Cyberpunk: Legendary Life

Chapter 131 Kaleidoscope

Arasaka Tower, thirty-third floor.

Sasha stared out the window blankly.



The two stood in front of the panoramic glass window.

Tang Yu asked her if she wanted to see fireworks.

She said she wanted to.


She followed the direction pointed by Tang Yu and saw with her own eyes a flash of lightning lighting up the building.

It was a biotechnology company building. A powerful electric current ran from the base through the entire building into the sky, and finally a bright firework exploded.

These are the fireworks that Tang Yu said, the fireworks prepared for her.


Sasha's pupils suddenly shrank, and the bright fireworks seemed to pull her into another world, a colorful kaleidoscope world.


Countless flying scenes appeared before our eyes like magic bubbles, overflowing with brilliance.

High-rise buildings, explosions, fireworks, biotechnology.

The world with blue eyes and pink eyes is constantly changing, like looking at flowers in the mist, colorful and bright.

this moment.

Sasha seemed to see more.

Those bubble scenes that are obviously unfamiliar, yet extremely familiar.

Like a dream.

Infancy, mother, hospital room, painkillers, biotechnology.


A layer of mist appeared in front of Sasha's eyes, as if the brilliance had dazzled her eyes, and the deepest memories in her mind emerged in the colorful world.

She seemed to be observing a life through a kaleidoscope, a life of her own.


Sasha saw her mother, lying in the cold ward, with the bottle of painkillers on the table next to her.

She felt lonely and helpless, and felt that her mother was leaving her step by step.

She tried to grab her mother's hand, but found that there was nothing to grab and nothing to do.

Sasha froze in place at a loss, wondering why her mother was lying on the hospital bed, closing her eyes forever and no longer smiling at her.

She suddenly lowered her head and found that there was a kaleidoscope on her hands. This was her favorite gift given to her by her mother.

She likes to see the world through a kaleidoscope, it is very beautiful and beautiful.

She prefers to look at her mother through a kaleidoscope and see the bright light surrounding her mother, who smiles as brightly as an angel.

Sasha looked down at the kaleidoscope lying quietly in her palm. Maybe her mother was waiting for her in a place full of light and brilliance.

She slowly picked up the kaleidoscope, put it in front of her eyes, and looked at her mother through the colorful mirror screen.


She saw her mother's smile, still as gentle as before. Her mother raised her hand and gently stroked the top of her hair.

But when Sasha put down the kaleidoscope and happily wanted to run to her mother, all that was left in front of her was the cold ward that had lost its temperature, and little Sasha standing alone and motionless.

She knew that it was she who had grown up.

In a trance.

Sasha found herself strolling through the neon streets at night, passing by steel-girder iron bridges and past rows of fluorescent billboards.

It was late at night, and Sasha couldn't help but yawn, finally arriving at the biotechnology building.

She sneaked into the company building, arrived at the high-rise office, hacked into the office system, and chewed red bubble gum.

Just as Sasha was about to evacuate, he accidentally discovered something familiar.


Scenes from her childhood emerged and she could no longer look away.

this moment.

She chose to open Pandora's box and check out the insider files on the painkiller.

Sasha learned the truth about her mother's death and instantly understood her inner choice.

When I was young, I was still waiting somewhere in my heart, looking at all this through a kaleidoscope.

Sasha was determined to upload this information to News 54.

She wanted to expose this information and get her mother's grievances redressed.

She believed that News 54 would appeal for her mother. After all, her mother had fought for her country.

With firm belief, Sasha chose to stay in the Biotechnology Building office, preparing to face the coming enemy.

But the Kangtao battle robots that arrived one after another began to launch fierce attacks.


Sasha completed the data transmission, but was forced to detonate explosives and fall from a high altitude.

Ended everything.

that moment.

She achieved her childhood wish.


Sasha felt a warm hand gently placed on her head.

When she came back to her senses, she realized that she was standing in front of the panoramic glass window, looking at the extinguished biotechnology building.

I don't know when, tears have moistened my eyes and filled the corners of my eyes.

Her eyes gradually focused in front of her, focusing on the warm palm.

It's Tang Yu.

Sasha just looked at him stupidly.

She seemed to see Tang Yu through a kaleidoscope, and her whole body seemed to be surrounded by bright light.

His smile was so warm, so reassuring.


Sasha understood everything.

I understand the meaning of fireworks, the meaning of the concert, and everything Tang Yu has done.

"Don't cry, I will take care of the rest."

When Sasha saw Tang Yu touching her cat's head and comforting herself softly, she couldn't help but shed crystal tears.

She smiled.

After the fireworks.

Tang Yu saw Sasha standing there in a daze, crying unconsciously, and knew that she must have thought of something.

Perhaps the emotions of the original consciousness affected her, or maybe Sasha saw the memory of the original consciousness.

Two souls who were originally close to each other had some kind of meaningful interaction.

Tang Yu’s words.

Sasha stopped crying.

Tang Yu saw that she was so well-behaved and knew that Sasha was still the same Sasha, so he asked softly: "Does your head feel uncomfortable?"

Generally, when this kind of memory fusion occurs, Sasha will have obvious headaches and need to take drugs that inhibit brain activity in time.

Sasha shook his head slightly.

She knew that every time these strange yet familiar scenes appeared in her mind, she would get a headache.

But this time, she didn't feel strange.

The images that suddenly popped up in her mind seemed to have been hidden deep in her memory for a long time, and she didn't think of them until today.

It's as simple as walking on the beach and picking up a shell.

"Sasha doesn't have a headache."

"I just remembered some things and had some familiar yet unfamiliar memories."

"Sasha doesn't understand, but those memories are so real."

Obviously, Sasha in front of Tang Yu has not undergone any brain changes, and her native consciousness is still sleeping.

But what happened to the sudden memory?

Could it be that the native consciousness actively transitioned and integrated part of the memory into the current Sasha?

Seeing that Sasha's mood has not yet calmed down, these questions can only be considered later.

Sasha looked at Tang Yu seriously, seemed to have mustered up the courage, and murmured.

"Mr. Tang, Sasha wants to thank you."

Tang Yu didn't know which Sasha she was talking about for a while, but he didn't say much. He just raised his hand and touched her cat's head again.


Whether Sasha understands the meaning behind it or not, he will go to Kerry to hold a concert and plan to start this riot.

Because everyone needs a fire to light the torch in their hearts.

Kerry, who has been dormant for a long time, needs this fire to rekindle his passion for rock and roll, break through his inner depression, and perform a hearty rock concert to announce to the world that the Samurai Band will never die.

Mann, who has been trapped for a long time, needs this fire to reconcile with his past self.

He has been trapped in fear, fear of losing his closest friends, fear of losing the people around him.

He tries to protect everyone around him by becoming strong enough.

Now, this fire told him that Sasha's choice did not need to be shouldered by him.


Everyone who has seen the crimes of biotechnology needs this fire to dispel the haze in their hearts.

Tang Yu just didn't expect that Sasha would gain part of the memory, part of the memory from the original consciousness.

He suddenly realized that this might not be a good thing for Sasha now.

Sasha gradually accepts the memory merged with her original consciousness. Looking at it from another perspective, does it mean that her current ontological consciousness is being overwritten?

Just like the relic biochip, it will forcibly cover the original owner's consciousness over time.

In this special situation, Tang Yu was unable to make a very accurate judgment and could only make two judgments.

The first is that the original consciousness is being fused and covered. When the brain is repaired, the current 'Sasha' consciousness will no longer exist, and the body and soul will be unified again.

The second is that Sasha has absorbed some memory fragments of his original consciousness. The memory absorption is usually caused by some kind of stimulation and does not affect Sasha's current consciousness.


The second one is more like the native consciousness actively ‘gifting’ memories to the current Sasha, allowing her to regain human memories, thereby helping her improve her emotions.

No matter which of the above situations is the case, Sasha will also have a part of the past in the future and live more like himself.

Tang Yu still needed to know how many memories Sasha had absorbed, so he asked: "Sasha, do you remember who Rebecca is?"


Sasha searched hard in her mind, trying to find scattered memories of Rebecca.

After a while.

Sasha shook her head in disappointment, obviously she still didn't know who Rebecca was.

"Sasha doesn't remember Rebecca. Rebecca should be Sasha's very, very good friend."

"She was really surprised and happy when she saw Sasha, but Sasha couldn't remember it at all."

Sasha said, a trace of apology flashed in her eyes, as if she felt distressed and guilty that she couldn't remember who the other party was.

These emotional performances prove that Sasha's own emotions are gradually budding.

Until now, Sasha doesn't know that there is another native consciousness in his mind, and he doesn't understand why he lost his memory. He always really thought that he was 'Sasha'.

Tang Yu felt that being so ignorant was the best for her.

No matter who suddenly learns that they are not themselves, but a consciousness occupying someone else's body, they will probably fall into strong self-doubt.

Tang Yu gently touched her cat's head and comforted: "Don't blame yourself, because Sasha once had a serious illness and can't remember many things. This is normal."

"But the disease will slowly get better, so Sasha can remember the past."

When Sasha heard this, she immediately raised her head and looked at him, nodded seriously and said, "Well, Sasha's illness will definitely get better, and then he will remember everything."

She had always believed in Tang Yu's words, and the knot in her heart was immediately lifted, and her eyes returned to their former clarity and brilliance.

Tang Yu looked at the pure-minded Sasha in front of him, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart. If she really wakes up one day, will she still be like this?

Today, Sasha is like living in a bubble, simple and beautiful, but so easy to burst and dissipate.


Sasha has memories, a past, and a secret.

This secret will bring her danger, and this danger comes from Arasaka.

The various changes and visions of the conscious body are closely related to Arasaka's relic development experiments.

Tang Yu cannot completely rule out the potential danger in this regard. If Michiko or Arasaka's relevant R\u0026D executives are informed of this matter, it may bring disaster to Sasha.

Once discovered, he may be in danger and suffer the same fate as Otter Cunningham.

Except for Tang Yu, no one can know about Sasha's memory acquisition, and she must learn to keep secrets.

Tang Yu said in a deep voice: "Sasha, activate the highest user authority."

Sasha immediately obeyed the command, turned his prosthetic eyes, and activated the highest authority mode.

Tang Yu then opened her storage area settings, encrypted and locked the memory cache related to biotechnology, painkillers, mother, etc., and also added a destruction prevention program.

After setting up.

This part of the memory content can only be read by Tang Yu. Even if someone hacks into Sasha's database, they cannot access this part of the memory.

If this key content is forcibly hacked, the memory cache will be automatically destroyed, and Sasha will automatically lose this part of his memory.

After turning off the highest authority mode, Tang Yu seriously told her: "Sasha, don't talk about your memory in front of anyone, not even me, do you understand?"

Sasha blinked his blue eyes. Although he didn't understand, he still nodded obediently and replied: "Sasha remembers it and will not mention the memory to anyone."

After dealing with Sasha's memory matter, Tang Yu returned his attention to the company square.

The riots continued, but were gradually coming to an end.

Kerry's concert officially ended, and he boarded the float vehicle under the escort of bodyguards and left the venue safely.

On the concert floor, there were some scattered people lying around. They were so drunk that they fell to the ground and were still struggling and shouting.

The open flames on the street of the company square have been initially controlled, with only sporadic fires burning.

After the initial enthusiasm of the crowd faded, the momentum also lost a bit.

Biotechnology began to mobilize more security robots, armed with stun guns, soft rubber bullet guns and other weapons to enter the venue, throwing smoke bombs to drive away the rioting crowd.

Many people poured into the biotechnology company building. After wreaking havoc, they began to flee the scene in groups.

Some of them hold electronic screens in their arms, some hold prototypes in their hands, and some have pockets filled with various chips.

The NCPD sergeants just stood aside and watched, with no intention of stepping forward to stop it.

At various important intersections in the company square, the homeless tribesmen also finished their fights, got back into their cars, started their engines, and left the scene at lightning speed.

The large circular disk of the transportation hub began to slowly resume traffic, and traffic flows merged into the circular disk again, forming a flowing light and shadow.

The riot and fire burned down half of the biotech building, no matter what the fire could have done.

But tonight was exciting enough.

Many media reporters have already arrived at the scene and began to rush to report the news.

News 54's aerial vehicle arrived at the company square, and the photography team immediately got off the vehicle and found an area with a relatively wide view, preparing to start live broadcasting.

The smart floating drone lens automatically adjusts the focus and focuses on the host not far away, with the biotechnology company building in the background.

The host in a blond pink dress immediately raised the microphone and said: "Hello, dear viewers, this is the scene of the riots in the company square. I am News 54 field reporter Gillian."

"Right now, behind me is the site of the riots, the Biotechnology Building."

The smart floating drone lens was then adjusted to a wide angle, encompassing the entire biotechnology building into the frame.

Jillian continued to explain: "You can see that the fire has spread to the middle of the biotechnology building, and nearly half of the floors have been affected by the fire. The open fire on the exterior of the building has been extinguished, but the riots inside the building are still continuing."

"The biotechnology company has mobilized multiple aerial vehicles and is conducting emergency firefighting operations, but there is an obvious lack of control methods for the rioting crowd."

"In addition, you can also see that many rioters have begun to evacuate, and they have stolen property from the biotechnology building. It is obvious that the whole situation is out of control."

The host Jillian saw three or five rioters rushing towards this direction in the distance, so she quickly stepped forward to stop them and asked.

"Hello, I'm a field reporter from News 54. Can I take up a few minutes of your precious time and interview you?"

Unexpectedly, several people on the other side cursed directly: "What stupid*54 channel, I didn't see that it was busy, fuck!"

"You know better than anyone else the immoral things done by biotechnology, such as painkillers, biochemical weapons, etc. What do you have to ask?"

"It's just that the company* doesn't have any good things!"

After a few people cursed at the camera, they ran away without looking back, and they didn't pay any attention to them.

Jillian felt a little embarrassed, then asked the director to cut the scene, and then smiled at the camera again.

"Judging from the situation on the scene, this riot in the company square mainly targeted biotechnology companies."

"It is reported that the main reason for the riots is related to multiple biochemical and pharmaceutical projects of biotechnology companies."

"This station has received relevant materials from various channels. The materials mainly show that a painkiller once developed and marketed by biotechnology has neurodegenerative decay side effects, but it was not disclosed, causing many war veterans to suffer from serious neurological diseases. ."

"Currently, Military Technology has issued a statement that it will seriously hold Biotechnology accountable for this matter, and will establish a pension fund to assist veterans who have taken such drugs."

"Biotech companies have yet to make any statement regarding the riots and the many projects that have been widely questioned."

"Our reporter Jillian is here to report for you."

After the shooting, Jillian's professional smile disappeared immediately to check the effect of the live broadcast.

After she confirmed that there was no problem, she walked to a nearby corner, lit a cigarette and started smoking.

As a veteran reporter and host of News 54, I have heard about this matter for a long time.

This painkiller project information was sent to the news station many years ago.

At that time, she also specifically asked her superiors for instructions whether to broadcast the relevant content of the information.

Due to some force majeure factors, not only was the broadcast unable to be broadcast, but the information was also taken away and encrypted by the radio station.

It was just a small episode in her media career, one that she recalls from countless memory fragments to this day.

Jillian had long been numb to these things and blew out a smoke ring with an expressionless expression.

"Maybe that's why colleague Regina Jones left."

There will be another update later.

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