It was a good morning, but the weather was very bad.


Rocky sat up from the bed, pinched Rebecca's face and woke her up.

It had been two days since Rocky was captured by Arasaka.

Today was the day V informed him to go to Arasaka Tower for a cooperation meeting.

Rocky and his friends had a relatively peaceful time during these two days.

There was a lot of noise in front of the clinic that night, and the companies in Night City also knew about Arasaka and Military Technology's attitude towards Ascension Technology.

Under the premise that these two giants had made their moves, no other company chose to join in the fun.

So Rocky was able to have a very comfortable two days.

Rocky got up, washed himself, and called Jack.

"Hey, Jack, it's almost time, we should get ready to go."

"No problem, I'll wait for you at the bottom of Arasaka Tower."

After notifying Jack, Rocky and Rebecca went downstairs and got on the Droso, picked up Lucy and headed for Arasaka Tower.

Originally, Rocky wanted to go alone, but when Jack and Rebecca learned that Rocky was going to Arasaka Tower again, they all expressed their desire to go with him.

Even Lucy, who was very afraid of Arasaka, asked to wait for Rocky to come back at the bottom of Arasaka Tower.

Although Rocky knew that they were kind-hearted, he still refused Jack and Rebecca's request to accompany him into Arasaka Tower.

Arasaka Tower was too dangerous, and if something unexpected happened, they would hinder Rocky's actions.

In desperation, the two could only take a step back and choose to wait for Rocky to come back at the bottom of Arasaka Tower like Lucy, which was barely a care.

At the bottom of Arasaka Tower, Rocky saw Jack waiting for them.

"Hey, L, remember to notify us immediately if anything happens." Jack said to Rocky who was about to enter the Arasaka Tower.

Rebecca on the side also echoed: "That's right, don't be like that night again, tell me if there is any situation, I will protect you."

Rebecca took out a heavy shotgun with a pink and green paint from her left hand and shook it in front of Rocky.

At this time, Rebecca was wearing a black fingerless glove on her left hand. It was a storage glove that Rocky modified for Rebecca using a storage ring.

And Rebecca also filled it with various heavy firepower guns. It can be said that Rebecca is now a mobile armory.

"Be sure to come back safely." Lucy also said at this time.

"Don't worry, I'm going to discuss cooperation, not to blow up the Arasaka Tower. They won't do anything to me."

Rocky looked at Jack and the other two, and his heart was warm. After speaking to let them feel relieved, he turned and walked into the Arasaka Tower.


On the other side.

On the Arasaka Tower.

In a meeting room.

A video was playing on the huge display screen on the wall.

The video was a person's first-person perspective. He seemed to be carrying out an action. There were many fully armed combatants like him surrounding a car.

At this time, an explosion suddenly came from the other side of the encirclement.

Turning his head, he saw a man stepping on the corpse of his teammate and laughing wildly.

Or rather, it was not a person, but a humanoid monster.

The monster started to slaughter them. No one could resist him. His teammates fell one after another. He didn't even see the man's shadow clearly.

Soon it was his turn.

The screen went black, the video ended, and then another video from another perspective was played.

This time it was no longer as a victim, but in the third person, overlooking the monster's slaughter of the army.

The scenes in these two videos were naturally the battle that took place in front of Rocky's clinic that night.

The prostheses installed by the military technology troops will have a built-in super dream recording module.

That night, Arasaka seized all the scattered prostheses, and naturally obtained the Mewtwo video at that time.

These video clips were taken from the Mewtwo recorded at that time.

"Adam Hammer, what do you think of this guy?"

A man in a fine suit was sitting at the main seat of the conference table. He tapped the table and looked at a metal monster on the sofa by the wall and asked.

"Hehe, it's interesting. It looks like an unknown model of Sian Westin."

Adam Hammer made a simple evaluation.

"How confident are you to deal with him? In Mewtwo, he seems to have mentioned you."

"It's just a fleshworm with a little strength and speed. Even I can't remember how many such guys I sent to the grave, and they died.

He is chanting my name. "

Adam Heavy Hammer's expression did not fluctuate, and he did not care about Rocky's strength at all.

It was just to destroy an ordinary armed force with military technology, which he could do easily.

This level was not enough to attract his attention.

"As long as you are sure." The man in the suit nodded.

At this time, a woman dressed as a secretary walked into the meeting room, came to the man in the suit and leaned over to speak to him.

"Director, Mr. L has arrived, should we arrange to start the meeting?"

"Let him in. "The man in the suit nodded and turned off the video that was playing.

He was the final decision maker of this meeting and one of the board members of the Arasaka branch in Night City.

Although he was not the most core member, he was still considered a real senior executive of Arasaka.

The matter of Ascension Technology was not a big deal, and it would not alarm the Arasaka family to deal with it.

But it was not a small matter either. The finalization of the cooperation must have the nod of the board members, so this meeting fell on his head.

Soon, several people entered the meeting room under the guidance of the secretary.

In addition to Rocky, several other people also attended the meeting.

One was the deputy director of Arasaka's logistics department. The test and evaluation of the serum medicine was done by their department. He was one of the people who knew the serum medicine best in Arasaka, so he was naturally needed to preside over the meeting.

At the same time, Arasaka's financial The business department and the marketing department all attended the meeting.

The feasibility of Rocky's cooperation plan needs to be comprehensively evaluated by several of them. As for the Arasaka director, he is just making the final decision.

As soon as he entered the meeting room, Rocky noticed Adam Hammer sitting on the sofa next to him.

At this time, Adam Hammer also turned his head to look at Rocky.

The four eyes met. This was the first time Rocky faced Adam Hammer directly after coming to Night City.

Adam Hammer appeared here naturally to protect the members of the board of directors. Now he has not become Arasaka Yoshinobu's personal bodyguard.

With the combat power Rocky showed in front of the clinic, ordinary security could not fully guarantee the safety of the meeting. In addition, with the participation of the board members, Adam Hammer was naturally arranged to come.

"Watch your movements, otherwise I will tear you into pieces."

Looking at Rocky, Adam Hammer warned him expressionlessly.

In the face of Adam Hammer's warning, Rocky was not afraid at all, nor did he respond. He sat in his seat by himself.

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