The two of them were very busy.

"I have a commission here and need a hacker. I wonder if you are interested?"

"Tell me about it."

Rocky got straight to the point, and Lucy was not surprised to hear Rocky's purpose.

Although she was not very interested, Lucy still chose to listen to the content of the commission first.

"This matter is related to Arasaka. Take a look at the contents of the chip first."

Rocky took out the data chip and handed it to Lucy.

When Lucy heard the word Arasaka, her originally calm heart was disturbed for a moment, and it seemed that her heartbeat slowed down by half a beat.

But she quickly returned to normal and stretched out her hand to push away the chip handed over by Rocky.

"Sorry, I'm not interested."

Lucy has been running away from Arasaka's pursuit, trying to get out of the shadow of Arasaka. Her fear of Arasaka is actually greater than her hatred.

So she has always wanted to escape from here, rather than taking a nuclear bomb to blow up the Arasaka Tower, because she knows she can't do it. Arasaka is not something she can shake. All she can do is escape.

She is happy to steal the chip of the dog of Arasaka Company, but if she is asked to do a commission related to Arasaka and involves the top management, she will immediately get herself out.

Although I don't know what the commission Rocky gave him, as long as it is related to Arasaka, it is better to have less trouble than more.

Whether it is to go against Arasaka or to help Arasaka, she doesn't want to participate.

"Why? Is it because of Arasaka? Don't worry, the chip doesn't contain Arasaka's information, and there won't be Arasaka agents to kill people. It's not too late to take a look first.

This is a big deal, the reward is 60,000 euros, if you come and divide it equally among three people, you will have 20,000."

Rocky didn't expect Lucy to refuse so decisively. But Rocky didn't care. If it were him, he would probably refuse if someone he had never met asked him to go to Arasaka.

Lucy hesitated for a moment after hearing Rocky's words, but still took the chip and took a look at the commission first.

"The goal is to get rid of the few company dogs on the chip and prevent Arasaka's project cooperation. We will start the day after tomorrow.

Don't worry about being retaliated by Arasaka after the matter is over. Military technology will help us bear the consequences."

While Lucy was checking the contents of the chip, Rocky explained on the side.

After checking the contents, Lucy pulled out the chip and returned it to Rocky.

"Is this what you said about Arasaka? Even if someone will bear the consequences for going against Arasaka, do you know where it is?

That's the Blue Building, Arasaka's territory. You want me to hack into the network there? That's no different from committing suicide. I won't go. You can find someone else. Maybe Qiwei will be willing to wade into this muddy water."

Lucy rejected Rocky again, but this time her emotions were not as calm as before. Asking her to go to the Blue Building was no different from entering a wolf's den, not to mention hacking into Arasaka's network.

"I don't understand. You seem to be afraid of Arasaka. Why? It's just the Blue Building, not to assassinate Saburo Arasaka. What's so great about Arasaka?"

Rocky shook his head and said, he naturally knew Lucy's worries. It was not so easy to persuade her to deal with Arasaka.

"Whether I'm afraid of Arasaka or not has nothing to do with you! You say it easily, but you don't know Arasaka at all, and you don't know how terrible they are. Anyway, I can't do it."

Rocky's words that Lucy was afraid of Arasaka seemed to touch her nerves. Lucy became excited for a rare time, and the tone and volume of her voice increased by several levels.

Fortunately, the crowd around was noisy enough, and no one noticed the abnormality here.

Affected by Lucy's excitement, even Rocky's emotions fluctuated rarely.

Rocky drank the wine in his hand, threw away the glass, and spoke to her in a voice louder than Lucy's.

"I don't understand Arasaka? You don't understand me at all. I know what kind of existence Arasaka is better than anyone else, but I don't care.

In my eyes, Arasaka is no different from other shitty companies. I hate them, but I will never be afraid of them.

These shitty companies have been high and mighty for too long. What we should do is not to be silent and afraid, but to turn our bodies into flames. Even if we are unbearable and broken, we must let them know that the world will not always decay under their shadows. Someone will choose to resist, choose to pull them off the altar, drag them into hell, and burn them to death.

Just wait and see. One day I will let them know. I will

Climb up on their bloody bones and stand on top of them. "

Listening to Rocky's emotional words, Lucy was stunned.

Although she didn't know Rocky, and even didn't know his name until now, Rocky's words did shock her a lot and touched her heart.

She received devilish training from Arasaka since she was a child, and she never felt the love of her family. After the training, she was thrown into the old Internet to mine data.

One mission after another, her companions died one after another, and she didn't know when it would be her turn.

Such a childhood made Lucy hate Arasaka more than anyone else. She dreamed of destroying Arasaka, but the reality was that she couldn't do it at all, and no one could do it. to.

So her dream can only be to escape from Arasaka, the farther the better, to a place where Arasaka can't find her, to the moon.

And now there is someone in front of her who tells her to destroy Arasaka. Even though she thinks Rocky is dreaming and it is unrealistic, she is still touched by Rocky's words.

After a long silence, Lucy calmed down and returned to her normal state. After hesitating for a moment, she took a deep breath and said.

"Maybe you are right, but even if you say that, I still feel... I can't do it. Arasaka's system ICE is very thick and dangerous, and there are hackers. I don't have confidence. The main thing is... I am really afraid of Arasaka."

Rocky's words softened Lucy's attitude and she was not so alienated from Rocky, but she was still a little hesitant.

"Lucy, Rebecca said that your technology is very good and you are a genius. Although I don't know what grudge you have with Arasaka and why you are afraid of it, I believe you can do it and overcome your fear.

Moreover, if you join my team, I will also protect you. If Arasaka comes to trouble you, I will be the first to kill Arasaka Tower. "

'Do you believe I can do it? Can I really... do it?'

Lucy looked at the man in front of her with a confident smile and was stunned for a moment. Does this man know what he is talking about?

Believe that she can do this job based on a few words from others, and say that he will kill Arasaka Tower for her?

Although Lucy didn't take Rocky's words seriously, her mood inexplicably improved, and a rare smile appeared on her face.

After thinking for a moment, Lucy finally spoke.

"I really can't do anything about you. Okay, I promise you. But you'd better make sure that things are as you said, and there will be no other troubles."

"Haha, of course, my name is L."

"Lucy. "

Lucy looked at Rocky's face and suddenly felt a little helpless. This guy suddenly came over and said something, and she got on his pirate ship inexplicably.

But anyway, maybe this is not a bad thing. Lucy also has a lot of interest in this person in front of her.

Since he said I don't know him, it seems like a good idea to get to know him.

If what he said is true, and he really wants to stand on top of Arasaka, it must be very interesting.

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