The two of them were in a mess, and the two of them were in a mess.

In the clinic.

Rocky explained to everyone what had just happened, and also told them his thoughts on Ascension Technology.

"It was because of the potion, but you are right. If you want to start a company and gain a foothold in Night City, cooperating with Arasaka is indeed a good choice."

Old V nodded and expressed his understanding of Rocky's approach.

Jack spread his hands and complained.

"L, what you said does make sense, but if you ask me, can you tell us before you play so big next time? We thought you couldn't come back. If V hadn't told me, we would have rushed to Arasaka."

Rocky was a little helpless when he heard Jack's words.

"It happened suddenly, and I didn't tell you because I didn't want you to worry. Who knew you knew everything?

But I'm a little curious, how did you know that I was captured by Arasaka? Did V inform you?"

Seeing Rocky's doubts, Jack turned around and pointed at the operating chair in the clinic.

Rocky turned around and saw Rebecca lying on it.

Rocky noticed Rebecca when he came in, but he didn't have the chance to ask after they asked him. Now seeing Jack pointing at Rebecca, he vaguely guessed a little.

"Rebecca told us that she saw you being captured by Arasaka in front of your clinic, so she came to find Lao Wei. Lucy and I knew about this."

Hearing Jack's words, Rocky finally solved his doubts. Looking back, he seemed to have heard a few muffled sounds that seemed to be bullets hitting the car after getting in the car. He didn't care at the time, but now it seems that it should be Rebecca who did it.

"Then Rebecca is in this state now, did you inject her with serum?"

Rocky looked at Old Victor and asked. Rocky was very familiar with the state after the injection of serum.

And Old Victor nodded, but before he could continue, Rocky's hand was pulled by someone.

"L, come with me, I have something to tell you."

Lucy took Rocky's hand and led him outside the clinic.

Just when Rocky was still wondering what to say outside, Lucy spoke.

"Rebecca injected serum because of you.

Not only that, she is more worried about you than any of us, and is more determined than any of us to save you.

She will rush to Arasaka Tower for you without hesitation. She asked Victor to help her inject serum and help her install prosthetics, just to save you."

Lucy told everything about Rebecca in one breath, without hiding anything.

And Rocky was stunned when he heard this. He didn't expect so much to happen in such a short time, and he didn't expect Rebecca to do so much for him.


"Rebecca also said that she likes you. Everything she did is because of her love for you.

L, you have that kind of feeling for Rebecca, right?"

Lucy spoke out Rebecca's feelings for Rocky without hesitation.

In her opinion, Rocky has the right to know this, and all this cannot be concealed at all. What she has to do is not to escape, but to make it clear.

Rocky now feels that his brain is not enough. The shock of being caught by his lover is quite explosive no matter what the situation is.

After a moment of silence, Rocky still spoke.

"I do have that feeling about Rebecca... But Lucy, I feel the same about you. I didn't take the initiative because of you..."

Rocky gave a positive answer. Since the words have been made clear, there is no point in lying.

But before Rocky finished explaining, Lucy pressed her finger on Rocky's mouth to block his words.

"I know."

Lucy smiled, a happy and relieved smile.

She got her answer. She guessed it when Rebecca said she liked Rocky.

Rebecca had such deep feelings for Rocky, how could Rocky not have feelings for her.

But Lucy was not angry because of this. Rebecca's love for Rocky won her respect, and after all, it was she who took the initiative to get along with Rocky.

She was not qualified to condemn Rebecca and Rocky.

And Lucy was happy because Rocky said that his feelings for her were the same, and Rocky loved her just as much.

That was enough. It would be bad for all three of them to fall out. Lucy didn't want to make it difficult for Rocky, and she couldn't lose Rocky again.

"L, Rebecca is a very good girl, don't let her down."

Lucy's words made her happy again.

Rocky was dumbfounded. Things seemed to be going in an outrageous direction, although this was no different from Rocky's original goal.

"I will. Um..."

Rocky responded, but soon his mouth was blocked again.

Lucy can allow the relationship between Rebecca and Rocky, but it does not mean that she will give up Rocky.

She is swearing sovereignty with actions.


In the clinic.

Rebecca opened her eyes.

The transformation of the serum made her brain extremely clear.

But when she opened her eyes and saw the scene in front of her, Rebecca wondered if she had not woken up yet.

She wondered if she was dreaming.

Because she saw Rocky's face, Rocky was standing in front of her alive.

"L? Is it you?"

Rebecca asked in disbelief.

"It's me. Rebecca, thank you for your hard work." Rocky, who was standing in front of him, smiled.

Rebecca looked around and found that Jack and the others were also looking at her around, with smiles on their faces.

Rebecca also smiled. Seeing Rocky coming back, she was only happy, simple and pure happiness.

She didn't ask why Rocky came back. Rebecca didn't care about the reason. He only cared that Rocky was back, that was all.

"Great, L, you're back."

Rebecca pushed herself up from the operating chair with both hands and rushed towards Rocky.

But Rebecca jumped up with the usual strength, but found that her strength was different from before.

The normal strength of the bounce made Rebecca rush towards Rocky like a small cannonball.

Rebecca bumped into Rocky at once. Rocky, who was not prepared, didn't stabilize his body and was taken back by Rebecca.

"Sorry, L. I was too excited and didn't control it well."

Rebecca looked at Rocky who was pressed under her and said apologetically.

Rebecca was not heavy, and she didn't feel anything when she was pressed down by her, but the collision just now was really not light.

After Rebecca's enhancement, her physical fitness has risen to an unknown level. I believe that the Rebecca who will fire wildly with various high-intensity guns in the future should be here.

Although the serum has enhanced Rebecca's strength, Rebecca's figure has not changed, nor has she become muscular.

Rocky felt it through the touch of Rebecca's thigh at this time, and it was still so elastic.

Perhaps this is the special feature of the serum, just like the female Captain America did not become the protein queen after injecting the serum.

"It's okay, Rebecca, I can understand. I know everything you have done for me, thank you." Rocky looked into Rebecca's eyes and said.

Rocky was really moved by everything Rebecca did, and he would never let Rebecca down in the future.

"Well, it's nothing. Because I like L, I will always protect you like this in the future."

Rebecca raised her hands and showed the inconspicuous muscles on her white hands.

Although it was not very convincing, these hands that looked harmless could really beat many people to death.

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