After the raw materials were brought into the store, Rocky could finally start refining stimulants.

Put the raw materials needed to refine 20 stimulant secondary potions on the alchemy table.

Choose the refining formula, and after 20 minutes, 20 bottles of potions mainly used to provide acceleration ability were refined.

Then Rocky refined 20 potions mainly for restoring power.

Put two different secondary potions into the alchemy table, and then add the final fusion material. After another 20 minutes, 20 doses of stimulants were finally refined.

Take out the container storing the stimulants and put it on the synthesis workbench. The function analyzed by the scanner is consistent with the description, so there should be no problem.

Switch the workbench to synthesis mode, put in metal and glass materials, and as the workbench operates, twenty tubes of stimulant drugs are synthesized.

Take out the laser engraver and engrave marks on the drug tubes one by one.

[Made by Ascension Technology]

[Power Stimulant Type 1]

Pour the stimulant into the syringe and seal it. The green potion flows quietly in the drug tube.

This is how Rocky's first batch of stimulants was made.

Put the prepared drugs away.

Rocky was still thinking about how to sell these drugs, when a new visitor application came to the clinic.

Rocky saw two visitors through the surveillance installed at the door.

The large area of ​​Asian-style tattoos on their bodies and the samurai swords they carried made it easy to guess that they were gang members of the Tiger Claw Gang.

It is likely that they were recommended by Wakako.

Rocky approved their visitor application and the door of the clinic was opened.

The bionic skin of the prosthetic arm on the right hand of one of them was damaged, revealing the metal shape inside, and the internal prosthesis was also greatly damaged, and even the mantis blade hidden inside was exposed to the air.

It seems that the prosthesis was damaged by a high-intensity weapon.

His right abdomen was obviously injured. He was covering it with something, but it could not completely suppress the flow of blood. A few drops of blood flowed through his fingers and dripped onto the clean floor of the clinic.

The other person was much better. He looked uninjured. It was obvious that he came with the wounded.

But it was normal. No one would go to a strange black clinic for treatment alone with injuries. Especially those guys with prostheses. They might be sold to scavengers by the prosthesis doctor for decomposition.

So in general, whether it is gang members or free mercenaries, they have their own trustworthy prosthesis doctors. And if they want to go to a new prosthesis doctor, at least they will bring a trustworthy person to guard by their side.

Asking the injured to lie on the operating table, Rocky injected a strong hemostatic agent near his wound.

"Wakako recommended you here?" Rocky asked.

The person accompanying him nodded and said, "Hey, I was injured nearby. Wakako said there was a trustworthy clinic here, so I came here."

Looking at Rocky's young appearance, the Tiger Claw Gang member doubted his ability. But after all, he was recommended by Wakako, so he couldn't say anything. As soon as he entered the door, he saw the boxing trophy on the table.

He still knew a little about the value of these things. He could only see if his skills were really good. If he found that he was not good enough, it would not be too late to attack him.

He briefly checked the mantis blade prosthesis on the injured person's right arm and found that although it was broken, the damage was not too serious and could be repaired.

"The arm prosthesis is damaged. Do you want to repair it or replace it directly?"

"How much does it cost to repair it?"

"2000 euros, plus the surgery and medical expenses, a total of 4000 euros. You were recommended by Wakako, so I'll charge you 3600 euros."

Hearing Rocky's offer, the injured man nodded. It was indeed a normal price and he was not overcharged. Plus the 10% discount, it can be said that it is 100 or 200 euros cheaper than the clinic he usually goes to.

"Then let's do it this way."

"Okay, I'll treat you first."

Rocky took out his equipment and skillfully disassembled the damaged prosthetic arm on his right hand and put it aside.

Then he took out the anesthetic needle and gave him a local anesthesia. The two bullets in the wound were taken out, disinfected, hemostatic, and sutured.

After two years of study, Rocky's medical skills have been perfected, and this simple medical operation is naturally easy to handle.

After a while, the wound of the injured was treated, and finally bandaged.

It's done.

Then Rocky came to the workbench, took out the tools and parts to repair the prosthesis.

Prosthetic doctors are originally a combination of surgeons and technicians, and can even work as tattoo artists.

As a qualified prosthetic doctor, Rocky's service range is naturally to repair prostheses.

After removing the bionic skin of the prosthesis, revealing the mechanical prosthesis inside, Rocky picked up the tools to repair the prosthesis, but at this moment he suddenly remembered that he had forgotten something.

'I almost forgot that I still have that thing. ' Rocky slapped his forehead.

'It takes some time to repair the prosthesis, but it won't take too long. You just wait a moment.'

After instructing the accompanying person to take care of the wounded, Rocky took the damaged prosthetic arm and went into the room where the production equipment was located.

The person standing in the store saw Rocky carrying the prosthesis into the room and then fell silent, his head full of doubts. This guy had all the tools ready to start repairing, so why did he bring the prosthesis in again? Could it be that he wants to swap their prostheses?

"What is this guy doing? He doesn't think we are fools, does he? If he dares to be clever, I will let him know the consequences of angering the Tiger Claw Gang."

The man complained, but he could only wait for Rocky to take out the prosthesis. After all, it was just a suspicion, and it was impossible to question it now. He had to give Wakako some face.

The person lying on the operating table felt the condition of his body and recovered very well. He said, "No way, Wakako said she trusted him, and I feel that his technology is really good, at least much better than my previous one."

"Really? But good technology does not mean that he will not cheat people, let's take a look."

In the room, Rocky did not realize the misunderstanding that he might cause, and took the prosthesis to the anvil where the production module was installed.

Put the damaged prosthesis on it, then put the metal material, and click repair.

With the operation of the anvil, a brand new mantis knife prosthesis soon appeared in front of him.

‘Wow, this thing is so useful. What era is it still using traditional repairs? Cyber ​​Anvil can be used for one-click repairs. ’

The function of the anvil is to repair the durability of items. As long as the item to be repaired and the corresponding raw materials are found, the repair can be completed.

‘That’s great. In the future, I don’t even need to buy parts to repair the prosthesis. It’s basically zero cost, but the repair seems to be too new. ’

After the repair by the anvil, the prosthesis is now as good as a brand new one, and even the internal blades have no traces of use and scratches.

This is a headache. It is impossible to achieve this level of repair according to normal maintenance.

Fortunately, the prosthesis is usually wrapped in bionic skin, and normally no one will pay attention to the degree of wear and tear inside. In addition, repairing it to a new state is not a bad thing, and it will work if it is discovered.

In the room, Rocky waited for a reasonable time before taking the prosthesis out.

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