Cyberpunk: Legendary Life

Chapter 119 Trophies

Before dawn, the badlands plunge into deeper darkness.

Tang Yu sat by the bonfire, staring at the flames that crackled from time to time.

Next to him, Panan picked up a piece of firewood and added it to the bonfire, and the fire gradually became more intense.

Sasha sat on the other side of Tang Yu, obediently stretching out her hands to warm herself by the fire, but her eyes never left Tang Yu.

Gloria and Mann were chatting with the tribe's cowboy hat elder, who couldn't stop expressing his gratitude.

Even though it was a paid commission, it was obvious that this matter had exceeded expectations, by a huge margin.

Dorio, Rebekah, Qiwei, and Falco were sitting around another bonfire, with the two sides clearly separated.

There was a big battle just now, and everyone present fell silent.

Although the night wandering ghosts and Kang Tao's small group of intelligent mechanized troops were eliminated, the heavy atmosphere has not dissipated, and a depressive atmosphere permeated the tribe.

At that time, Mann and others were in a critical situation. They were trapped behind the rock wall of the canyon. There were Kangtao heavy combat drones above and Kangtao intelligent combat robots approaching from the bottom of the slope. It could be said that they were completely in a dead situation.

Fortunately, Tang Yu led people to break the situation. First, Panan stood in the distance and carried an RPG rocket on his shoulder. He destroyed the Kangtao drone with one shot, creating a gap in firepower. Gloria drove to the slope position and let Sasha, who was in combat mode, Sha rushes into the robot position.

Tang Yu and Gloria continued to chase the biotechnology company employees, captured Alex Pushkin, handed him to Mann and brought him back to the tribe.

Alex is now hanging at the entrance of the tribe's camp, and all passing tribe members can pick up stones and throw them at him.

Panan looked up at the next door and found that the loli at another bonfire seemed to be staring at Tang Yu and Sasha, with eyes full of questioning.

She asked: "How about it, can you tell me what's going on here? Those mercenaries seem to know you."

Tang Yu asked Gloria to communicate with the tribe people about the follow-up matters. In fact, this matter had nothing to do with Panan, so it was okay to tell her.

Sasha also wanted to know the cause and effect of this incident, so she stared at Tang Yu seriously, expecting him to tell the story behind it.

Just as Tang Yu was about to explain, another figure came over, moved a small wooden stool and sat across from the bonfire, and said with a dissatisfied look: "I want to listen too."

After saying that, she glanced at Sasha suspiciously, and then at Tang Yu. Her eyes were full of strange question marks. She seemed to be scratching her head and couldn't figure out why the company was here, why Sasha didn't recognize her, and why she didn't know her. How is it with the company?


It’s really strange!

Rebecca wanted to ask on her way back to the tribe from the canyon, and saw with her own eyes the sudden appearance of Sasha, and then the sudden appearance of the company.

Finally, Sasha turned around and got into the company car. She was really shocked for a whole year.

On the way back, Dolio held Rebecca in the passenger seat and stopped Rebecca's questions several times.

Falco and Qiwei sat in the back row, responsible for guarding the biotechnology company employees.

Mann drove the car without saying a word, his expression extremely heavy.

Rebecca also understood that it was not appropriate to ask questions in this situation, so she patiently stayed quiet.

After arriving at the tribe, she heard someone talking over the campfire. Rebecca could no longer hold back her curiosity and wanted to hear Tang Yu explain the whole story.

Tang Yu knew that Rebecca was also fully involved in the commissioned task, and there was no problem with her knowing this.

"Speaking of this matter, you also know some circumstances, which are closely related to the company."

"Biotechnology is breeding a superbug and developing new antibiotics to combat it."

"Now that experimental products have been developed, sample clinical trials need to be conducted."

"Furthermore, drug clinical trials are different from other products and must be supported by a large amount of sample data."

"Biotechnology does not want to spend a lot of money to find volunteers, but it also wants to obtain enough test samples, so it sets its sights on the wanderer tribe in the bad land."

When Panan heard this, he became angry and cursed: "Is this how those corporate dogs treat homeless people? Do they still have a trace of humanity?! Not a single good thing!"

Hearing Panan's anger, Sasha and Rebecca both looked at her.

It's a bit bad to call the company a dog in front of the company people.

Panan, who has a carefree personality, doesn't care about this at all, not to mention that she doesn't know the identity of Tang Yu in front of her at all, so she just continues to urge: "Speak quickly, speak quickly, I'm still listening."

Tang Yu smiled helplessly: "You are right, the company does not have a good thing."

"According to Alex Pushkin, an employee of the biotechnology company, the tribe was selected by his boss, Dr. Joanne Koch."

"Dr. Joanne Kochi is the regional director of technology and development at a biotechnology company, responsible for the development and testing of new drugs. She decided to use the Wanderer tribe to conduct clinical trials, and then asked Alex to oversee the matter."

"Alex couldn't find a tribe that volunteered to participate in the experiment, so he contacted the notorious Night Walkers in the Badlands, because except for the Night Walkers, no tribe was willing to take on the company's dirty work."

"At the same time, biotech is also worried that the matter will be exposed, and does not allow night wanderers to throw D into the water source, so as not to make the matter bigger and attract more people's attention."

"So the night wandering ghosts are targeting this tribe, the 'Red Ocher', which is weak in overall strength."

“With the tacit approval of Biotech’s Joanne Koch, Night Walkers launched their operation.”

After hearing this, Panan cursed again: "A group of bullies who are afraid of the strong. They bark everywhere all day long. They will kill them every time they see them!"

This time, Sasha and Rebecca agreed with Panan's statement. Nightwanderers were real cancers of the Badlands and should be eliminated.

"After that, the night wandering ghosts took the super bacteria provided by biotechnology and dropped them in areas where the Red Ocher Tribe often scavenged. They put these infectious bacteria into various foods. If you eat them carelessly, you will become infected."

"In addition, drug dealers will also help biotechnology and sell antibiotics developed by the company to tribes."

"Obviously, these antibiotics don't protect against superbugs at all and may even have side effects."

"The corpses that died after infection will be snatched back by the Night Walker and handed over to biotechnology, and then brought back to the company's R\u0026D department to continue sample research."

Hearing this, Rebecca suddenly realized, and quickly added: "I know this! When I was hiding behind the ghost carriage dressed as a corpse, I heard them saying that a corpse would be sold to the company for 10,000 euros."

Panan scolded even more fiercely. He never thought that biotechnology would be so crazy and use money to buy and sell human lives.

This money is really easy and easy to come by. You can earn hundreds of thousands of euros by transporting some corpses.

Rebecca knew that she followed Mann's team through life and death, and each person received an average of 10,000 or 20,000 euros after a mission.

The key point is that missions with high rewards like this are not often available. I usually take on small missions. If everyone can share a thousand euros in one game, it is considered good.

Tang Yu could only tell them: "Once there is an appropriate profit, the company will be bold. If there is 50% profit, the company will take risks. If there is 100% profit, it will dare to trample on all human laws. There are With 300% profit, it dares to commit any crime.” (Note 1)

"Nowadays, biotechnology has invested so much in the research and development of antibiotics. I am afraid that they have already found buyers who are willing to pay more. For them, these hundreds of thousands of euros are just a drop in the bucket of the entire project."

"The Kangtao intelligent mechanical force you saw is a security service outsourced by biotechnology. The security investment alone is a huge sum of money."

Everyone was silent after listening.

The company controls funds, technology, resources, and weapons. Not only are these giants rich enough to rival the country, but they even have the ability to start a protracted war. They are far beyond what a group of mercenaries can contend with.

Even though it is known as the most liberal city in the world, Night City is still shrouded in the shadow of the company, and almost nothing can be done without the company.

Rebecca felt inexplicably depressed. Although she had always hated the company, she could still feel the despair of being targeted by the company at this moment.

A tribe of a thousand people is considered a relatively powerful force in the bad land, but in the eyes of the company, it is just a bunch of chickens and dogs.

She was a little irritated for no reason, and unconsciously looked up at Tang Yu, only to find that he was warming himself up by the fire with a calm demeanor, telling them about the ugliness of the company as if he were having a family affair.

"Isn't he also from the company? Why are he saying these things? And what's going on with Sasha?"

Rebecca thought silently in her heart and couldn't understand what Tang Yu did.

But when she saw Tang Yu's clear and translucent eyes flashing with fire, she vaguely understood something in her heart, but she still couldn't tell.

Tang Yu saw that they suddenly became depressed after listening, and it was difficult to continue talking about these troublesome things.

When it comes to the filthiness of the company, even the homeless people on the streets of Night City can spit it out, let alone them.

Everyone understands that the company is the culprit of all misfortunes, but living in Night City, everyone can only accept everything numbly.

After all, life goes on, right?

At this time, Gloria finished talking to the elder cowboy, turned around and came behind Tang Yu, squatted down and said closely.

"They have paid for this mission, a total of 100,000 euros, and Mann gets 60%."

"In addition, the tribe elders are willing to take the initiative to bear the loss of Mann's vehicles."

Tang Yu nodded slightly. Adding up the vehicle losses, ammunition consumption, etc. this time, Mann and the others, 60,000 euros really can't make much money. The tribe is willing to bear more, which is also good for them.

Gloria then made a suggestion, asking Tang Yu to decide: "There are still a lot of trophies left in the wreckage of the Night Wandering Ghost Convoy and the Kangtao Intelligent Transportation Force. I think it is inconvenient to take them back, so should I hand them over to the tribe for processing. "

The trophies were obtained by Mann's team and Tang Yu, so the decision-making power naturally rested with Tang Yu.

But these trophies are of no use to Tang Yu, but he considers that the Red Ocher Tribe can only handle part of the trophies, such as guns and ammunition, off-road vehicle wreckage parts, etc., which can help them improve their ability to protect themselves.

But Kang Tao's ground armored vehicle carrying the robot is a big thing. Giving red ocher to it is not only a waste, but will also attract Kang Tao's attention, which may cause another disturbance.

Tang Yu then turned to look at Panan and asked, "Would you like a gift for your tribe?"

Panan was a little strange. He didn't know what kind of medicine Tang Yu was selling in the gourd, so he asked: "What gift? Don't try to use junk goods as payment. I won't do such stupid things."

Tang Yu mentioned: "Kangtao's ground armored vehicle is a big guy. If it is given to Adecado, senior mechanical engineer Mitch will have something good to study."

Panan's eyes lit up, and he suddenly felt that this gift was particularly good. Taking it back would not only improve the camp's mechanization level and enhance its transportation capabilities, but also allow Mitch to develop more good things.

But she quickly thought of a question. This guy gave such a good thing for no reason. She was afraid there was something wrong with it, so she asked suspiciously.

"What? Why did you say it would be a gift? You can set a price. You can tell me. As long as it's not too outrageous, I can still go back and convince Sol."

Tang Yu smiled calmly and said, "Okay, I'll make a price. If I'm in trouble one day, please take me in."

Panan inexplicably felt that there was something strange in his words, and then comforted him boldly: "What are you talking about? It won't happen one day, so I won't beat around the bush with you. I really want the armored car, and Adeka owes you more." As a personal favor, I will protect you when you come to Badland."

Tang Yu also smiled and said: "Okay, with your words, I can be considered half of the Adecado family."

He then turned back and told Gloria that except for the Kangtao ground armored vehicle, all the other spoils would be given to the Red Ocher Tribe.

Gloria nodded, approving of Tang Yu's arrangement. After this battle, the morale of this thousand-person tribe dropped sharply, and it would take time to recover.

A Kangtao ground armored vehicle would attract thieves if placed here.

Not to mention the other wandering tribes around, just Luandao would probably come to show off after hearing the news.

Finally, Gloria reported one important thing.

"The tribe expressed its great gratitude and offered to ask us for another commission."

Tang Yu had already guessed it and motioned for Gloria to continue.

Gloria said seriously: "The tribe wants to entrust us to assassinate the person behind the company, the regional director of technology and development of Biotechnology, Joanne Kochi."

Assassination of biotech executives?

Tang Yu believes that revenge is necessary. This tribe is still very strong-minded, and the spirit of revenge is flowing in its blood.

But the danger level of this commission is even higher than the melee in Badland.

As a senior executive of a biotechnology company, Joanne Kochi is heavily guarded. If you want to assassinate her, you have to keep an eye on the opportunity.

Now that the tribe here in Badland's D-test has gone awry, Joanne Koch will be even more vigilant.

However, although assassination is difficult, it is not impossible.

As long as Joanne Koch is still in Night City, he can find the right opportunity to kill her.

at this time.

The elder in the cowboy hat walked over slowly and said hello to Tang Yu. He knew that among this group of people, Tang Yu was the one who could really make the decision.

"Mr. Tang, I would like to take the liberty of asking you and everyone else to take a look at our tribe, is that okay?"

Facing the invitation of the elder in the cowboy hat, Tang Yu stood up and followed his lead.

Gloria saw this and quickly stood up to follow.

Sasha and Rebecca also reacted and immediately got up and chased after them.

Suddenly, Panan was the only one left by the campfire. She looked at the fire with some boredom, threw away the dry firewood in her hand, and stood up to follow.

Tang Yu saw women and children sleeping in the dilapidated tents, young and strong men guarding the safety of the tribe, and other tribesmen returning from carrying trophies.

Under the introduction of the elder in the cowboy hat, we gradually learned about the pattern and history of their entire tribe.

The sky gradually turned white.

The elder in the cowboy hat led everyone to an open space, where the ground was filled with the trophies of the newly captured positions.

There are guns, ammunition, barrels, drone wreckage, various electronic components, and damaged robot alloy limbs.

The types are quite rich and diverse, and the quantities are quite large, so they can be sold for some money.

The elder in the cowboy hat pointed to the objects on the ground and said sincerely: "Mr. Tang, after we collect these objects, we will find a unified channel to sell them, and the money sold will be transferred to your middleman in a timely manner."

Tang Yu refused directly and asked the tribe to keep these trophies for his own use. The small amount of money he could get by selling them cheaply meant little to him.

The elder in the cowboy hat thanked her repeatedly and almost couldn't help but shed tears again. He was glad that he found Gloria and met Tang Yu during his entrustment.

I had found a few middlemen in Night City, but no one was willing to get involved in this muddy water. If it really drags on, the entire tribe may face extinction.

Thousands of people, men, women, old and young, all became the company's experimental samples and were slaughtered wantonly by the night ghosts.

But now, none of this has happened yet.

All because of one person.

Tang Yu.

As the leader of the tribe, the elder in the cowboy hat was naturally extremely grateful and respectful to him.

Tang Yu didn't care how much respect and gratitude the elder in the cowboy hat had. Many things happened casually. If he really wanted to be grateful, he might as well be grateful to Gloria.

Without her courage and determination, this commission would never have reached this stage.

The hard work and hard work of Mann and others are all indispensable for the completion of the entire commission.

Suddenly, Tang Yu's eyes were attracted by a pistol on the ground.

The barrel of the gun projected a bullet image, which was about the size of a thumb. It was wearing sunglasses and looked very majestic, humming a strange tune.

"Bang bang beep, bang bang beep beep-dang."

Isn't this Siji Bao?

Tang Yu was a little surprised. He had picked up the Four Seasons Treasure at the scene of a gang fight in the city, and this time he met it here.

He picked up the Sijibao on the ground and looked at it in his hand.

Sasha also noticed the Sijibao in Tang Yu's hand and found it a bit funny. He said, "Why is this gun still singing?"

Sijibao Danren glared at Sasha.

"Please don't interrupt me, I'm playing relaxing music to relieve the boredom of waiting."

Sasha: "."

Tang Yu was very impressed by this grudge gun. The bullets can automatically navigate to chase the enemy, which is more suitable for newcomers.

He put it in his hand and played with it for a while, but Sijibao was still so arrogant.

"If you don't love me, don't come close to me. Please stop wandering, okay?"

The originally somewhat heavy atmosphere was amused by Sijibao.

Tang Yu handed the pistol to Gloria next to him. This gun was just suitable for her to stay for self-defense.

"Take it, it's called Sijibao. It's a smart pistol. The bullets automatically navigate to chase the enemy."

Gloria quickly took the Siji Bao and was a little surprised. After hearing Tang Yu introduce this gun, it should be very good.

The commission was completed and everything that needed to be seen was seen. Tang Yu felt that it was almost time to return.

As for whether to accept the new commission from the elder cowboy hat, Gloria should make her own decision.

His current corporate identity is somewhat unsuitable for getting involved in disputes with biotechnology.

Assassinating a senior executive of a biotechnology company is a certain challenge for Mann and others, but it is not completely impossible.

Tang Yu turned around, said goodbye to the elder in the cowboy hat, walked towards Tingwei, and decided to return at dawn.


Note 1: Quoted and adapted from "Das Kapital".

There is another update tonight, I will recommend it tomorrow, try to get four updates!

Thanks to the sponsor, Rama, for the 20.00 live reward.

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