The two of them were very close.

"After Jack and I check into the room, Lucy, you can start to hack into the subnet of the Blue Bi Building and help us open the door of the target room and block the view of the surveillance camera."

Rocky took out a pistol, installed a silencer, and pushed it to Jack, and then said: "Then Jack and I will take out our weapons to solve the target. It's that simple. What do you think, Lucy?"

Looking at Rocky's eyes, Lucy thought for a while and nodded.

"No problem, generally the rooms on the same floor belong to the same subnet. If it's just a hack into that suite, I don't have to deal with too many ICEs, and it should be solved."

Jack picked up the pistol that Rocky pushed over, pushed it back to Rocky, and asked a question.

"It's a perfect plan. Miss Lucy played a crucial role. But good brother, did you miss a point? Guns and weapons are not allowed in the Blue Bi Building. Even offensive prostheses must be removed. Their security check is airtight. How do you want to bring a gun in?"

"Good question, Jack. The security check in the Blue Bi Building is indeed airtight, but I do things even more so."

Rocky took the pistol and threw it from his right hand to his left hand. At the moment when Rocky's left hand touched the pistol, the gun suddenly disappeared.

"Oh my god, brother, when did you learn to do magic? Where's the gun?"

Jack exclaimed as he looked at Rocky's empty left hand. Although Lucy didn't say anything, her eyes were full of wonder. Obviously, she had the same question as Jack.

"The magic trick I just learned is just right for this mission."

Rocky smiled slightly and clenched his left fist with his palm facing down to the table.

He spread his palms in the doubtful eyes of Jack and Lucy, and then their eyes immediately turned into shock.

Guns appeared and fell from Rocky's hands and piled on the table.

Pistols, rifles, shotguns, and even a few grenades.

"Awesome brother, how did you do this? You have an armory hidden on your body?" Jack was greatly shocked. This was a scene he had never seen or imagined.

Rocky shook his left hand and explained: "The latest space folding technology module can open up a space to store items, which is just right for dealing with this kind of security check."

This ability was naturally obtained by Rocky through the module.

[Basic Storage Ring Module]

[Storage ring, which contains a space that can be used to store objects, is a common storage tool in many worlds. It can be controlled by thought, and has the function of recognizing the owner, anti-theft, fireproof and waterproof, very practical. ]

[Price correction: world correction + 200%]

[Item module: 30,000 euros/cubic meter]

[Workbench recipe expansion: 600,000 euros]

[Technology expansion: 900,000 euros]

It is a very practical thing, but it also has a disadvantage, that is, it is too expensive.

Since the storage ring ability comes from the immortal cultivation side, it has poor compatibility with the cyberpunk world, resulting in a very serious price penalty for world correction, which is equivalent to spending three times the original price to buy it.

But fortunately, the function of the storage ring is simple and pure enough, resulting in it not being much more expensive than the space storage module on the technology side even with a very high price penalty, and it is more compact and convenient.

Rocky spent 30,000 euros to buy a storage ring with a space of one cubic meter, which is enough for use.

And the storage ring has been modified, and it is no longer driven by thoughts or bound by some soul.

Instead, it needs to connect to the user's nerves. When worn on the finger, the ring will extend a nerve probe into the body and connect to the human body through nano-nerve technology, so that the user can control the opening of the ring space.

And storing objects cannot be done out of thin air, but must be achieved by using the ring to touch the object.

In general, there are many restrictions, but this cannot conceal its powerful functions.

After Rocky got the ring, he did not choose to wear it, but instead modified the prosthesis of his left hand, embedded the ring in the palm of his left hand, and connected it to the ring through the nano-nerve of the prosthesis, which is equivalent to installing a storage function expansion module on the prosthesis.

In this way, whether it is taking or storing items, it is more convenient than wearing the ring directly.

"It has to be you, L, this time you are awesome. With this thing, it will be much easier to go to the Ganbi Building. At first, I thought I had to fight them hand-to-hand."

Guests of the Ganbi Building are prohibited from carrying weapons, except

Unless they are at the level of Arasaka Yorinobu, they will have to obey.

So the target this time must also be unarmed, while Rocky and his men have guns. You can imagine what the outcome will be.

"That's about the plan. Are there any other problems? If everything goes well and the alarm is not triggered, evacuate directly from the main gate. If it doesn't go well, follow my instructions."

"No problem." Lucy and Jack both expressed their opinions.

Although this commission can be said to be found by Jack, Jack has been with Rocky for so long and recognizes Rocky's leadership. Rocky often commands the commissioned operations, and he has no objection.

After the action meeting, Lucy began to work on forging identities and booking rooms, while Rocky and Jack prepared the firearms to be used tomorrow.

Jack installed a silencer on a pistol and gave it to Rocky for safekeeping, and kept the remaining one for self-defense.

And Lucy quickly completed her work.

"Your name is Fabien, your name is Balsatar, the room is the Silver Suite on the 40th floor, it has been booked."

"Okay, my name is Balsatar. Hey, Fabien, what do you think?" Jack patted Rocky on the shoulder and smiled.

"I think it's great, it's basically done, let's leave it at that for today. Balsatar, Lucy, we can go back and rest first."

The preparation task has been basically completed, just wait for tomorrow to go to the Blue Bi Building to see the real thing.

Rocky came to De Rosso and opened the door.

"I'll take you back, try my new car, it will take us there tomorrow."

Lucy and Jack didn't refuse and got in the car.

After starting De Rosso, various displays on the dashboard showed various parameters.

After the modification, De Rosso has also become adapted to the cyberpunk environment. In addition to adapting to the new cyberpunk fuel CHOOH2, the operating system has also been adapted.

Remote vehicle connection, personal connection interface, these functions are all available.

Rocky's warehouse was not far from the clinic, and soon Rocky sent Lucy home.

After Lucy got off the car, Rocky parked the car in front of the clinic and called Jack to his clinic.

"Jack, come to my clinic, I'll give you something good."

"What good thing?"

"You'll know in a moment."

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