The truth is that he was saved.

It was not a pleasant experience to walk through the gates of hell. He had already lost all hope when he was caught by the scavenger and tied to a chair.

It is not an exaggeration to say that falling into the hands of the scavenger and being used to shoot Black Mewtwo is worse than death, although he will die in the end.

But what he didn't expect was that he was rescued by the special operations department.

You have to know that he is just an ordinary employee of Feisheng Technology, not a senior executive of the company at all, and his salary is not enough to support him to buy a membership of the trauma team.

If he were in other companies, a small employee like him who did not enjoy the benefits of the trauma team would probably only wait to die.

The employee who had walked between life and death didn't know what words to use to describe his feelings at this moment.

He could only stammer and say thank you.

But David smiled slightly.

"You're welcome, this is the company's arrangement. You should continue to work hard in the future."

"I will, I will." The employee said hurriedly.

There are many ways to win people's hearts, and saving a life often has a good effect.

Although it is not enough to make people feel moved to give everything for the company, it is still possible to enhance their sense of belonging and make them work hard.

After completing the task, David took the employees out of the apartment.

On the way back, Jack had learned the news of the success of the task through Lissandra and called again.

"Okay, David, you are so agile, is that guy okay?"

"That guy is fine, he didn't suffer any injuries, I hope he can go to work on time tomorrow."

"That's good, thank you for your hard work. If I were you, I should ask L to give us more people, it's really a bit too busy for us guys." Jack complained to David.

As Ascension Technology grows, there are more and more tasks to be handled.

But Rocky has not expanded the staff of the Special Operations Department, which has caused Jack and his team to be busy all the time.

It is common to have to work overtime in the middle of the night like tonight.

Jack has also complained to Rocky, but this is also a headache for Rocky.

Rocky certainly knows that he needs to expand his staff, and not just the Special Operations Department, he also needs his own army to truly compete with those big companies in the future.

Although their combat power is already very strong, as far as the entire Night City is concerned, there is basically nothing that can threaten the core members of Ascension Technology.

But it is not realistic to rely on just a few people to break through Night City. He also needs a large number of combat units to help him handle daily combat tasks.

The problem is that there are too few people who can be trusted in Night City. The free mercenaries are unreliable, and it takes a lot of time to train combat personnel by yourself.

And as long as they are people, there will be flaws, and it is difficult to make Rocky completely trust them like Jack and his team.

Fortunately, Rocky has already started to solve this problem. Since people are unreliable, then don't use them.


The next day.

In the laboratory, Lao Wei looked at the drawings in front of him and fell into thought.

"Is this the robot soldier you mentioned? Why do I look... not like they can fight?"

After a long time, Lao Wei finally asked this question.

Just a few days ago, Rocky talked to him about his plan for the Intelligent Machine Corps, punching military technology and kicking the Arasaka Group.

What a vibranium body, one beat ten, and it can withstand nuclear bombs without panic. Lao Wei was stunned.

But when he saw the drawings today, he found that something seemed wrong.

The robot model in the drawings had a big cylindrical camera head, and a square display screen occupied its chest.

The mechanical arms of the limbs looked very... mechanical. Although the overall shape was still human, it had nothing to do with the concept of bionic robots that should be in this era. It was more like the robot style of the last century.

If this robot is used in industrial production, then Lao Wei will definitely have no objection, but if you say that this thing can fight, then he can only reserve his opinion.

What Lao Wei doesn't know is that this thing was originally used for production rather than fighting.

[Mobile Robot Multifunctional Entity (Marvin) Automatic Assistant]

[A mechanical automatic robot from the Titanfall universe, it is a mechanical personnel responsible for manufacturing and other such daily tasks.

Although it is usually used for production tasks, if given enough stimulation and exposure to ideas, Marvin may be able to improve to some extent

, becoming smarter and more capable than their brothers, and even giving birth to self-awareness. For example, a Marvin robot who likes to give a thumbs-up.

Note: The Marvin robot of this module can stably stimulate self-awareness and has strong plasticity, learning different types of skills. At the same time, it is protected by system rules to ensure absolute loyalty to the host at all times. ]

[Price correction: world correction -10%]

[Item module: 45,000 euros]

[Production blueprint: 450,000 euros]

This is the origin of this blueprint.

What Lao Wei said is indeed right, these robots do not look like they are used for fighting.

Although this is true, the characteristics of Marvin robots make it possible for them to become combat robots.

The Pathfinder in apex is the best example, and his combat ability is no weaker than that of ordinary soldiers, and it can even be said to be a killer on the battlefield.

And the most important reason why Rocky chose it is camouflage.

Today, Ascension Technology is being closely watched by major companies in Night City. Arasaka and his team are not in a hurry to take further action on Ascension Technology, largely because it currently poses no threat.

Although power stimulants are now popular in Night City and have brought huge profits to Ascension Technology, they are just stimulants and are not worth their efforts.

Although the Soldier Serum is powerful, the impact it brings is not on Ascension Technology itself, because Ascension Technology is not an armed technology company, it has no army and no weapons.

So even if the Soldier Serum is more effective, Ascension Technology itself cannot threaten them. The real threat lies in Arasaka and other large companies that have obtained the Soldier Serum.

And if Ascension Technology now takes out a powerful combat robot, it will undoubtedly show that they want to squeeze into the armed security field of Arasaka, military technology and Kangtao.

This will undoubtedly make Arasaka and his team alert, so that their attitude towards Ascension Technology will not be as peaceful as it is now.

Even Arasaka, a nominal partner, will regard Ascension Technology as a huge threat.

But if Feisheng Technology only produced an ordinary civilian-grade industrial production robot, there would not be such trouble.

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