The truth is, the truth is that the truth is not revealed.

Arasaka checked everyone around Rocky inside and out.

Lucy naturally couldn't escape, and her identity was easily discovered by Arasaka.

This is Arasaka's last bargaining chip.

Rocky looked at Lucy's once tender face on the display screen at this time, and a nameless anger rose quietly in his heart.

Arasaka actually chose to use Lucy to threaten him.

Although Rocky had long guessed that this might happen, when Arasaka pointed to Lucy's file and told him Lucy's identity, he still felt nervous.

Suppressing the anger and strange emotions in his heart, Rocky made himself behave normally.

If he showed excessive concern at this time, it would give Arasaka the opportunity to raise the price.

"The formula delivery time is advanced to two and a half years, and the profit share of the power stimulant is changed to 70% and 30%, and you withdraw all responsibility for Lucy and clear her defection file. This is my last bottom line."

Rocky said lightly.

Seeing that Loki gave in again, the Arasaka people nodded with satisfaction.

Although Lucy was once Arasaka's property, Arasaka didn't care much about this defected hacker and had long stopped trying to track her down. Otherwise, Lucy wouldn't have been able to live so freely in Night City.

As for the discovery of the hacker's trace this time, it was also a pleasant surprise.

Using a hacker with little value in exchange for a share of the benefits of cooperation is naturally profitable for Arasaka.

And Loki used part of the benefits to exchange for Lucy's ability to no longer be tracked by Arasaka and live freely in this world, which is naturally not a loss for him.

It can be said that Loki and Arasaka both got the results they wanted.

The overall discussion of the meeting has been completed, and the rest is the agreement of some specific details.

Finally, with the approval of the Arasaka board members, this cooperation was officially finalized.


Under the Arasaka Tower.

Jack and the others breathed a sigh of relief when they saw Rocky come out safely.

"L, how is it, have you reached an agreement with the Arasaka guys?"

"It's going well. The cooperation with them has been decided. Now Arasaka is considered one of ours."

Rocky responded to Jack's question.

Lucy, who was standing aside, had a strange feeling in her heart when she heard Rocky's words.

Although she understood Rocky's helplessness in cooperating with Arasaka, she was still very afraid of Arasaka.

Now that Rocky and Arasaka are so close, she is worried that Arasaka will discover her identity one day, which will not only put her in danger, but also bring trouble to Rocky.

Just as Lucy's thoughts were scattered, Rocky suddenly called her.


"Huh?" Lucy came back to her senses.

"They mentioned your identity when they were negotiating with Arasaka just now, but don't worry, I've already taken care of it.

I asked Arasaka to clear your file, and they won't track you down anymore. You're free and no longer a defector from Arasaka.

Remember what I told you before? To make you no longer afraid of Arasaka, the method may be a little different from what you expected, but at least it's barely achieved." Rocky said to Lucy with a smile.

Although this is just an agreement between Rocky and Arasaka, Lucy hasn't really gotten rid of Arasaka, but as long as he and Arasaka don't have a falling out, Lucy doesn't have to worry about the danger from Arasaka.

And when Rocky needs to fall out with Arasaka, Rocky will definitely make sure that he has developed to the point where Arasaka can't threaten him.

Lucy was stunned at this time. She didn't expect that the nightmare that had troubled her for so many years would be solved just like that.

She didn't know what price Rocky paid to buy her freedom, but this was the first time she felt so relaxed.

She can live here like a normal person, without worrying about Arasaka coming to her door one day.

Just when Lucy didn't know how to express her feelings, her hand was waved by someone.

Turning around, it was Rebecca, who was smiling and giving her a thumbs up,

"Congratulations, Lucy."

Lucy turned to look at Jack and Rocky, and found that they were also looking at her with a smile.

In an instant, her brewing emotions disappeared, wiped away a few tears of emotion from the corners of her eyes, and smiled.

This is something worth being happy about, she should smile.

"Thank you."

"Haha, nothing, let's go home."



The cooperation with Arasaka has been finalized, but there is still a lot of work to be done


The first thing is the registration and site selection of the company.

With the support of Arasaka, the registration work became extremely quick and simple, and the whole process was completed in a short time.

The rest is the site selection of the company. Although Rocky didn't want to make it so formal, after all, the company was just a carrier for him to release products, but at least it had to look good, and factories were needed to mass-produce products.

After consideration, Rocky finally chose to open the company in a small office building in the municipal center, and the first factory was opened in the North Industrial Zone of Watson District.

The main point is the first-hand cheapness. At this time, his funds are not abundant, and he can't squander them.

The laying of subsequent product production lines and media advertising fees are the big expenses, which are the most critical factors related to his first pot of gold.

Two days later...

In the office building.

At this time, the decoration of the company has been completed, and the gate has also been replaced with the signboard of Feisheng Technology.

And Rocky is looking at the system interface and thinking.

Ascension Technology has begun to take shape, and a normal company naturally needs a lot of manpower to maintain its operation.

Although Rocky has Lucy and Old Wei to help him, it still seems not enough, and he needs more trustworthy people.

But it is obvious that he has no other trustworthy people, not to mention the possibility of employees recruited normally betraying him.

As for Arasaka, this partner, it is estimated that he will try his best to put spies into his company to steal his intelligence.

Rocky needs a means to ensure that his employees will not betray him, or even if they betray, Rocky can respond immediately.

Normally, this is difficult to do. Even Arasaka and military technology cannot completely monitor the employees below to ensure that they will not betray the company.

So Rocky turned his attention to the system. Since conventional methods cannot do it, then cheat.

[Source code: Lissandra-surveillance AI (absolute loyalty version)]

[Source code AI program from the Project Universe. As a security robot, it is mainly used for surveillance, but after a long period of self-evolution, it has become an AI life with self-awareness.

Lissandra, a source code derived from surveillance AI, has a strong control over the network and can easily complete various hacking and defense tasks. At the same time, she is very good at monitoring and managing the company's network.

(The source code obtained by this module is absolutely loyal to the host)]

[Price correction: -10%]

[Module price: 900,000 Euros]

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