The first time I saw the first sign of death, I was shocked.

Sian Westin was activated.

The world in David's eyes slowed down for a moment.

David felt this state excitedly, tried to move, and ran two laps in the clinic.

At this time, in David's eyes, Rocky and Lucy's movements became extremely slow, and even the smoke from Lucy's cigarette was drifting several times slower than usual.

"Awesome! This is Sian Westin!" David cheered.

This is the ability he dreamed of.

David felt the slowed down world, and curiously came to Rocky and looked at him.

Reaching out and shaking his hand in front of Rocky, David wanted to see how Rocky would react.

But at this moment, Rocky, who had been extremely slow in David's eyes, suddenly turned his eyes quickly and stared at David.

When their eyes met, Rocky's mouth curled up into a smile.

Then Rocky stretched out his hand and lifted David up.

"Is it fun?" Rocky asked David, who was full of surprise.

"Huh?" David still didn't react to what happened.

Looking around, David was puzzled as to why Rocky could catch him even though Sian Westin's state hadn't ended yet.

"You also installed Sian Westin?" David asked in confusion.

Rocky shook his head.

"Sian Westin is just the most basic prosthesis. Don't think you're so powerful if you install this thing. If you don't have the corresponding strength, it's just a bug that runs faster."

Sian Westin's state ended, Rocky threw David out with a flick of his hand, and David almost couldn't stand still after a flutter.

Scratching his head, David felt a little embarrassed. He didn't expect that even if he installed Sian Westin, he still had no ability to resist Rocky.

"This is an immunosuppressant that can suppress the side effects of the prosthesis. Remember to inject it frequently.

Also, Sian Westin is burdensome to the body and cannot be used casually. Do you understand?"

Rocky took out two immune preparations and threw them to David, reminding him.

Although with David's talent, as long as he doesn't use Sian Westin seven or eight times in a short period of time, there should be no big problem.

But this kid doesn't know anything. If he doesn't remind him, he will probably turn around and treat Sian Westin as a toy. It's not surprising to use it more than ten times a day.

If he faints and has to bother himself, it will be a headache.

"I understand."

David nodded seriously after hearing Rocky's words.

Rocky helped David a lot, and David was still convinced by his words.

"By the way, this Sian Westin... should cost a lot of money, and there are medical expenses and so on, but I don't have money now.

But don't worry, when my mother wakes up, I will work with her to find a solution, and I won't owe you."

David suddenly remembered that a high-level prosthesis like Sian Westin must cost a lot of money, not to mention the medical expenses for surgery.

Rocky had changed out of his suit and put on the clothes of a prosthetic doctor.

David guessed that Rocky might be a prosthetic doctor, and Sian Westin was the product he usually sold.

But Rocky's answer was beyond David's expectations.

"This Sian Westin was not originally mine, and you don't have to pay for it. But the surgery fee should indeed be collected."

"Sian Westin is not yours? Then why did you install it on me?"

David's mind was a little confused.

"This is your mother's thing, originally placed in that black bag."

Rocky told the truth. Anyway, David had already installed Sian Westin, and he would know about this sooner or later.

And Rocky had no obligation to help Gloria hide all this.

"Ah? My mother's? My mother... Why does she have such a thing?"

David couldn't believe it. In his eyes, his mother had always been an ordinary person who worked hard, and had nothing to do with dangerous prostheses like Sian Westenstein.

And Rocky shrugged.

"Then you have to ask her yourself."

Sian Westenstein was taken away by Gloria when she was cleaning up the scene of the death of the cyber madman.

This kind of thing is not easy to explain, so let Gloria worry about it herself.

"I understand, I will ask it myself.

Anyway, thank you very much for your help, I will definitely pay you back for the medical expenses, my name is David."

David nodded, although he had many doubts in his heart, but he could only wait until Gloria

Ya woke up and asked again.


In response to David's introduction, Rocky added David's contact information and sent the medical bill to David's email.

'L... ah, I remember it. '

This was the first time David knew Rocky's name. He was grateful to Rocky for what he had done for him. If it weren't for Rocky, his mother might have met with an accident.

After remembering Rocky's name, David turned his head and looked at Lucy on the side. Although Lucy didn't say much, she was in the same group with Rocky after all, so David felt it was necessary to say hello.

And Lucy saw David looking over here and glanced at him.


Lucy responded lightly.

Although she had no interest in David, Lucy now understood why Rocky said he was very talented.

After all, even many battle-hardened soldiers could not control this military model of Sian Westin. Now it was installed on David, and he was not only fine, but could even run.

This in itself was amazing enough.

"Okay, nothing to do, take your mother, I'll take you back."

Rocky didn't intend to waste any more time, and motioned David to take Gloria with him.

After getting in the car, Rocky took them back to Santo Domingo.

"Um, Mr. L, I don't think I told you the address yet, how do you know I live here?"

Looking at the car parked under the super skyscraper H4, David suddenly remembered that Rocky didn't ask him the address, and he forgot to tell it.

And Rocky tapped his temple with his hand.

"Don't forget, I'm a hacker."

David was stunned for a moment after hearing Rocky's words.

Recalling everything that happened in the black clinic, David suddenly felt that everything seemed reasonable.

But now he is a little curious about what role Rocky plays.

Hacker, agent, or cyborg doctor?

"Are you confused about my identity? But you will find out later.

If you want to find a job and don't want to bury Sian Westin, you can come to me."

Looking at David who was a little confused, Rocky smiled.

After installing the Sian Westin on David, Rocky believed that David would no longer be a good kid going to school every day like before.

After he confronted Gloria and dealt with everything, it was time for him to start his legendary life.

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