After opening the subsystem, the system interface looked very simple, with only two different modules in front of him.

Module library and installed modules.

Rocky briefly studied it and roughly understood the functions of the system.

Simply put, it is a module store, where you can download and install modules in the module library to obtain the items, abilities or technologies inside.

Downloading modules requires a certain amount of currency, which varies according to the value, and the system currency is synchronized with the currency of Cyberpunk, both of which are euros. The account balance displayed in the upper right corner of the system is also consistent with his personal account balance.

The module store page was opened, which lists different modules, with filtering and search functions.

Rocky clicked on the largest and most conspicuous module.

[Basic Production Module Integration Pack]

[A module bundle that includes five basic production measures: workbench, anvil, furnace, alchemy table, and enchantment table. It is a pre-module for multiple recipe expansion modules, and also comes with a workbench scanning function expansion module. It is the first choice for newcomers! ]

[Price: 10,000 euros (corrected)]

[Price correction: 10% (world correction + 30%) (gift package special offer - 30%) (basic package special offer - 90%)]

The original price of this module was 100,000 euros, but after a series of price adjustments, it has been reduced to 10,000 euros.

Among them, the world adjustment represents the adaptability of the module to the world. The more adapted it is, the lower the price, and vice versa.

For example, if you want to install a magic module, the world adjustment will be very high, while if you want to install technology that conforms to reality, it will be cheaper.

The gift package special offer refers to the price discount of the integrated package. Often downloading the integrated package will be more favorable than downloading each module separately.

As for the basic package discount, it is unique to this integrated package. Rocky looked through other integrated packages and did not find such discounts. It should be a discount similar to the benefits for novices.

Rocky was not in a hurry to download the module. He looked at his balance and found that he still had 30,000 euros left, which was not a lot. The modules that could be downloaded were limited.

Rocky did not make much money in Lao Wei's store. Lao Wei's store was all conscientious business, and the profit was lower than that of other black clinics.

In addition, Rocky was just an assistant. Even if Lao Wei gave him a very high share, it took Rocky two years to earn the capital to open a clinic under the pressure of not low rent and high nutrition fees required for boxing.

Now these 30,000 euros are his last savings, and he still owes Lao Wei the money for ordering prostheses for him, so he must use the module to realize a quick return on investment.

'Source Project Prosthesis Integration Package, this is good. Uh... five million... excuse me. Buy separately? 200,000 each, get lost. ’

Rocky kept looking through different modules, but most of them were ridiculously expensive, and the cheap ones were useless.

However, hard work paid off, and soon Rocky found a module that interested him.

[Titanfall Stimulant Module]

[The stimulants in Titanfall can greatly increase the user's speed and recovery in a short period of time. It will cause harm to those with lower physical strength. ]

[Price adjustment: World adjustment -10%]

[Item module: 900 euros/2 doses]

[Alchemy table formula expansion: 9000 euros (requires alchemy table module)]

[Technology expansion: 13500 euros]

This is the most suitable and cheap module that Rocky has seen so far, which is in line with real technology and has market demand. If the formula expansion can be installed for mass production and sale, it should be able to make a good profit.

‘After downloading the basic production package and the stimulant formula expansion, there will be nearly 10,000 euros left, which should be enough for the production cost of stimulants. ’

What Rocky plans to download is the expansion module of the alchemy table formula of the stimulant. After installation, he can use the alchemy table to refine the item.

As for the more expensive technical expansion, it is to adapt the technology of the item to all the items, thoroughly master the production technology of the item without the need for alchemy table production, and achieve large-scale mass production.

But Rocky does not have a factory and cost to achieve large-scale mass production. The current situation is that the formula expansion is completely sufficient. Although the output is low, it is relatively safe.

Small-scale trafficking is not easy to attract the company's prying. Before there is absolute strength, Rocky does not want to be targeted by big companies.

Rocky first spent 900 euros to buy two doses of stimulant modules. Feeling the real touch in his hands and the green stimulant in front of him, Rocky finally

Confirmed the authenticity of the system.

Pressing the mechanism on the stimulant bottle, Rocky directly inserted the ejected needle into his shoulder.

The stimulant in the bottle was completely injected into the body in an instant, and flowed into Rocky's body in an instant.

A light feeling enveloped Rocky, and he tried to run and jump, and found that his overall speed increased by nearly 50%.

At the same time, the body was constantly bursting with vitality under the influence of stimulants, and the injuries left by Lao Wei's heavy punch not long ago were recovering rapidly.

The effect of the stimulant lasted for half a minute. Rocky felt his body after the effect ended and found that there was no discomfort, and Rocky's injuries were also healed.

'So strong! '

Rocky was greatly shocked. Although it didn't take long, this degree of enhancement can be said to be extremely powerful.

And just when Rocky was still immersed in the shock brought by the stimulant, a phone call suddenly came in.

"Jack, what's the matter?"

After calming down, Rocky answered the phone.

The caller was none other than our famous V's good friend, the real big shot in Night City, Jack.

Jack was Victor's old friend. He asked Victor for his prosthetics and medical treatment, and he often came to the store. Rocky had contact with him many times in the past two years, and naturally became friends.

"Hey, L, are you free now? Come to Wild Wolf for a drink? Let's talk about business." Jack said on the other end of the phone.

"What business? I'm a little busy now."

"Your favorite, beat those kidney-cutting gangs."

"Okay, I'll be there soon."

Rocky worked as an assistant in Victor's store during the day, and occasionally played a guest role as a free mercenary in Night City at night, taking some work with Jack to earn some extra money.

Rocky originally wanted to refuse this commission, after all, he was still busy studying the module system.

But when he heard that he was going to work as a scavenger, Rocky said he couldn't refuse. What he hated most was this group of beasts, and it was a good opportunity to try the actual combat effect of stimulants.

After calming down a little, Rocky turned off the system, went out, got on his motorcycle and headed for the Wild Wolf Bar.

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