In the darkness, Lucy walked out slowly. As the only one in the counterintelligence department of Ascension Technology, she can be said to be the big boss. Lucy appeared here without any surprise. With the existence of Lissandra, John's spying activities were naturally invisible in her eyes. If it was ordinary intelligence theft, Lucy would not bother to care, because most of the data they could collect was irrelevant. But it was obvious that he touched the bottom line this time. When John saw Lucy, he knew that he was finished today. Although they did not have much contact with each other, he still knew the identity of the person who came. It was obvious that his spying activities were targeted by the counterintelligence department of Ascension Technology. John now only hoped that the man in the suit who was in contact with him could call for help quickly and save himself.

But unfortunately, the man in the suit had been sending out distress signals since he lost control of his body, but all of them fell on deaf ears.

There was no response.

The man in the suit turned his only moving eyeball and looked at Lucy.

Lucy's expression did not fluctuate, but she just raised her hand gently.

Under the horrified eyes of the man in the suit, his feet began to leave the ground uncontrollably, and his body slowly floated up.

The data chip in his hand also instantly broke free from the restraints of his fingers and floated towards Lucy.

Looking at the floating chip, Lucy opened her palm to catch it.

Taking back the data chip ensured that the data was not leaked.

Lucy waved her little hand gently, and the man in the suit, who was originally floating in the air, seemed to be suddenly hit by a speeding truck. He flew backwards and hit the pillar of the garage directly.

Blood flowed uncontrollably from the corner of the suit man's mouth, but he still did not regain control of his body, but stuck tightly to the middle of the pillar.

At this time, the suit man felt the pain of broken bones all over his body, but he could no longer feel it, nor could he scream.

Now there was only fear and shock in his mind.

This was an attack method he had never seen before, weird and terrible, and he could not understand it at all.

He had come into contact with intelligence about Arasaka, who had recently been planning to integrate gravity control into weapons.

But he did not see any bulky gravity controller on this woman. If Arasaka had developed this kind of miniature gravity weapon, he could not imagine how terrible it would be.

But it was obvious that the suit man guessed wrong, and this had nothing to do with Arasaka's gravity weapon.

The power displayed by Lucy was naturally the effect of Compound No. 5.


This was the ability Lucy gained through Compound No. 5, powerful and elegant.

Lucy didn't care about the suit man's shock and confusion. She wasn't interested in wasting time on a dead person.

She summoned three knives from her space backpack. As Lucy's mind moved, the three knives drew graceful arcs in the air, flew towards the suit man, and stabbed into his brain mercilessly.

In an instant, the suit man lost all his life.

After dealing with the suit man, Lucy turned her attention to John in the car.

With a thought, the car door was ruthlessly opened, and John was pulled out by telekinesis.

John was horrified as he looked at the knife hanging in front of his head in the air.

He saw how the suit man died just now, and he didn't want to follow in his footsteps.

But just when John wanted to say something, the cold blade had already pierced his head.

Lucy was too lazy to listen to the dead man.

So far, Feisheng Technology has lost another lovely talent.

But Lucy didn't care at all. If this one died, there would be more employees waiting to replace him.

And now is different from the past. Ascension Technology is no longer as embarrassed as it was when it was just founded.

Ascension Technology now has a certain influence in Night City and has absorbed a lot of talents with clean backgrounds.

Eliminating these termites is also to better cultivate one's own strength.

If they keep fighting, Lucy is too lazy to bother them.

But if it touches on more important information, Lucy will naturally take action.

After dealing with the company's traitor, Lucy didn't look at the body on the ground for a long time.

Use telekinesis to gently lift her body and slowly float into the darkness, as if she had never been there.


On the other side.

The laboratory of Ascension Technology.

A special

In a special area, a furnace-style machine is running at full power.

Through the holes in the furnace, it can be clearly seen that an extremely terrible high-temperature reaction is taking place inside.

The light that symbolizes high temperature shines on a corner of the laboratory, dyeing it completely orange.

The overflowing high temperature makes the space seem to be distorted.

But Rocky on the side didn't care at all, still standing in front of the furnace with great interest, watching the metal constantly changing and forming.

These heats that ordinary people can't bear are completely nutrients for Rocky, and they are easily absorbed into his body.

With the full power operation of the machine furnace, soon a rectangular metal with silver-white and blue light flowing through it finally took shape.

Rocky excitedly took it in his hand and began to observe it carefully.

At this time, Lucy, who had completed the spy elimination mission and came to the laboratory to find Rocky, happened to see this scene.

As if sensing Rocky's excitement, Lucy curiously lifted her body with telekinesis, rested her chin on Rocky's shoulder, and asked curiously.

"What is this?"

The hot air gently hit Rocky's face, making him feel itchy, but now he wanted to focus on this piece of iron.

"Vibranium, an extremely hard metal." Rocky explained.

[Vibranium & Adamantium Combo Pack]

[Vibranium: A metal material from the Marvel Universe, derived from a rare natural meteorite, with extremely high hardness and the ability to absorb sound waves and kinetic energy.

Adamantium: An alloy material from the Marvel Universe, it is the hardest metal known on Earth in the Marvel Universe. Once formed, it is almost indestructible and unchangeable.

Both Vibranium and Adamantium are extremely powerful metal raw materials, which can be used to transform items through a workbench and upgraded to corresponding metal products. ]

[Price correction: integrated package special offer -30%, world correction +10%]

[Item module: 160,000 euros/alloy ingot]

[Furnace recipe expansion module: 1,600,000 euros]

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