The doctor said that the operation was a success.

As a prosthetic doctor, Rocky actually didn't have a prosthetic doctor certificate, but no one in Night City cared about it, and with Old Wei around, he wasn't afraid of any accidents.

He skillfully installed the prosthetic eye for the customer, then cut off his arm and installed a new prosthetic arm.

After working for a while, he waited for the anesthesia to end and gave his dear customer a dose of soft stimulant, announcing the perfect end of the operation.

After doing all this, Rocky stretched his body and took a deep breath.

'Huh, why do I feel weird today? I feel like something is going to happen. Did I watch Mewtwo too late yesterday? 'Rocky always had a strange premonition today, but he calmed down quickly. Maybe he just didn't rest well, he comforted himself like this.

"Old Wei, it's done. Are there any customers today?"

"No appointments, it's getting late, let's pack up." Old Wei, who received the customer's transfer, didn't even look back, obviously confident in Rocky's skills.

After a while, Rocky cleaned up the store.

Coming to the sandbags in the store, Rocky took off his clothes, revealing his strong and explosive muscles.

The prosthetic arm on his left hand was not installed with bionic skin, and the gorilla arm full of cyber-mechanical beauty was exposed to the air. The intersection and fusion of flesh and machinery revealed a different sense of oppression.

Putting on the training equipment and tying gloves on his hands, Rocky started today's boxing practice.

Old Wei used to be a legendary boxer in Night City. Later, because he couldn't stand the right and wrong human relationships in the boxing ring, he chose to retire and became a prosthetic doctor in Watson District.

But he also kept the habit of watching boxing matches and practicing boxing, so there is a corner in his store dedicated to his past glory and boxing training equipment.

After get off work, Rocky usually asks Lao Wei to teach him boxing. After all, there is a legendary boxer in the store. Wouldn't it be a waste if he didn't use it?

"Bang, bang, bang!"

The sound of fists hitting the sandbag began to sound in the store. Lao Wei, who was watching the game, heard the sound, turned his head to look in the direction of Rocky, smiled and shook his head.

'This guy really never rests for a moment. '

Since Rocky came to the store, he has been learning non-stop. In addition to learning surgical medical machinery and other prosthetic knowledge with him during the day, he also took him to learn boxing after work. As far as he knows, Rocky will continue to learn hacker knowledge after returning home at night.

In Lao Wei's opinion, Rocky, who just arrived in Night City, worked so hard, he must have some goals to achieve, maybe revenge, or fame, or just want to live well.

In short, Lao Wei went from being helpless at first to appreciating Rocky, the young man who came out of nowhere. He saw himself in this young man.

So even though it takes a lot of energy to teach Rocky, he is still willing to help him.

Fortunately, Lao Wei also loves to practice boxing. Now there is someone to accompany him to boxing, which makes him feel more fulfilled.

Lao Wei got up and came to Rocky, put on boxing gloves, and Rocky stopped training. Tonight is their weekly battle time.

"I hope you can beat me this time."

"Don't worry, I will. When I knock you down, can you give me half of the trophies on your wall and put them in my new clinic." Rocky pointed to the various trophies on the wall and joked that these were the honors that Lao Wei had won.

"Those are all in the past. If you can really beat me, what's wrong with giving them to you."

Lao Wei smiled and agreed to Rocky's request.

After two years of training, Rocky's strength is actually infinitely close to that of Old Wei. Last time, Old Wei even barely won. Maybe this time Rocky can beat him.

But in that case, Old Wei will not feel sorry for his trophy, but will be happy for Rocky.

Soon, the two finished warming up and started fighting in the vacated area of ​​the store.

Punching, blocking. The two fought back and forth, and the punches they threw were full of explosive power, breaking through the air and making a crisp whistling sound.

Since both of them knew each other well, they could only rely on on-the-spot reactions to make a more perfect response if they wanted to break through the opponent's defense and cause damage.

In this way, the two of them were deadlocked for a long time. The two punched each other but there was no substantial breakthrough. If this continues, it will only depend on who has stronger resilience and endurance.

So it is more suspenseful whether the old legendary boxer is stronger or the young player who has undergone two years of hard training is stronger.

Judging from the current situation alone, Rocky has the upper hand.

However, the stalemate suddenly changed at this time. Rocky, who was originally defending steadily, suddenly trembled in his heart, and that strange feeling inexplicably surged in his heart, as if his soul was telling him that something important was going to happen.

Although Rocky quickly adjusted his mentality, this momentary deviation still made his reaction half a beat slower, and he failed to block Lao Wei's hook. This punch hit Rocky's face firmly.

Lao Wei did not give Rocky any face at all, and seized this flaw to continuously launch an offensive, and his fists like a rainstorm hit Rocky with great force.

Originally, the two maintained an extreme balance, but Rocky leaked a flaw and was seized by Lao Wei. The ending can be imagined.

Rocky was soon knocked to the ground by Lao Wei.

"Why are you distracted? Are you thinking about your new prosthetic clinic?"

Grabbing Rocky's outstretched hand, Lao Wei pulled Rocky up from the ground. He did not blame Rocky, but teased him with a little doubt.

"No, I just have an inexplicable feeling. I don't know why. Maybe I didn't rest well." Rocky shook his head.

"Then let's stop here today. You should go back and rest early. You are the same. You have to live to use all the things you have learned. People who don't know would think you are a corporate dog who owes a lot of debts and doesn't know how to rest all day long."


Just when Rocky was about to pack up and go home, someone knocked on the door of the clinic. And Misty's message popped up on the computer.

[The delivery people came to the door, I let them in. ]

"Let me do it." As an assistant in the store, Rocky passed the visitor's permission application, and the door of the clinic was opened.

Three men in suits came in, two of whom were carrying a large cargo storage box.

This is the latest prosthesis delivered by Lao Wei's prosthetic supplier.

The delivery man looked at the two mighty men with their muscles exposed to the air staring at him, and couldn't help but feel a little lucky that he was not here to cause trouble.

But it is true that the last wave of scavengers who came to cause trouble had been beaten by Rocky and had to have cyber dentures implanted.

"Hello, Mr. Victor. This is the prosthesis and prosthetic plug-in you ordered from us. This is the list of items, please check it."

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