The old man was very happy.

"What is this?"

Mann looked at the blue potion on the table, raised his eyebrows, and was a little confused about what Rocky meant.

Can this potion be as valuable as Sian Westin? Mann didn't believe it.

Seeing Mann's puzzled expression, Rocky smiled and explained.

"Advanced serum potion is a good thing that can improve body strength and increase the tolerance of prosthesis.

The value of this potion is already comparable to the prosthesis you lost, and the most important thing is that this thing can't be bought on the market."

What Rocky took out for Mann was advanced soldier serum, and now this kind of serum has been specially supplied to Arasaka.

Except for the ten doses that were initially leaked to the underground clinic, it is now unavailable on the market.

After hearing Rocky's explanation, Mann reached out and grabbed the serum on the table, took it in front of him and looked at it carefully.

"This is it? Are you sure?"

"I don't need to lie to you, Mann.

I checked your body before, and if I'm not mistaken, you should have reached your limit.

You should have all these symptoms, such as frequent hand tremors, mental confusion and hallucinations.

You should know what these symptoms mean, and this thing can solve your situation now, so that you don't have to downgrade your prosthesis."

Rocky's words hit Mann's mind like a hammer.

He has indeed had the symptoms Rocky mentioned recently, although the frequency is not high, only once or twice, but he also understands that this is the precursor of cyberpsychosis.

Often in this situation, either downgrade the prosthesis or wait for death.

But he was unwilling to downgrade his powerful prosthesis.

He had spent so much effort to get to this point, and he couldn't let go of his own strength. He even had to install Sian Westin on himself to make himself go further.

"Okay, how do you use this thing?"

After a moment of silence, Mann accepted the potion.

If this potion has the same effect as Rocky said, it will be very useful for him.

Mann was quite satisfied with this compensation.

"Just find a trusted prosthetic doctor to help you inject. Of course, you can also come to my clinic at night to find me, I can help you."


At night.

In Rocky's clinic.

After the injection of the potion, Mann slowly woke up.

Rocky asked Mann to find a trusted prosthetic doctor. Mann of course asked Rocky to help. After all, he gave this potion and he must know it best.

"How do you feel?"

"Very good, I am very satisfied."

Mann's mind became very clear at this time, and his previous trance was relieved.

Feeling the state of his body, Mann smiled.

"Although you have injected the drug, the situation has been alleviated. But it does not mean that you can install prostheses without restrictions.

The drug only improves your ability to withstand prostheses, but there is still an upper limit. If you do not stop installing prostheses, you will still become a cyberpsychopath in the future."

Seeing that Mann was a little excited, Rocky reminded him.

He was a little worried that Mann would become more aggressive in stuffing prostheses into his body after injecting the serum.

Now Mann has not hurt the people around him because of cyberpsychosis, and he is obviously not very concerned about it. Rocky has no better way to deal with it, so he can only give him a little verbal reminder.

"Haha, I know." Mann replied to Rocky with a smile, obviously in a good mood.

Since Mann said so, Rocky couldn't say anything, and then let Mann go.


Two days later.

"News 54 reports for you.

Just today, Arasaka held a press conference to announce the establishment of a cooperative relationship with the technology company, Ascension Technology.

Let me take you into this press conference and unveil the mystery of Ascension Technology together."

At the press conference, the reporter of News 54 was talking to the camera.

The screen turned to the high platform in front. With many staff members busy, the press conference site was quickly arranged.

The main member of the press conference, the spokesperson representative from Arasaka's marketing department, tidied his clothes, and after confirming that there was no problem, he walked onto the stage.

Coming in front of the camera, the press conference officially began.

"Today, I am very happy to be here to host this press conference on behalf of Arasaka.

As a world-class armed technology company, Arasaka's service scope covers many industries such as armed manufacturing, security, and banking.

We have been committed to providing better quality products for our customers..."

"Hey, these guys from Arasaka are just like that. They talk a lot of nonsense every time they start their speeches, and they want to praise their company to the sky."

Under the stage, Jack, a suit thug who looked extremely strong and dressed in a fine suit, looked at the Arasaka spokesperson who was talking a lot of nonsense on the stage and complained to Rocky on the side.

Jack has always been fed up with these guys. None of their words are valuable. They always start with the same few words.

But although Jack complained, he only whispered to Rocky.

After all, this is Arasaka's home court. He came here as an employee of Arasaka's cooperative enterprise, so naturally he couldn't let outsiders hear these.

Especially since the scene was full of sharp-eared reporters, they were a group of dogs that would pounce on them when they smelled the smell of public opinion.

Even if they dare not report the scandal about Arasaka, it is better not to give them a handle.

Rocky on the side saw Jack coming over and complaining in a low voice, and chuckled.

"Jack, don't you know them yet? That's what company dogs are like. Besides, he is not the person in charge of Arasaka, but just a tool person who was pushed out, so he has to act decently.

If it were a prince like Arasaka Yorinobu who came to the press conference, there would be no need for such nonsense. "

"L is right, a tool person speaks for Arasaka, so he has to be comprehensive."

Old Wei nodded and agreed with Rocky's point of view.

Today, Old Wei also wore a suit and accompanied Rocky to the press conference.

Even Lucy rarely participated in such a big scene.

A slim-fitting women's suit shows Lucy's figure to the fullest.

Only Rebecca, who really couldn't accept this formal dress, chose not to come to the scene.

After a long while, the spokesperson of Arasaka finally told the specific plan and reasons for the cooperation with Ascension Technology in a long nonsense.

"The release process of the cooperation with Ascension Technology has ended.

Next, we will invite our partner, L, the chairman of Ascension Technology, to come on stage to launch the first round of products of Ascension Technology. "

The Arasaka spokesperson walked off the stage amid warm applause. Some reporters in the audience welcomed Rocky's appearance, but many reporters still wanted to ask questions to the Arasaka spokesperson.

But it was obvious that the spokesperson didn't want to pay attention to them. There was no questioning session in Arasaka's arrangement.

After all, this press conference was just one of the contents of the transaction with Rocky for Arasaka. Arasaka didn't want to put too much effort, and there was no need to answer the reporters' questions.

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