The two of them were very close, but they were still very close.

When Pira saw Rebecca was going to leave with someone he had never met, he immediately imagined the next plot development, of course, it was the version in his mind.

Although Pira and Rebecca usually played and quarreled with each other, and the two seemed to be at odds, he still cared about his sister from the bottom of his heart. Now a kid who didn't know where he came from was going to kidnap Rebecca, so he would naturally be anxious.

But he was interrupted by Rebecca before he finished speaking.

"You bastard, don't use your brain full of yellow waste to think about my affairs. He is my friend. If you dare to say anything nonsense again, I will blow your head off immediately."

Rebecca gnashed her teeth and shouted at Pira, and she was already on the verge of rage at this time.

Pyrrha's words made Rebecca feel embarrassed. She had just wanted to go for a normal ride, but Pyrrha's words instantly changed her mind.

Although Pyrrha did have reasons to care about her, she also felt that she had lost face in front of Rocky.

She now regretted why she brought Rocky to see Pyrrha.

Rocky, who was behind Rebecca, also felt a little embarrassed at this time. They were alone, and Rebecca had drunk alcohol, so it was no wonder that others misunderstood.

"Uh... I just took her for a ride and chatted, that's all." Rocky explained.

Pyrrha ignored the furious Rebecca. He was not panicked at all when Rebecca pointed a gun at him, and walked to Rocky's side. A smell of alcohol instantly rushed into Rocky's nose. It seemed that Pyrrha had drunk a lot today.

Pyrrha stretched out his wretched hands, walked around Rocky and looked at him left and right, which made Rocky's skin crawl.

After turning a circle, Pyrrha directly put her arm around Rocky's shoulder, approached him and asked, "Are you Rebecca's friend? Not bad, pretty strong. What do you do?"

Feeling Rocky's strong muscles and the advanced power prosthesis on his left hand, Pyrrha, as a technical expert, could tell at a glance that Rocky was not simple, at least not one of those drunkards who go in and out of bars.

The smell of alcohol from Pyrrha sprayed on Rocky's face, making him a little uncomfortable. Rocky didn't want to explain too much, so he responded helplessly.


"Hey, fellow travelers. Why haven't I seen you before?"

"Maybe I'm just an unknown nobody."

"Haha, I don't look like that, hiccup. Forget it, although I don't know what you are like, I think you're a good person."

Pyrrha burped and said with a smile.

After all, everyone is an adult. Although Rocky said that they were just going for a ride, anyone could see that something was wrong with the two of them, especially Rebecca. How could Pira not notice Rebecca's condition after being with her for so long?

But Pira couldn't do anything about Rebecca. At least Rocky seemed reliable, so she let her be.

Then Pira put her mouth close to Rocky's ear and whispered to Rocky.

"You are capable of handling my hot-tempered sister, but remember to be safe."

Hearing this, Rocky's mouth twitched slightly, and his face was a little dark. It felt like he had just explained it in vain. Sure enough, what Rebecca said was right.

Seeing Rocky silent, Pira patted his shoulder and went back to drink.

"Have fun." Pira waved her hand.

"This guy, I will deal with him sooner or later." Rebecca said angrily.

Seeing that Pira was no longer a jerk, Rebecca also put away the gun.

"Let's go, L. Don't worry about him. By the way, Pyrrha just told you something. You don't look very well."

"Nothing, let's go." Rocky shook his head, not wanting to discuss this issue too much.


The two rode on the familiar motorcycle and shuttled through Night City.

Rebecca hugged Rocky, and her ponytails fluttered in the whistling wind.

"Woo!" Feeling the wind brought by the extreme speed, Rebecca shouted happily.

After walking around Night City for a long time, Rebecca's drunkenness had basically subsided. Rocky took Rebecca to a platform by the sea in Heywood.

"Thank you, L. I'm much better now."

"Nothing, I wanted to go out for a walk."

The wind on the beach was not as cold as when riding a bike, but just gently slapped the two of them.

Rocky and Rebecca leaned on the railing and looked at the calm sea.

"By the way, how did your talk with Lucy go?" Rebecca asked with her head tilted.

"Lucy? It went pretty smoothly. She agreed to join and the problem was solved."

"That's good.

. "Rebecca nodded.

"It's all thanks to Rebecca. Otherwise, the hacker problem would be a headache for me."

"Haha, you said we were friends, didn't you? And it was Lucy who really helped you."


The seaside at night was very quiet, and Rocky enjoyed this feeling. Since the clinic opened, he not only had to take care of the clinic but also had to sell medicines. Now there is another commission.

It has been a long time since he stayed quietly like this and emptied his mind.

Rebecca saw Rocky looking at the seaside without talking, and she didn't continue chatting. She looked at the calm sea like him.

But Rebecca's mind was obviously not here, and she didn't have so many emotions. She was not the kind of quiet person, and the only thing that interested her here was Rocky.

In the end, she chose to look at Rocky with her head tilted, just like Rocky looking at the sea.

"Is Rebecca not used to this atmosphere? "

After a long time, Rocky noticed that Rebecca was staring at him and asked.

"No, it's just... Compared to looking at the scenery, I like looking at you more. You are more beautiful than this sea."

"I am more beautiful than the sea? Hahaha, what a strange description. How can it be said like an old-fashioned love talk."

"Hey, don't laugh at me, I'll kill you."

Rebecca looked at Rocky who was laughing and pretended to be angry.

"Okay, okay, I won't laugh anymore."

Hearing Rebecca's words, Rocky pretended to cooperate and stopped laughing, but he still had a smile on his face. Then he put his right hand on Rebecca's head and touched it.

Feeling the pressure from the top of her head, Rebecca was stunned for a moment.

"What are you doing? I'm not a child. "

Rebecca seemed to be a little resistant and stretched out her hand to grab Rocky's right hand, but she didn't use any force at all.

"I didn't treat Rebecca as a child, I just thought Rebecca was too cute and couldn't help it."

Rocky withdrew his hand at the right time and explained with a smile.

Hearing Rocky say she was cute, Rebecca was stunned for a moment, and then shouted: "Cute? Your description is weirder than mine!"

Although her body shape is indeed related to cuteness. But as a cyberpunk in Night City, many people died at her hands, plus her violent temper, people around her have never described her like this.

It can be said that in her cognition, she has nothing to do with cuteness.

Rocky shook his head.

"Strange? I think it fits Rebecca very well. I'm serious."

"Puchi, you guy. "Rebecca smiled when she heard Rocky's serious explanation.

Since Rocky said so, Rebecca could only take him as serious. However, it seemed like this was the first time someone had touched her head since she was a child.

It seemed... quite comfortable?

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