Cyberpunk: Legendary Life

Chapter 129 Fireworks

Company Square.

Located in the heart of Night City, it is a globally renowned landmark.

The Company Square, which was rebuilt on the original site after the Fourth Corporate War, is home to world-renowned super giant companies.

In the past, countless legendary stories were born here, which are still talked about by people today.

Today, the Company Plaza is based on a five-story three-dimensional composite disc and is being developed and constructed as a super hub integrating transportation, landscape, parks, and commerce.

At the same time, the land disk expands one layer underground to form a disk core building with a total of six floors.

The top layer of the disk is inlaid with the famous 'City Eye', which is a giant grid load-bearing glass surface.

With the disk as the center, there are several super giant company buildings respectively. Sitting directly opposite are the Arasaka Tower and the Military Science and Technology Building.

On the left and right sides are giant companies such as Pezo Petrochemical, Kangtao, and Biotechnology.

Two big holographic fish, one blue and one gold, wander around the giant disk day and night.


Gradually, many pedestrians gathered between the fourth and fifth floors of the company square.

They all stood on the square disk and watched the giant projections, which were posters for Kerry's concert.

What attracted their attention the most was one of the Will-O-Wisp masks from the Samurai Band.

Several fat-bellied police officers from the NCPD were guarding the perimeter of the venue, setting up a cursor isolation cordon, trying to disperse the crowd and prevent them from gathering.

But now the concert stage is still being set up, and there are already so many people, which is somewhat beyond their expectations.

However, NCPD police officers do not receive much subsidy for field work. As for these gatherings of people, as long as they are not blatantly causing trouble, they just turn a blind eye.

at this time.

In the high-rise office of the Military Science and Technology Building, Meredith was holding a cigarette in one hand, overlooking the situation in the company square.

She has also heard a lot of rumors recently and has a premonition that something big is going to happen in the company square. As for who the finger will be pointed at, she has to wait.

Clio Rodion, a former member of Samurai Band, is going to hold a concert in the company square. The announcement is so exciting that even many old members of the Sixth Street Gang came out to support it.

There were also rumors circulating that someone wanted to take the opportunity to stage a riot against the company, and even the Lucky Wheel was turned on to place bets on which company would win the lottery.

Meredith discovered that some Sixth Street Gang veterans were still secretly discussing biotechnology issues.

She realized that there might be some connection between these things, and today, the feeling was even stronger.

Fortunately, this riot was most likely not targeting military technology. She just sent people to monitor the situation and remain unchanged in response to any changes.

Riots, concerts, biotechnology, what is the connection between these things, or who is holding this thread, she wants to find out.

Meredith inexplicably looked up at Arasaka Tower opposite and thought of that man.

"It can't be you, can it?"

In fact, Meredith's intuition told her that this matter might be related to Tang Yu.

But it's hard to figure out what the Kerry concert has to do with Tang Yu. No matter how they look at it, they are two people who can't be beaten.

If she wanted to further confirm this conjecture, she would have to arrange for her men to conduct a careful investigation.

"It looks like there will be another good show tonight."

at the same time.

Tang Yu was standing on the upper floor of Arasaka Tower, overlooking the company square through the panoramic floor-to-ceiling electronic window screen.

Sasha was standing obediently behind him, looking at what was happening in the company square with the same curiosity.

The stage for Kerry's concert has begun to be set up, various equipment is being transported, and the order at the scene is stable. Many people gathered in advance to watch.

Tang Yu has received intelligence from relevant agents. All major companies have prepared a certain amount of force to prevent riots tonight, but the biotechnology company has made the biggest move.

Biotechnology has put the entire building under martial law tonight. All employees have left and started remote working. At the same time, Kangtao intelligent security has been strengthened. Each floor is equipped with security robots, with the number tripled from usual.

In order to prevent anyone from entering or exiting the building carrying dangerous items, they strictly scan the identities of people entering and exiting the building and strictly check the items they carry.

At the same time, a comprehensive safety inspection will be carried out on the building to prevent security loopholes.

Tang Yu understood that the rumor that had been released had worked. Biotechnology had learned through various channels that there were forces secretly spreading the dirty things they had done.

Coupled with the rumors of this riot becoming more and more intense, biotechnology is also worried that someone will take the opportunity to cause trouble.

But Tang Yu didn't care about the preparations made by biotechnology, because the real danger was not in the building, and even if he checked the head, he couldn't find out the reason.

In addition, the electric storage pulse device is gradually charged, and the slight current changes are within the safe range and cannot be noticed at all.

Tonight, the Biotechnology Building will surely become the most dazzling fireworks.

In addition to Tang Yu, there are many people in the Counterintelligence Department who are paying attention to the situation tonight.

In the office area of ​​the Counterintelligence Department, all kinds of gossip and gossip are flying everywhere.

As Arasaka's intensive information exchange center, any rumors in Night City are infinitely spread and amplified here.

Today, several bombshells dropped one after another, making it impossible for the employees of the Counterintelligence Department to work with peace of mind.

David Martinez's state is even more like this. He can't calm down while sitting in his office.

After working together for a while, he has initially integrated into the atmosphere of the office area. Although he cannot provide any valuable information, he is a suitable listener.

Every time his colleagues talked about something extravagantly, David would show a very serious and surprised expression, which greatly satisfied their desire for expression.

In addition, David is usually tight-lipped, hard-working and very sensible, so he is naturally favored by his sisters and aunts.

Especially the sexy blonde lady in the workplace. Every time she sees David's youthful appearance, she can't help but tease him twice.

David was surprised that Tang Yu came to work today. What he didn't expect was that there was a beautiful female assistant beside him.

He immediately noticed a strange change in the atmosphere in the office area, which seemed to have an inexplicable sour smell.

David guessed that Minister Tang, who had always been alone, suddenly had a delicate and beautiful female assistant beside him, which would make people feel a little disappointed.

David pretended to be ignorant and listened to the gossip of several female colleagues, but remained silent.

Colleague Feng Qing, who had a pair of long black socks stacked on top of her legs, said mysteriously: "There are so many good shows today. Kerry is holding a concert, some powerful people want to take advantage of the opportunity to cause riots, and the black market has started betting on which company it is." Winning the lottery."

The short-haired cool girl next to her was a little unbelievable: "No way, why is there no movement from the company with such a big buzz, and why are they getting out of the way during this concert?"

Sister Fengqing looked like you didn't understand, and analyzed in a low voice: "Because some people are pushing behind, some are fishing, and some are watching the show."

The short-haired cool girl suddenly understood and murmured: "No wonder Boss Tang went back to the company to work today. He is probably worried about causing chaos at the concert."

Sister Fengqing nodded and said, "That's true, but the riots are just rumors. Whether it will happen or not will only be known after the concert."

"It's been so many years. Those who listened to the band's songs may have half their feet buried in the soil. Maybe it was just a carnival for old guys."

David was confused when he heard that Tang Yu's return to work was related to the concert, and there were also forces who wanted to use the concert to cause riots.

The office area is very busy today, and all kinds of news are spreading everywhere.

David summarized the rumors he heard.

The first most discussed item is that Tang Yuxin has arranged for a strange and beautiful assistant, and the gossip index is full of stars.

David suddenly recalled that Gloria seemed to have asked him if Arasaka Company executives had secretarial assistants.

But he didn't think much about it and just thought she was curious and asked one more question.

The second is the news about the concert. There are many theories, but there is basically no basis.

This time Kerry's concert was jointly checked by the City Hall, NCPD and other departments, and there were no problems.

If there is a riot, it is because other people are taking the opportunity to cause trouble and want to take advantage of the popularity of Samurai Band.

Nowadays, major companies in the company square have certain actions under martial law.

David kept listening to his colleagues chatting and took some time to finish the errands at hand. Taking advantage of dinner, he had the opportunity to walk out of Arasaka Tower and came to the company square disc hub.

As time passed by, the sky gradually began to darken.

He looked at the concert stage and saw the poster of Samurai Band, which felt a little familiar yet strange.

The stage has basically been set up, and a large amount of drinks are being transported inside and provided to the audience for free.

These things were really far away from him. He was not sure that crazy rock music could really start a riot?

You must know that after the reconstruction of Company Square, it has been listed as the safest area by NCPD and is a place of key protection.

On the hub disk, some NCPD police officers were already on site to maintain order.

Suddenly, David saw from a distance, group after group of people walking towards the concert venue.

Most of them have gray hair, unruly beards, and wear jeans. They are equipped with silver prosthetics, either prosthetic arms or prosthetic thighs.

There were even men who were walking with a limp, joining in the fun and walking onto the hub, and they continued to gather towards the concert venue.

Their appearance immediately attracted attention, and NCPD officers began to approach to inquire about the situation.

The veterans all had red faces and smelled of alcohol, and they said directly: "I'm just here to see the concert. The Samurai Band is none of your business."

After saying that, he tried to push away the NCPD officer and go inside, but was still blocked outside.

NCPD police officers began to call for reinforcements, but without a clear prohibition, they had no power to prevent others from attending the concert. They could only go through identity authentication and security checks, and then let them go after confirming that there were no problems.

In this way, although the veterans were not convinced, they still accepted the scans one by one and entered the concert venue after confirming that there was no problem.

After all, NCPD has real guys on their hands, and these people are unambiguous in their actions.

The stage has been set up, the colorful lights are dazzlingly lit, and the giant sound equipment is heating up, making a dull and impactful sound.

Many people who had passed the inspection gathered on the platform and chatted animatedly, laughing wildly and twisting their clumsy bodies from time to time, and the atmosphere began to gradually become restless.

David discovered a phenomenon. Most of the audience present were older, wearing old prosthetics, and their faces turned red due to years of drinking.

He probably knew the origins of these people. They were basically retired soldiers. Just from their clothes, it could be seen that these people did not live a good life.

But they stood under the light and shadow poster of the Samurai band, gathering in small groups, chatting, drinking and dancing.

Some were smiling and remembering their young past, some were cursing the damn life, and some kept silent and kept drinking.

David couldn't help but sigh in his heart that the Samurai Band has become a thing of the past, and the fans who love them are really old.

But to his surprise, more and more people gathered in the square, and many young people also joined the carnival.

What David found interesting was that there were two distinct lines between the crowds who came to attend Kerry's concert and the company employees passing by.

One walked on the left and the other walked on the right. It seemed that there was a tacit understanding between the two.

Street rock veterans look down on company dogs, while company employees disdain to associate with them, with indifference in their eyes.

As more and more veterans gathered in the square, the concert venue on the fourth and fifth floors gradually became a little crowded.

The NCPD began to seal off the concert site and did not allow the crowd to continue to pour into the site. However, there were so many people and they were too busy to take care of it. Many people found opportunities to rush in from the grass area.

In order to control the scene, the NCPD began to invest more police officers to maintain order at the scene. Although the concert position was stabilized, the crowds outside did gather more and more.

Many people had already started to get excited, shaking their heads to the sound of the subwoofer, and then drank beer and got drunk.

The crowd became increasingly manic, causing many NCPD officers to frown and curse: "It goes on day by day, and we don't let anyone rest."

Night has completely enveloped the entire Night City, and the neon lights of the company square are rushing to the sky.

Seeing that it was getting late, David turned around and returned to the office area of ​​the Counterintelligence Department. Unexpectedly, his colleagues were all lying next to the window and looking down.

It turned out that everyone was watching the concert, so he quickly found an empty seat and continued watching.

All the major companies in the company square were brightly lit to watch this manic rock concert.

Only the biotechnology building was deserted. All employees had evacuated the building. Floor after floor of robots followed the instructions and patrolled the designated area.

at this time.

With the concert position as the highest point, the five-story hub disk was pulled down, and it was densely packed with people.

The crowd held up six hand gestures, kept blowing whistles, shouted the name of the Samurai Band, and roared Kerry's name.

As the crowd chanted in unison, more and more people joined in, chanting.

"Kerry! Kerry!! Kerry!!! Kerry."

The voices grew louder and louder.

Amid the shouts of everyone, a golden floating vehicle passed between the company buildings and arrived at the disc hub, motionless in the air.

This scene further aroused the heated atmosphere at the scene. At the forefront of the stage, countless people began to look forward to Kerry's appearance and kept waving their hands high in the sky.

Finally, under the shouts of everyone, the floating car slowly lowered until it stopped on the stage.

The night is deep, but the enthusiasm in people's hearts has just been ignited.

The golden luxurious door moved upwards, and Kerry, wearing a silver scale jacket and holding his favorite Tomahawk electric guitar, slowly walked onto the stage.

Kerry looked at the crowd of spectators and couldn't help but feel the atmosphere of that year.

At that time, he was still a young boy wearing a blue patterned turban, following behind his big brother Johnny, just playing as hard as he could.

Now, he has become the last remnant of Night City rock music. Apart from him, I believe no one will hold such an outdated rock concert again.

Kerry looked around. He was alone.

But it doesn't matter.

He told himself that he believed Johnny could see this concert, Nancy could see it, Danny could see it, and Henry could also see it.

He believes it.

One day, Samurai Band can reunite again.

Kerry never thought that so many people would still miss Samurai Band.

Because today's track is a special performance by Samurai Band, and there is no one from his single album.

This is enough to show that so many old fans in the audience still miss the Samurai Band and the rock and roll youth they once had.

Kerry no longer hesitated, and with a wave of his hand, an electronic sound wave popped up.

Rub rub rub rub! ! !

The chants in the audience suddenly stopped, and everyone seemed to be passed through by electricity, feeling the unique charm of rock and roll.

Kerry approached the microphone and looked up at the high-rise buildings in the company square. The high-rise company buildings stood in front of him like giants.

He tried to understand what Johnny felt back then, what it was like when facing the huge giant.

Oppression, fear, surrender, unshakable.

Looking down, indifferent, pitiful, like an ant.

Now there was a fire in Kerry's heart.

This fire is almost out of control.

No one can understand Johnny's arrogance and stubbornness, and similarly, no one can understand his romance and passion.

Rock and roll is his battle cry and his weapon.

Turn my remaining body into a raging fire.

Let me burn the city.

Burn all the tall buildings to ashes.

Let the fire burning in your heart no longer be controlled.

Kerry looked away, and at this moment he understood.

He wants to use rock and roll, the spirit of Samurai Band, Johnny's romance, and his own performance to awaken the fire in everyone's hearts.

let us be together.

burn this city to ashes

A huge electric guitar rock sound roared out, and the sound cannons in the audience were on full fire.

Kerry's rapidly playing electronic music made countless people's scalps tingle at the scene, and the sound wave caused waves of hair and clothing to fly.

The entire company square echoed with this strong electric string sound.

Rhythmic and rhythmic drum beats, coupled with low-density electric guitar sounds, blast out the subwoofer.

Countless people began to raise six hand gestures and dance back and forth to the beat.

"Ca-can, you, feel, it!"

"Can, you, touch, it, get ready 'cause here we go"

"Ca-can you feel it?."

Kerry devoted himself selflessly to singing, and he wanted to use his singing to awaken the fire in the hearts of the audience.

Kerry played wildly, roared, and roared.

The atmosphere in the audience completely exploded, and countless people began to sway to Kerry's rhythm.

Completely immersed in the world of rock and roll.

"I'm, chippin' in!"

"Not, backing, down!"

"Never, backing, down!"


As the concert atmosphere reached its peak, countless people were attracted by Kerry's wonderful performance.

at this time.

One after another, modified off-road vehicles began to gather towards the company square, driving slowly at various traffic arteries.

Outside the concert site, boxes after boxes of wine bottles were carried out and transported into the company square, and a fire was brewing against the biotechnology building.

Tang Yu stood in front of the panoramic floor-to-ceiling windows, enjoying Kerry's wonderful rock performance.

I have to admit that Kerry's performance really brought out the soul of Samurai Band and the fire in his heart.

It's a pity that only Kerry will appear in the Samurai Band this time.

What's amazing is that this time only Kerry sang in the Samurai band.

Hear this.

Tang Yu turned his head slightly and asked Sasha beside him.

"Do you want to see a fireworks display?"

When Sasha heard the sudden question, she quickly looked up at Tang Yu, a trace of doubt flashing in her eyes.


This is the company square. Aren’t all fireworks prohibited at today’s concert?

Sasha was stunned for a moment, seemed to realize something, nodded slightly, and murmured.

"Fireworks. Sasha wants to see fireworks."

Tang Yu gently raised his hand and extended his index finger, pointed not far away, and said calmly.


Sasha looked in the direction he pointed, and a building was reflected in her pupils, a biotechnology company building.


A bright and dazzling electric light instantly shot up from the ground and penetrated the entire biotechnology building.

The building lit up with a white flash, illuminating the entire company plaza in a brilliant way.

Immediately afterwards.

At the highest point of the building, a dazzling electric fireworks exploded, blooming like fireworks in the air.

Biotechnology has won the lottery.

No more tonight, I was in a hurry just now. Good night Yanzu, I will report on the opening chapter tomorrow.

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