The company square.

33rd floor of Arasaka Tower.

Arasaka Counterintelligence Department.

In an office cubicle, a department employee is checking the report sent to his computer today.

[Arasaka Counterintelligence Investigation Report - NC8754699]

[“Ascend Technology” Investigation Report]

[Investigator: Steven]

[Investigation Report Content: A preliminary investigation has been completed on the ‘Ascend Technology Power Stimulant Type II’ that has been circulated in underground clinics recently.

The stimulant can increase the user’s speed of action for one minute, and no more valuable effects have been found for the time being.

Regarding the ‘Flying Ascension Technology Company’, the company’s transactions with the underground clinic were submitted via email, and mercenaries were sent to deliver goods. No relevant information or company employees were found.

Whether to continue investigating the company is awaiting further instructions. ]

He simply glanced over the report and the content did not cause any waves to the employee, so he casually typed a report instruction for the report.

[Based on the content of the report, the specific intelligence value of the technology company could not be determined. Before it takes further action, it will no longer be investigated and the priority of the investigation project will be reduced by one level.

Regarding the power stimulants mentioned in the report, a preliminary analysis report and value assessment report of the drug need to be prepared and handed over to the logistics support department. ]

With the company’s employees’ quick operation, the report instruction was sent to the employee in charge of the report.

“What is this? It’s all these shits every day.” Stretching, the employee complained.

The investigation of the so-called flying ascension technology is just a small matter that cannot be smaller in the intelligence he handles every day.

There are all kinds of strange things appearing in Night City every day, but most of them are worthless, and this doping report is the same for Arasaka.

The so-called technology company is just an ordinary doping, which can't attract Arasaka's attention at all, otherwise this report would not be submitted after so many days, because his priority is very low.

"I really envy you, V. Being noticed by Jenkins, the speed of promotion is like riding a rocket."

The voice of the employee rang in the office cubicle, and V, who was sitting opposite him, heard him mention himself and also shifted his attention from the matter at hand.

"It's not as exaggerated as you said."

Seeing that V was still stubborn, the department employee sitting opposite moved his chair and looked at V, teasing: "Come on, Jenkins wants to transfer you to the company's spy intelligence group. The news is all over the sky, and everyone knows it. As long as you continue to perform well, we guys will have to listen to you sooner or later."

Hearing this, V could only shake his head helplessly.

"Okay, you're right."

Since V came to the counterintelligence department of Night City, he has been selected by the director of the counterintelligence department, Jenkins, their immediate superior, for his excellent personal ability, and many operations have been personally handed over to him.

It can be said that now all colleagues in the department know that this kid has a promising future. V is also very clear about this, so he has been actively cooperating with Jenkins to do every job handed over to him to the extreme.

No one in the company does not want to climb up, even V is the same.

"But I say, is this news true? It has been circulating for many days, and I haven't seen you promoted yet."

"It's true, but Jenkins said that this kind of cross-level staff transfer needs to be approved by the upper level, and it may take some time."

Hearing the employee's doubts, V nodded in affirmation.

Jenkins did tell him in person that he would transfer him to a higher-level action team, but there is no movement at present. Logically, even if it is approved, it should not take so long.

But V couldn't ask Jenkins directly, so he could only wait.

The two were chatting, and V received a call from his boss Jenkins.

"V, come to my office now." Jenkins' voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Okay, I'll be there right away." V ​​answered quickly.

Seeing that V received a call from Jenkins, the colleague on the other side also looked at him and joked: "It seems that our big red man has to take on another job."

"Just say less."

"Okay, okay, but if you ask me, don't put too much pressure on yourself. Sometimes standing high

It may not be a good thing.

The head of the intelligence tracking team, you know that guy, she is like you, Jenkins' confidant, one of the best guys in the counterintelligence department.

I'll tell you a secret, I heard someone say that she vomited in the bathroom today, and she vomited so hard, probably because of too much pressure, you must not follow her footsteps. "

"Hehe, you talk about her behind her back, aren't you afraid that he will know about it?" Seeing that he dared to secretly talk about the gossip of his superiors behind his back, V teased.

V knew that the guy he was talking about was the real power in the department. Although he had only met her a few times, her unique dark red hairstyle like three petals left a big impression on V.

"Hey, I'm just reminding you kindly, and I know you, you will definitely not tell everyone."

"Okay, I will pay attention, thank you. "

V, who was in a hurry to meet Jenkins, did not say more to the chattering colleague. He dealt with him for a few words and then opened the door and left the office cubicle.

Jenkins' office was not far away. V came to the office and met Jenkins after a few steps.

The precise suit made Jenkins look particularly decent. Coupled with his temperament as a superior, people could feel his extraordinary status at a glance.

"You are here, sit down." Jenkins said as he sat down.

V pulled out a chair and sat down as instructed. Before he could ask, Jenkins spoke again.

"I called you here this time because I have a task for you. But this is a little different from before. This time the task is not from the company, but from me personally."

Jenkins' voice was clear and powerful, and it seemed that there was no room for V to consider.

"I understand, so can you tell me the content of the task first?"

"Take a look at this first."

Jenkins pushed a box with a data chip to V.

"Data chip? "

"Yes, the information related to the mission is in it"

Hearing Jenkins asking him to insert the data chip, V realized that something was wrong.

Generally, the mission information of a company is sent and received through the internal network. Even if it is a private mission given to him by Jenkins, it is not worth using a data chip for data exchange.

This distinctive free mercenary approach clearly means that this information is not allowed to be seen in public, and the content of the mission is obviously the same.

V realized that the matter was unusual, but at this point he still suppressed his emotions, picked up the data chip and inserted it into the slot to read it.

As the content of the data chip was read, V also saw his mission target.

"What is this...?"

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