly noticed the abnormality of the road ahead.

Adjusting the vision of the prosthetic eye, I saw that the road ahead was blocked by several cars. Seven or eight gang members stood on the road, and the obvious prosthetic transformations on their bodies exposed their identities as members of the Vortex Gang.

The Vortex Gang is entrenched in the North Industrial Zone. They are crazy about the transformation of prosthetics and dare to install any prosthetics on their bodies.

It can be said that this is a reserve army of cyberpsychopaths. At this time, I don't know what kind of team building these lunatics are doing.

"Rebecca." Rocky slowed down and called Rebecca.

"What's wrong?"

"There are members of the Whirlpool Gang blocking the road ahead."


Hearing Rocky's words, Rebecca put her hands on Rocky's shoulders, propped herself up slightly and looked forward.

Indeed, as Rocky said, a group of lunatics from the Whirlpool Gang gathered ahead.

"These guys are not easy to mess with, what are you going to do?"

Looking at the many gang members ahead, Rebecca knew that these lunatics were not easy to deal with. Maybe if Mann came, she could fight these guys head-on, but she couldn't do it, at least not now.

"What to do? Of course, rush over. Sit tight!"

Rocky stared at the Whirlpool Gang ahead with a sunny smile, turned the throttle of the motorcycle to the bottom with his right hand, and rushed towards them at full horsepower.

The sudden increase in speed caught Rebecca off guard, and her body leaned back and almost lost her grip.

"Hey, are you crazy? Why

Why don't you take a detour?" Rebecca, who held Rocky's waist to steady her body, shouted at Rocky.

She never thought that Rocky would choose to rush over directly. What's the difference between this and seeking death?

"No need to take a detour, trust me Rebecca."

Rocky looked at the members of the Whirlpool Gang in front of him. To be honest, he didn't like these guys. They were pure lunatics, and their disgusting level was no different from that of scavengers.

Since you have encountered a dog blocking the road, just get rid of it.

"Trust you? Okay, you lunatic. "

Rebecca remembered what Rocky said, sincerity for sincerity, if that's the case, then just trust him once, anyway, she's already in the car, she can't jump out, why not go crazy with him.

Looking at the approaching Whirlpool Gang convoy, Rebecca took out her pistol, ready for battle, hugged Rocky with both hands, and pressed her body tightly against him to keep her body stable.

Feeling the touch of his back, Rocky's smile became brighter. At the same time, his consciousness controlled the interface in the system and installed a module.

The Whirlpool Gang in front also noticed the two at this time, and the roar of the motorcycle amplified in their ears.

"Hahaha, there's prey, the dismemberment party has begun."

"I'm going to install his eyes and use his eyes to watch him being torn into pieces, hehehe. "

They looked at the approaching Rocky excitedly, their crazy eyes revealing desire, as if Rocky was already a fish on their chopping board.

But what they didn't expect was that the motorcycle didn't stop and turn around, nor did it take a detour, but rushed straight towards them.

"What does this guy want to do? "

Looking at the motorcycle that didn't slow down at all, all the members of the Whirlpool Gang didn't react. They didn't expect that someone would dare to rush straight at them.

Rocky, who was moving at full speed, soon came in front of them and rushed towards the gap between the vehicles.

Before a gang member could react, his head was grabbed by an iron palm.

The palm kept expanding in front of his eyes, occupying his entire field of vision, and grabbed him with a terrifying speed. Under the blessing of the terrifying speed, the powerful fingers even sank directly into his bones.

Rocky grabbed the unlucky guy directly like grabbing a doll, and took him to experience the joy of flying 180 miles per hour in the flesh.

With a flick of Rocky's left hand, he gave the unlucky guy another forward acceleration. Throwing him directly onto a pillar on the side of the road.

The head that hit the pillar at such a terrible speed suddenly burst like a fragile tofu pudding, and the scarlet blood mixed with brain matter was engraved on the concave pillar like a blooming flower.

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