The two of them were very close.

"Long time no see, V."

Seeing V come in and dismiss the agent, Rocky smiled.

It's easier to do things if you have acquaintances.

"You don't seem surprised that it's me?"

"I just asked the agent's department and guessed it might be you."

"L, I'm sorry, I didn't expect to see you in this way and in this place.

I didn't know you were involved in this matter, otherwise we could have talked in a more comfortable place, such as drinking in a bar."

V sat opposite Rocky and expressed his apologies first.

Speaking of which, Rocky had helped him, so they were half friends. It was definitely not right to bring a friend to Arasaka Tower.

"It's okay, it's nice here. This is my first time here, so I can see the world." Rocky didn't care.

"It's good that you understand. Let's talk about business. This is also very important to me.

The serum produced by Ascension Technology is very useful to Arasaka. Arasaka needs to know the information of this company.

I just saw in the report that you are helping them promote and deliver goods. Can you tell me about them?

Don't worry, as long as you tell us the information, we will give you a generous reward, and I can apply to the higher authorities to protect you from retaliation from Ascension Technology."

As expected, the treatment of acquaintances is different. V showed his sincerity to Rocky as soon as he came.

Seeing V get straight to the point, Rocky said no more.

"Serum, huh? Of course I know the significance of this thing to Arasaka, and not only Arasaka, but also military technology, biotechnology, trauma team international, all big companies will covet it."

V listened to Rocky's words and couldn't guess what he meant by this.

Are you asking for too much? But even if that's the case, V doesn't care, after all, it's Arasaka who pays.

While V was still confused, Rocky continued.

"You want to know about the information about Ascension Technology, but to be honest, I can't tell you."

"What do you mean?"

"Because this company doesn't exist at all, I am Ascension Technology." Rocky said something that shocked V.

"Do you mean that the serum potion was produced by you?"

V was stunned for a moment, and did not deny Rocky at the first time. V just raised a question.

And Rocky nodded and gave an answer.

"That's right. The serum potion, including the stimulants sold before, are all produced by me. Ascension Technology is just a packaging of mine, and there is no so-called company at all."

V was silent. Although he was a little skeptical about the authenticity of this matter, he felt that Rocky should not lie to him.

Without discussing whether the potion was really produced by Rocky, V raised a new question.

"Then I have a question. Since you have mastered the production of serum drugs, why do you choose to sell them in underground clinics instead of handing over the formula to the company?

Whether you sell the formula directly or authorize production, you can earn much more than you do now."

In V's opinion, Rocky can get countless money as long as he sells the formula to the company, so why choose to take the risk to sell drugs.

But Rocky shook his head. V's idea is completely easy to talk without any pain. From the perspective of the company and the upper class, it is indeed the case.

Authorizing the production formula to large companies can indeed get good benefits. Biotechnology has made a lot of money by authorizing the production of CHOOH2 to petrochemical companies.

But from the perspective of an ordinary person, it is definitely not like this.

Rocky has no background support behind him. If the company really controls the production, then compared to giving a large sum of money, Rocky believes that they would rather let him disappear.

Because it is simple for them.

"It's impossible for me. Only I can produce this kind of potion, and I will never hand over the formula to Arasaka.

I can sell you the potion, but the formula is out of the question."

Rocky made his attitude clear, not to mention the impact of the serum production being controlled by the company.

Now there is actually no so-called "formula" for serum potion. That thing can only be produced by Rocky's pharmaceutical table. Even if the same raw materials are used, without a pharmaceutical table, what you get is just a pool of waste water.

That's why Rocky dared to calmly negotiate with Arasaka here, because now only he has the serum.

If it can be produced, he will die and the serum will be gone.

As for whether Arasaka will find out his secret and take away the alchemy table? Sorry, his system is a modular system. Since it can be installed, it can also be uninstalled.

V frowned slightly when he heard Rocky's words. According to him, he wanted to keep the production in his hands.

"Okay, in that case, we can talk about cooperation on serum supply. Arasaka needs a stable and large supply. Can you do it alone now?"

V thought about it and decided to take a step back. He didn't want to embarrass Rocky.

Although this would not achieve the result that Arasaka wanted most, he still got the serum, which was not the worst result, and V could barely get it over with.

But what made V uncomfortable was that Rocky shook his head again.

"It's difficult. It's difficult for me to produce a large number of serum medicines with my own strength now.

And I don't think Arasaka would believe that a mercenary who could run away at any time could provide them with stable medicine support."

Rocky expressed his thoughts, and V nodded.

"So what are you going to do? You know, Arasaka won't stop here if there's no good result."

"I plan to make Ascension Technology a reality.

Once Ascension Technology is developed, it will not only provide you with large quantities of medicines, but also cooperate with Arasaka as a company. I believe you won't have so many concerns.

But I'm alone now, and I need a little support from Arasaka to achieve this goal."

Lockey told V his plan under his surprised eyes.

This is what Rocky had prepared long ago. If he wants to really develop, he can't just keep fighting with underground clinics.

It's inevitable to set up a company, but why didn't Rocky choose to register a company to release products at the beginning, but just use the company name to package.

The root cause is that he has no backing. A new company with zero background is like a weak lamb in Night City surrounded by wolves, and it will be eaten by those big companies at any time.

This world has long ceased to have stories of starting from scratch and breaking through classes. There are no miracles in Night City.

So while Rocky was accumulating his chips, he was waiting for an opportunity, waiting for an opportunity to use them to exchange for living space, just like now.

The impact of the serum did bring him danger, but it was also an opportunity.

Spreading the serum in Night City and letting all companies see the effect is far more convincing than taking the potion to those companies stupidly, and it can also let them know that they are not the only ones eyeing these potions.

Originally, Rocky didn't want to target Arasaka because of Lucy.

But Rocky knows Arasaka best, and V's relationship with Arasaka is too good to help him. It is irrational to give up these advantages and refuse to cooperate with Arasaka.

And cooperating with Arasaka will give him the opportunity to get to know Arasaka Yorinobu in the future.

If there is the help of this prince, the difficulty of Rocky achieving his goal will definitely be reduced several times.

Of course, the premise is that he can fool Arasaka Yorinobu that he shares the same ideals with him, and at the same time make him believe that he will not become the second Arasaka Saburo.

Sometimes you have to rely on the power of the enemy, but Rocky has no burden for this. He just hopes that Lucy can understand him.

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