The body of Kaguya floated in the air, her cold eyes slightly filled with doubt.

"I'm out of the seal..."

She whispered.

Then, two lines of tears fell from the corners of her eyes.

She cried expressionlessly.

I don't know what the reason is.

Maybe it's because it took so long to get out of the seal.

Maybe it's the disappointment of the two sons who sealed her...


Kaguya suddenly heard the voice of the child who was separated from her before the seal and could be counted as her offspring from below.

"Black Zetsu..." After looking at Black Zetsu, the tears on Kaguya's face had completely disappeared, as if the tears just now were just an illusion.

"Mother!!!!" Black Zetsu was so excited when he heard his mother calling him.

From birth to now, this was the first time he saw his mother's appearance and heard his mother calling his name.

The goal of his life was finally achieved...

Now Black Zetsu's heart was full of satisfaction.

"Did you free me from the seal?" Kaguya asked Black Zetsu.

Her tone was very calm when she asked the question, and there was no emotion on her face.

Very cold.

"It's me! Mother!" In order to get more love and praise, Black Zetsu took the credit for lifting the seal in the face of his mother's question, without mentioning the name Uchiha Xuan.

"Well done."

As expected, Black Zetsu received his mother's expressionless praise, and was immediately excited to tears.

"Then come back, kid..." Kaguya raised her somewhat wide sleeves and said to Black Zetsu.

"Okay, okay! Mother!" Black Zetsu responded excitedly. He had wanted to stay with his mother for a long time, and now this wish can finally come true! !

But before Black Zetsu returned to his mother...

Kaguya spoke again.

"Who is that person?"

Her eyes fell behind Black Zetsu.

Black Zetsu knew who his mother was referring to, so he explained: "His name is Uchiha Xuan, and he helped me a little in the process of unsealing my mother... Mother, if possible, I hope you can accept him as a subordinate. He is quite capable and can help you manage some basic affairs in the future."

Obviously, Black Zetsu was not completely ungrateful.

There was still a little bit of integrity...

He gave his comrades a little "favorable treatment" and suggested to his mother that Uchiha Xuan be a subordinate who could be called at will.

In his heart, this was the best treatment for Uchiha Xuan.

Compared to other people who would surely sink into the illusion "Infinite Tsukuyomi" and turn into monsters, being alive and able to help the supreme mother...

How grateful should this be?

After Black Zetsu finished his request, he lowered his head slightly and waited for his mother's response.

But after waiting for a long time, he didn't hear any answer from his mother.

He couldn't help but look up at his mother.

But he found that his mother's eyes seemed to have never moved...

She was always looking behind him.

And... her expression seemed to be a little different from before...

There was an indescribable meaning...

Black Zetsu's thoughts flowed in his mind.

What is the mother looking at Uchiha Xuan for...

What's wrong with Uchiha Xuan?

Does Uchiha Xuan disagree?

"Uchiha Xuan, you are right, don't you want to be your mother's subordinate and help your mother deal with those basic things..." Black Zetsu said while turning his head.

"Yes... I really want to."

Black Zetsu heard Uchiha Xuan's gentle voice.

"He's very honored, mother..."

Before Black Zetsu finished speaking, a figure with black, red and white aura flashed through his eyes.


The next moment, a deafening sound like thunder suddenly sounded, as if shaking the earth!

A meteorite fell faintly on the ground of the altar that had just shattered, and directly smashed a bottomless pit on the ground.

In an instant, Black Zetsu lost his footing and fell down.

What happened?

Black Zetsu couldn't help but wonder.

Mother... Where's my mother?

The first person he thought of at this time was his mother.

It must be his mother who did something, such a horrible scene should be caused by his mother.

During the fall, Black Zetsu looked at the air where his mother was.

But where the mother should be floating was not the figure of his mother...

but the figure of the six-path sage who had been with him before.

The figure of Li Xuan during the confrontation.


A big question mark seemed to appear on Black Zetsu's forehead.

He was puzzled.

What is the situation now?

Then, he saw Li Xuan's figure flashing and disappearing at an incredible speed, leaving only a terrifying and horrifying vortex of twisted space during the movement.

Could it be that...

An incredible thought suddenly emerged in Black Zetsu's mind.

He looked at the pit fiercely.

Then he found that a white figure seemed to be smashing the ground crazily under the continuous movement of the black, red and white figures.

"Mother!!!" Black Zetsu couldn't help but shout in horror.


"That's it." Li Xuan clapped his hands, looked at Kaguya who was almost dying under him, and murmured: "I didn't expect it to be so weak..."

Because he thought that Kaguya Otsutsuki was the ceiling figure in this world, Li Xuan did it without any reservation this time.

Go all out.

All the blessings that should be used were used.

Unexpectedly, with all her strength, Kaguya Otsutsuki had no power to fight back.

Not only did she fail to use the "Heavenly Heart" that she was good at transferring people to other small worlds controlled by Kaguya herself, but also the "Common Killing Ashes" that completely annihilated the enemy with a touch, and the ultimate physical technique "Eighty Gods Air Strike"... She also failed to use the special moves such as "Expansion Seeking the Way Orb" and even "End Seeking the Way Orb"...

She had no chance at all.

In Li Xuan's continuous attacks, Kaguya seemed to have no ability to resist at all, and was whipped like a sandbag until she was on the verge of death.

[The hidden world mission "Kaguya's Advent" has been completed]

[Successfully prevented Kaguya from destroying the world]

[Congratulations on obtaining the "Naruto World Resident Control Rights"]

[Naruto Resident Control Rights: Naruto World will no longer be used as a plot world, and will become the exclusive resident of the reincarnation "Li Xuan". You can consume bonus points to bring out the plot characters in Naruto World (can only move in the main god space, and as a vassal of the reincarnation, they will die together when the reincarnation dies).

The time node will no longer be changed, and the reincarnation can freely choose to freeze or flow the time of this world. ]

In Li Xuan's ears, the cold mechanical voice of the main god emerged.

As mentioned above, the resident rights of the "Naruto" world were taken by Li Xuan just like the "Demon Slayer" world.

"This is a pleasant surprise..." Li Xuan whispered.

He did not expect that beating Kaguya to the brink of death would complete the hidden world mission.

I just want to treat Kaguya like I treated the White Snake Immortal...

I will sign in only after I beat her to near death.

I thought I would have no connection with this world after I completed the mission and left it...

Li Xuan thought to himself.

But it's good this way...

In this way, I can continue to let Orochimaru work for me...

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