The two of them were in a mess.

"Hello, do you want to come in and get two prosthetics?"

Looking at the man in a suit standing at the door, Rocky said calmly.

Ignoring Rocky's question, the agent stated his purpose expressionlessly.

"L, you run an underground clinic and are also a free mercenary in Night City. Two weeks ago and a few days ago, you delivered goods for a company called Ascension Technology and have been spreading product information for it.

I need to know all the specific information about your employer, Ascension Technology."

Hearing the agent's words, Rocky raised his eyebrows. It seems that they don't know that the potion is produced by him yet, and they only regard him as someone who helps Ascension Technology sell potions and deliver goods.

Arasaka's agents conducted a comprehensive investigation based on the intelligence and clues given by the cyborg doctor, but the information they obtained was not much.

Although they found the identity of the delivery mercenary and traced the location of Rocky's clinic from the email, they did not find any information about the production of the medicine, nor the source of the medicine, as if it appeared out of thin air in Night City.

Rocky's production is achieved through the medicine table. There is no factory, no data fortress, no formula, no freight records, and no other employees. Arasaka naturally cannot find any source.

In the absence of evidence, they naturally would not think that these medicines were produced by Rocky. In their opinion, Rocky is probably just an agent selected by Ascension Technology in Night City.

"Hey, where did you get the news from? You are so well-informed. But if I say I don't know any information about them."

Rocky looked indifferent, as if he was not interested in the man in a suit in front of him.

"You know that your words don't count. Come with us. Remember, this is not a request, but a notification."

The agent gave Rocky an ultimatum expressionlessly, and at this time, several fully armed combat experts came behind the agent and surrounded Rocky at the door.

Looking at this scene, Rocky also realized that he couldn't escape today, and helplessly spread his hands and said.

"Okay, actually I know, we can talk."

"Humph, you should have said that earlier, the mercenaries in Night City are really the same, come with us."

With a cold snort, the agent saw Rocky's cooperation and turned around and walked behind him.

The two combat experts behind him also stepped forward at this time, tightly surrounding Rocky to prevent him from making any moves.

An armed escort vehicle with the Arasaka logo printed on it was parked in front of the clinic.

The rear door of the escort vehicle was opened, and it can be seen that there are two fully armed combat experts on it. The team of four people is likely to be his "partner" after getting on the car.

Rocky walked to the back door of the escort vehicle normally. At this time, a combat expert behind him put his hand on Rocky's shoulder and stretched out his other hand to grab Rocky's arm, as if he wanted to force Rocky into the car.

"Don't touch me, I'll get in the car by myself."

Feeling the pressure on his shoulders, Rocky cursed instantly. He hated others touching him, and he hated being restrained and restricted by others even more.

"You talk too much."

And the combat expert saw that Rocky dared to resist, and instantly took out an electric baton and swung it at Rocky's neck from behind, trying to knock Rocky out directly and make him shut up.

Solve everything with violence, this is what the company always does to these stubborn mercenaries.

In the case of unequal strength, there has never been a calm conversation. No matter how excessive they do, these guys will probably only bite their teeth and swallow it.

Huge force hit Rocky, and at the same time a strong current hit him.

The sudden blow made Rocky's mind dazed for a moment, and his body was also a little limp due to the electric current, but with his extremely high physical strength and toughness, this degree was not enough to make him faint, and he recovered quickly.


Rocky twisted his numb neck, making a gurgling sound, and turned to look at the combat expert behind him.

The combat expert looked at this invincible stick and failed to subdue Rocky, showing a surprised expression, and was stared at by Rocky's sharp eyes, making him swallow unconsciously.

Before he could make the next move, the figure in front of him suddenly rioted.

I saw Rocky turned around in an instant, grabbed the combat expert's neck, and lifted him in front of him.

The combat expert was locked in the throat by the strong grip, and the lack of oxygen rushed to his brain. He subconsciously

Shi stretched out a hand to grab Rocky's palm, trying to pry Rocky's hand away.

At the same time, the other hand reached for the gun, ready to draw the gun to fight back.

But the barrel of the gun that Rocky stretched to his head stopped him.

"I've said it, don't fucking touch me, don't fucking understand me?"

Pinching the throat of the combat expert, Rocky pointed the gun at his head and asked loudly.

Originally, he was in a bad mood because someone came to his door, and these blind people really thought he was easy to bully.

At this time, several combat experts around had already entered a state of alert, and all guns were aimed at Rocky, as if they were ready to kill him at any time.

"Cyberpunk, put down your weapons immediately and stop your dangerous behavior!"

The combat expert closest to Rocky warned him.

But Rocky was indifferent to this, instead he laughed and said: "Haha, what? If you have the guts, kill me.

Come on, let me see the courage of you cowards, see if you can get the information you want from the second person."

Seeing that the warning to Rocky was ineffective, the combat team did not move, but looked at the suited agent.

At this time, the leading agent looked at the tense scene with veins jumping on his forehead, but he also signaled the combat team not to open fire at the first time.

What Rocky said really hit their soft spot. Arasaka's biggest breakthrough in Ascension Technology is Rocky.

If Rocky does something weird, their intelligence chain will be directly disconnected. Not to mention whether they can find other breakthroughs, even if they can find them, they don't know how long it will take.

And the higher-ups have already issued a notice to him, and he must get the information about Ascension Technology as soon as possible, so he can't afford to waste time.

If Rocky refuses to cooperate, it doesn't matter what measures he takes against him.

But now Rocky has said that he knows the information and will cooperate with them. If he messes up this matter at this time, he will be finished.

Now he not only has to pry the information out of Rocky's mouth, but also has to ensure his safety, to ensure that he will not be kidnapped by other companies.

"Relax, there is no need to be so nervous, right? A little peace is better for everyone.

It is true that we did something wrong just now. I will make them all pay attention and ensure that this situation will not happen again. Put down the gun.

And you will not be treated unfairly if you go with us. As long as you reveal all the information, I guarantee that you will get a satisfactory reward."

The suit agent looked at Rocky's fierce expression and knew that he was a tough guy. His first task now was to ensure that the information was in hand. In order to avoid accidents, he could only give in.

"Humph, so easy to talk to now? Weren't you arrogant just now? A bunch of soft eggs who bully the weak and fear the strong, waste." Rocky ruthlessly mocked the Arasaka people.

This is Cyberpunk, this is Night City, the weak will be gnawed to the bone, and the good will be pointed at by guns.

Without enough chips and strength, you will have to kneel for life.

If Rocky had not shown a strong attitude, they would have only treated him as a soft egg to be manipulated, and would not have negotiated in a good tone like now, nor would they choose to throw rewards to stabilize Rocky.

After putting away the gun, Rocky threw the person in his hand aside.

The combat expert with a flushed face regained oxygen, breathed heavily, and then quietly climbed up and returned to the team.

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