Cyberpunk: Legendary Life

Chapter 123 Keeping Tight

Old apartment, room 1238.

The dim yellow light barely illuminated the entire messy hut. An empty table was placed between two rows of old and broken leather sofas.

Tang Yu and Mann sat across the table and looked at each other. There was no one else around, and the atmosphere was a bit quiet.

not long ago.

Qiwei has successfully completed the deep dive and provided the information she found.

What makes Mann more uncomfortable is that he failed to dig out intelligence information about Sasha.

Moreover, what he originally planned to tell Tang Yu was almost explained by Qi Wei.

The reason why Mann invited Tang Yu to meet in this room alone was because he wanted to hear Tang Yu's side of the story.

Tang Yu knew Mann's personality and broke the silence first: "Ask what you want to ask."

Seeing Tang Yu's frank attitude, Mann felt a little more relaxed, so he took the initiative to speak.

"Mr. Tang, you must have noticed that we know Sasha."

"Actually, two years ago, Sasha was a hacker on our team. Both Dolio and Rebecca are very familiar with her."

"It was just that Sasha had an accident later while performing a mission. At that time, we all thought Sasha had..."

"But I didn't expect that a while ago, when I was completing a commission in Bad Land, I actually saw Sasha again!"

"But to our surprise, she seemed completely unimpressed by us."

"I asked Gloria and learned that Sasha is now your corporate assistant."

"I want to understand why Sasha is like this, and I want Mr. Tang to tell me."

Tang Yu nodded slightly. He had already expected this. It seemed that the Mann team was really familiar with Sasha, so he spoke.

"Sasha is indeed my corporate assistant now, and I didn't know her true identity before she became my corporate assistant."

Mann said nothing, but looked at Tang Yu seriously, waiting for his story.

Tang Yu continued to explain: "Whether you believe it or not, Sasha is not the Sasha she once was. Although I don't know what happened two years ago, I can definitely tell you that she was really seriously injured."

Mann's pupils under his sunglasses shrank suddenly, as if he was recalling some heavy past events, and he looked a little depressed.

Tang Yu couldn't tell Mann the whole truth, especially the matter involving the pseudo-death of Sasha's brain, which involved Arasaka's research secrets, so he could only touch on it.

Even if Mann knew the true situation of Sasha now, it would not change anything.

"Mann, in the accident two years ago, Sasha did save a life, but now this life is in a sense given by Arasaka."

"What I can tell you is that the Sasha you know is still alive, but I'm afraid I will never be able to recognize you."

"The only thing you have to accept is that Sasha has become what she is now, and trying to get Sasha to remember and go back to the past will not do her any good."

"At least for now, you can rest assured that Sasha is with me as an assistant at Arasaka Company."

Mann's expression was always solemn, and he felt inexplicably disappointed after listening.

Thinking of Sasha's performance, he knew that what Tang Yu said was true and correct.

The former Sasha can no longer come back, but now she has been branded Arasaka. Following Tang Yu, who is a senior executive of the company, she may be better protected.

Mann only hated himself for why he failed to save Sasha and let her carry out that dangerous commission alone.

He fell into deep self-blame, clenched his thick fists tightly, and could not look directly into Tang Yu's eyes.

a long time.

Mann raised his head from the silence, decided to tell Tang Yu all about Sasha's past, and spoke again.

"Actually, if we really talk about this matter, I have an unshirkable responsibility."

"Two years ago, we received a commission to steal data from a biotechnology building."

As Mann told it, Tang Yu began to understand that the explosion of the biotechnology building two years ago was closely related to the story behind Sasha.


After Mann's team received the commission, they made an appointment to meet at the Afterlife Bar.

They sat in the box and discussed the action plan, how to complete the commission at the minimum cost and obtain the full commission fee.

Since the content of the commission is to steal data and sneak into the building of a biotechnology company, the action must be concealed and cannot be noticed by the company.

At that time, in addition to the boss Mann, the team members were Dolio, Rebecca, and Sasha.

The security of the biotechnology building is outsourced to Kangtao Company, which is equipped with an intelligent security system. There is no doubt that hackers are most suitable for sneaking into it.

In the team, Mann is responsible for external support. Neither Dolio nor Rebecca understands hacking skills. The most suitable candidate for infiltration is the hacker Sasha.

In addition, Sasha is equipped with a combat implant, the Lynx Adamant Claw, which allows him to move silently.

After discussion, the Mann team finally decided that Sasha would complete the commission and sneak into the biotechnology building alone to steal data.

Sasha was always confident in himself. After bidding farewell to Rebecca and the others, he left the Afterlife Bar and headed to the Biotechnology Building alone.

It was late at night after walking all the way through the neon streets and arriving in front of the biotechnology building.

In the biotechnology company building, some floors are still lit with lights, and there are company employees working overtime overnight, but it is obviously much deserted than during the day.

At first, Sasha's infiltration into the biotechnology company went very smoothly, breaking through the access control and hacking into the front desk terminal to remove surveillance.

Mann used a jammer on the periphery to temporarily block the company's alarm and assisted Sasha in taking the elevator to her destination.

After entering the target office, Sasha directly hacked into the office system and retrieved the required data and intelligence.


After the data collection was completed, it was time to retreat.

But Mann, who had been waiting outside for a long time, didn't see Sasha coming out.

Jammer time is limited.

After all, the accident happened.

As the jammer failed, the Kangtao security system discovered anomalies in the office and began to quickly mobilize intelligent combat robot troops.

Mann was waiting anxiously downstairs, urging Sasha to come back quickly.

Time passed by minute by minute.

Bang! ! !

With a huge explosion, a horrific explosion occurred on the upper floors of the biotechnology building.

Mann quickly looked up. The explosion and flames shattered the glass, and a figure fell out of the window.

It turned out that Sasha was hit by the aftermath of the explosion and was blown out of the window, falling on his back from a height of hundreds of meters.

By the time Mann ran over, he realized it was too late.

Sasha had been hit hard on the roof of the car and lost all signs of life.

Before Mann had time to take away Sasha's body, the biotechnology float vehicle was already approaching from the air, and the Kangtao intelligent combat robot troops also quickly arrived and surrounded the scene.

Faced with such a siege, even though he was extremely sad, he had no choice but to retreat. Since then, there has been no news from Sasha.

Mann told everything painfully, and the secrets in his heart were finally exposed to the light. He had never mentioned these scenes to anyone.

The longer it went, the more painful it became for him.

It was his responsibility as the team leader to fail to bring Sasha back alive.

He still hasn't figured out why Sasha was still stuck in the office and was discovered by the security system even though he had completed the commission.

Even if he is discovered by the security system, Sasha can still escape with his agility and powerful hacking ability, so that he will not be trapped and die on the high-rise building, and finally detonate the bomb and fall from the high-rise building.

There are too many doubts here, too many things that should not be done.

The reason why Mann wanted to tell the truth buried deep in his heart was to ask Tang Yu to take action and investigate the truth of that night.

He knew that apart from Tang Yu, there would be no other person who could help him.

So Mann never told Rebecca these details, these truths, even if he told them, it would be of no use.

He looked at Tang Yu again and begged: "Mr. Tang, if the truth behind Sasha's fall can be investigated, I can personally promise that I will try my best to complete any commission you put forward without charging a penny."

Mann understood that there were not many things that could impress Tang Yu. If he really wanted to exchange, he could only rely on his own strength to fight for it.

Tang Yu did not answer Mann's request immediately. Regarding Sasha's question, he had to wait for information.

He had to figure out what happened to Sasha when she was stealing information that night that would force her to stay in the office.

The hut fell into silence again.

Seeing that Tang Yu didn't speak for a long time, Mann thought that the other party had rejected him, and he looked extremely lonely.

He also figured out that if Tang Yu didn't want to help, he should investigate it himself. As long as he worked hard, there was still hope.

Mann had nothing to say, and said with a tone full of frustration.

"Since Mr. Tang doesn't want to"

Tang Yu casually stopped Mann. He had just received information about the Counterintelligence Department's investigation of Kohari.

First, regarding the disappearance of Joanne Kochi, the biotechnology company is still investigating. It is known that the incident took place in the biotechnology hotel, but the memory of the monitoring system was damaged, making it difficult to collect evidence.

The second is the explosion of the biotechnology building two years ago. The detailed information is no longer available. What is certain is that on the night of the explosion, someone sneaked into the office of the company's top management and stole some project research data.

It is worth noting that agents searching the company's transmission cache that night found that a document was sent from the office to News 54 before the explosion, and the transmission duration was between six and eight minutes.

Mann was stunned for a moment, not quite understanding what Tang Yu meant. Could it be that things have taken a new turn?

He looked at Tang Yu blankly, hoping that the other party would give a positive answer.

Mann knows that Sasha's current role as Tang Yu's assistant is in the best interest of Tang Yu.

Even if he found out the truth about that night, he couldn't do anything.

Perhaps, he just wanted to understand the pain in his heart, even if it was his own wish.

Because Sasha once belonged to Mann's team, he must fulfill his responsibilities as a big brother and cannot let her change her identity without knowing it.

After reading the information, Tang Yu already had some ideas in his mind.

Before the explosion that night, the information that Sasha risked his life to send to News 54 became the key to unraveling all the mysteries.

Although Tang Yu didn't know the specific content of the information, he could feel how important that information was to Sasha, even important enough to bear her life.

He persuaded Mann and said: "There is no need to investigate the bombing of the biotechnology building two years ago. It is Sasha. This is her last effort."

"The reason why she was forced to stay in the office was because there was a piece of information that she wanted to spread."

"As for the specific content of the information, I will find a way to get it. You wait for my news."

When Mann heard that Tang Yu was willing to take action, he suddenly had mixed feelings. He didn't know how to express it, and in the end he could only sigh.

"Thank you, Mr. Tang."

This gratitude contains Mann's true feelings. He knows that he owes Tang Yu a favor, a favor that is difficult to repay.

Tang Yu didn't care about this. For him, the clearer the details of Sasha, the better.

If one day the native brain successfully repairs itself and the native consciousness awakens, Tang Yu will at least be mentally prepared.

The matter has been discussed. Tang Yu does not plan to stay here for a long time. He is also planning to meet someone.

Aunt May.

Although News 54 is an independent media organization, the actual controller behind it is military technology.

Many people who don't know the truth really think that News 54 is an objective and authoritative organization that broadcasts all kinds of news in detail and truthfully.

The reason for this impact is that News 54 also has a group of reporters and editors who dare to report the truth, such as Regina Jones.

But reporting the truth also depends on which company it is from. If it is to expose the scandal of Arasaka Company, News 54 will probably go all out.

If it were to report on a biotechnology company, News 54 would have to consider the opinions of the capital behind it.

Military science and technology and biotechnology cooperation projects involve a wide range of areas, such as new antibiotics, which are obvious examples of cooperation.

Military Technology spent huge sums of money, Biotechnology was responsible for the research and development, Kangtai Company was responsible for the escort, and finally, Joanne Coach took the lead in implementing the research.

If Joanne Kochi was really killed, it would be equivalent to offending three corporate giants at the same time.

It's a good thing it hasn't been found out, but once it's found out who did it, the skin will still be peeled off even if you don't die.

That's why Tang Yu rushed over in time to stop Mann from handing Joanne Kochi over to the Red Ocher Tribe.

A tribe of thousands of wanderers cannot stand up to the company's interrogation. Instead of sending a living person there, they might as well give it to the scavengers for decomposition. No one knows in which stinking ditch one or two stumps will be found. Broken bones.

Tang Yu stood up, straightened his suit a little, and said, "Remember to keep an eye on Joanne Koch. I have to meet someone. Gloria will contact you later. Just follow her arrangements."

Mann was a little confused, but still responded: "I understand."

After finishing speaking, Tang Yu walked out of room "1238" and walked towards the public elevator in the corridor.

Qiwei was leaning on the corridor, holding a cigarette in her hand and smoking silently.

When she heard footsteps coming from the corridor, she turned her head and looked at Tang Yu, her calm eyes showing no emotion or anger.

"Thank you for what happened today. I didn't expect you to know hacking skills."

Qiwei threw the half-burned cigarette on the ground and stamped out the sparks from the cigarette butts. There were several cigarette butts scattered around her feet.

Tang Yu stopped in front of Qi Wei and replied calmly: "I understand a little bit."

After that, he continued walking towards the elevator.

Qiwei looked at Tang Yu's leaving figure and murmured: "No, you know a lot."

at this time.

Mann also returned to room "1236" next door, where Dolio was waiting for news from him.

"How's it going? Have you figured out what happened to Sasha?" Dolio stepped forward and asked anxiously.

Mann's expression was no longer as heavy as before. He nodded and said bluntly: "Sasha is now Mr. Tang's company assistant. As for the biotechnology explosion two years ago, he has agreed to investigate."

Dorio suddenly felt relieved, believing that as long as Mr. Tang was willing to investigate, the truth behind it would come to light, but she still had doubts.

"Then how did Sasha suddenly become Mr. Tang's company assistant, and why doesn't he recognize us?"

Mann had to explain everything to Dolio, but the deeper reasons were not yet known.

What they have to do now is to keep an eye on Joanne Kochi and wait for Gloria's contact arrangements.

After the two communicated, they couldn't help but look at Joanne Koch.

the other side.

Tang Yu took the elevator downstairs, walked out of the old apartment, and got into a Delamain taxi.

Delamain: "Mr. Tang, where is your next destination?"

Tang Yu asked Lao De to wait for a moment and arrange the place before setting off.

He called the Keep-Tip Motel for a reservation and asked for a suite.

The 'Tight-mouthed' Motel is an old hotel. Although the house has been baptized by numerous artillery fires and is a bit old, it is still loved by countless people in Night City.

After all, the signature of the 'Tight-Tipped' motel is its strict security and confidentiality. Any customer's privacy and records will be destroyed after use.

There are people discussing all kinds of business here, and there is no need to worry about eavesdropping or leakage.

Tang Yu then brought up the contact list interface and opened the unanswered message from the morning.

[Military Technology Meredith Stout: "Are you free for a drink recently? Just you and me, private, how about it?\

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