Arasaka Tower.

Counterintelligence Department on the 33rd floor.

Tang Yu had just finished working at his desk for the day. He leaned on the office chair and breathed a sigh of relief, pinching his eyebrows to relax his tired mood.

Special assistant Sasha, who was sitting not far away, saw that Tang Yu had finished his work and seemed to want to take a break, so he took the initiative to come over.

She picked up the teacup on the table, refilled it with warm water, handed it back to the table, turned around and came to Tang Yu's chair, stretched out her hands, placed her slender fingertips on both sides of his temples, and pressed them gently.

Sasha was already familiar with Tang Yu's habits in all aspects, and knew that he didn't like to sit in the office and deal with all kinds of copywriting.

So whenever Tang Yu takes a rest, she will help him do some soothing activities to relieve stress.

If Tang Yu wanted to chat, she would listen carefully.

With Sasha's service, Tang Yu felt a little relaxed.

He felt a little tired, not because of the heavy workload, but because the work content was really boring.

All matters, large and small, in the counter-intelligence department are waiting to be reported to him and then awaiting approval and processing results.

The reason why the acting minister works so hard is all because of his dedicated and loyal old boss Arthur Jenkins.

When Arthur Jenkins was the boss of the Counterintelligence Department, he almost had a lot of power but little power.

In addition, as the deputy minister, he is often away on missions and can hardly help the department.

Arthur Jenkins is also used to doing everything by himself. This working mode causes one needle to pull thousands of threads.

Without the head of the department, it will be difficult for the Counterintelligence Department to move around. There must be someone who can take charge.

Now that Arthur Jenkins is on a business trip, these tasks naturally fall on Tang Yu.

What's even more troublesome is that in some cases, even an acting minister cannot make decisions on the spot. He must convey the matter to Arthur Jenkins and get his opinion before he can reply to others.

The setter's way of survival is to be caught in the middle. Both ends have to run and ask questions, which inevitably produces a lot of friction.

Whenever this happens, Tang Yu thinks of another deputy minister, Kate.

She is still sitting in the deputy minister's office. She doesn't know what she is busy with. Sitting in a dark and closed room with nothing to do all day long, she is probably holding back a shadow in her heart.

He leaned back on the leather chair, closed his eyes to rest, and said in a deep voice.

"Do you think Kate is too busy staring at us all day long?"

When Sasha heard Tang Yu mention the old witch, she suddenly felt unfair.

Although they are both deputy ministers, Kate has nothing to do every day, specifically looking for trouble for Mr. Tang.

Because of his outstanding ability, Tang Yu has to serve as acting minister. He is extremely busy and has to guard against Kate's little tricks.

Sasha rarely gets angry, and rarely dislikes anyone, but every time she thinks about Kate, her teeth itch.

But for some reason, although she was well versed in the company's rules, as Tang Yu's special assistant, she was not allowed to offend any company superiors in person.

But Sasha was dissatisfied with Kate, and it was obvious that some deep-rooted laws had been shaken.

"Yeah, Sasha thinks so too."

"According to the relevant information Sasha has learned, these manifestations may also be related to personality, quality, emotional intelligence, and even physiology. To a certain extent, this is a disease."

In fact, Tang Yu didn't take Kate seriously at all. Regarding her little things and actions, he could only say that she was not good enough and could easily get burned.

Carter Smith, the last Counterintelligence Department employee who played this way, was already seeking his own death.

There are many secrets in Tang Yu, but not everyone is qualified to know them.

Whether it is the Relic chip, Arasaka Yorinobu's true purpose, Arasaka Saburo's plan to resurrect the dead, the internal fighting between the Arasaka family, the conspiracy between Ye's company and AI, or even the AI ​​god Otter Cunningham beyond the black wall of cyberspace .

If any of these things are leaked casually, everyone who knows about it will be involved in the whirlpool of the storm, and it will be impossible to escape even if they want to.

Kate was completely unaware of the consequences of her foolish behavior.


Even if a grasshopper jumps in front of you for a long time, it will feel a bit annoying.

Tang Yu decided to arrange some way for Kate to survive, so that she would not be idle all day long and wander in front of him.

"Yes, people get sick when they have free time. I think Kate is too free. So, you ask her to come to the office and I will arrange something for her."

"She doesn't really like fighting with military technology, so let her be responsible for countering military technology."

Tang Yu thinks that grasshoppers like Kate can be treated by Aunt Mei.

After receiving Tang Yu's order, Sasha turned her eyes and quickly summoned the front desk to notify Deputy Minister Kate to the minister's office.

It didn't take long.

The door to the minister's office opened from the middle to both sides, and Kate stood expressionlessly at the door to receive the authentication scan.

She set off and walked into the office. The red eye prosthesis showed no emotion or anger. She just came to the opposite side of Tang Yu's desk and asked coldly.

"What's up?"

Kate saw Tang Yu sitting on the office chair, looking leisurely and contented. Special assistant Sasha was standing behind him, relaxing his temples.

This posture doesn't look like he's on business.

Tang Yu still closed his eyes to rest and had no intention of looking at her.

He is a lone wolf in this Arasaka Tower, and even the director Susan Abernathy is in trouble.

As for Kate, who was parachuted into the Counterintelligence Department with some connections, she would not take it seriously.

From the beginning to the end, Kate herself wants to dance here, so just give her a stage and let her perform well.

Tang Yu enjoyed a moment of relaxation before letting Sasha let go.

He knew that even if Kate was feeling unhappy, she still had to wait here.


This is Arasaka Tower. The most fundamental corporate workplace rule is to obey orders and arrangements from superiors.

Although Tang Yu and Kate are both deputy ministers, he is now working as an acting minister. The instructions he issues and the matters he arranges are equivalent to the effectiveness of Arthur Jenkins.

After receiving Tang Yu's signal, Sasha took two steps back and stood obediently behind, silent.

Tang Yu then opened his eyes, put one hand on the table, tapped his index finger on the table, pretended to think for a while, and asked.

"Has the report on the resumption of the investigation been completed?"

Kate's face darkened, and the anger she had been trying to hold back suddenly burst out, even a few veins popped out on her forehead.

She sounded unhappy and replied coldly: "There is no need to investigate this matter. I already know the truth, and there is no point in continuing the investigation."

Kate wants to see if Tang Yu is really that confident. Although there is no evidence now, it does not prevent her from continuing to put pressure.

Tang Yu frowned slightly and sighed: "This is not good. Restarting the investigation report is not asking for your opinion, but the work assigned to you."

"I think your suggestions are very good. You think there are doubts and want to dig out the truth. This spirit of getting to the bottom of things is very consistent with the work needs of the Counterintelligence Department."

"The report will be sent to my mailbox before twelve o'clock tonight. I hope that when I open the mailbox tomorrow morning, your report will be completely in the mailbox. Do you understand?"

Kate gritted her teeth, her face turned a little blue, and her forehead twitched unconsciously.

Sasha saw something was wrong with her expression, and seemed to have the urge to take action. Her eyes gradually turned cold, and the lynx's diamond claws quietly revealed a sharp edge, giving off a little cold light.

Kate swallowed hard, and then replied in a deep voice: "Understood."

She now finally understood why Director Susan Abernathy lost her temper in the lobby of Arasaka Tower.

This person in front of me.

The arrogant, domineering and extremely arrogant attitude is enough to make anyone feel crazy and hate him so much that his teeth are numb.

She tried her best to suppress the anger in her heart and the strong hatred to kill the other person.

Tang Yu saw that Kate's face was bruised and purple, and she must have felt uncomfortable in her heart, so he said kindly.

"Mr. Jenkins has been on a business trip since you came to the Counterintelligence Department and has no time to guide you in some of the work in the Department."

"I happen to be free now. I want to talk to you about the situation in the department and arrange the division of labor for you."

Tang Yu paused, seeing that Kate still looked lifeless, and then spoke to emphasize.

"Although you have just arrived and have not taken over the work in charge, you are usually a little busy at work. I can understand that."

"Looking through old accounts and understanding the recent cases handled by the department will indeed help you quickly integrate into the Counterintelligence Department and adapt to the role of deputy minister."

"However, you still have to keep your sights ahead and strive to accomplish a few more big things, so that your colleagues in the department can admire your abilities from the bottom of their hearts."

"Not to mention anything else, just since I came to work, many subordinates have given me feedback."

"They are worried that your abilities and experience are still lacking. After all, this is not an R\u0026D department, and you have no experience in senior positions."

"Of course, don't take these words to heart. They are all the care and concern of your colleagues in the department."

Kate felt like her whole body was about to explode. This was not a conversation, it was clearly a slap in the face.

She had seen through it. Tang Yu must have wanted to take advantage of his term as acting minister to retaliate severely.

Arthur Jenkins must be with him, otherwise why would Tang Yu be allowed to act recklessly in the ministry.

However, Kate can endure what ordinary people cannot. The minister's office is Tang Yu's home court. If she makes a mistake here, even if she dies on the spot, there will be no place to explain.

The only thing she could do was stand there, listen to Tang Yu's words, and then think of ways to get at him after leaving.

Tang Yu discovered that Kate, Susan Abernathy and the others were all modeled after the same mold.

He kept silent in front of his face and pretended to be dignified and concerned about the overall situation. After returning home, he secretly thought of ways to stab him.

He said a few words but found it uninteresting. Compared to Susan Abernathy, Kate was still somewhat underwhelmed, so he began to finish.

"I thought about it. Since you want to write a report on restarting the investigation, you might as well take the lead in countering military technology."

"Let the Investigation Section and Operations Section pass on some of the information the department has to you."

"The agents and informants placed by the Counterintelligence Department at Military Technology are currently in a confidential training stage."

"So you have to find a way to develop new informants, or train a few agents to break into the military technology insiders."

"By the way, to give you a hint, on the night of the transaction, the senior leader of the military technology team was Meredith Stout."

"If you have any information, remember to report it to me at any time."

"Is there anything else unclear?"

Kate replied directly in a deep voice: "Understood, there is nothing else to do, I will go back to the office first."

Tang Yu nodded slightly, indicating that she could leave.

After Kate got Tang Yu's approval, she turned and walked towards the office door and left without looking back.

Kate took a menacing stride, and her high heels made a dull sound as she stepped on the coral velvet carpet.

She knew that Tang Yu was deliberately suppressing and arranging work, just to dump the trouble on her.

Countering military technology is equivalent to pulling chestnuts from the fire, and it can lead to fire if you are not careful.

What's more, there are no individuals, agents and informants can't move. If you really want to get military science and technology information, you have to find someone to investigate.

It's just ridiculous.

But for Kate, this gave her an honest reason to investigate military technology.

She had long wanted to arrange for someone to find out who was responsible for the military technology on the night of the transaction.

Meredith Stout.

Kate was not unfamiliar with the name Tang Yu said. He was the director of the Military Science and Technology Special Operations Department and a proper company executive.

And within Military Technology, there are high-level officials who firmly resist Arasaka.

She had some suspicions that Tang Yu was lying to her and that there would be no benefit in fighting Meredith.

We have to start the investigation from the people below. As long as we find a witness, all the problems can be solved.

Kate thought of this, her gloomy face returned to expressionless, and she continued to walk towards her office.

Many passing counter-intelligence staff, seeing the cold-looking Kate, stepped aside to avoid getting into trouble.

Minister's Office.

After Kate left, Tang Yu also stood up and moved his slightly stiff shoulders.

Sasha hurriedly walked up to him, stretched out his hand to help arrange his suit jacket, and then asked softly.

"Mr. Tang, today's work is over. Do you need to prepare a special car for you?"

Sasha knew that Tang Yu usually took public transportation and the subway when returning home from get off work. If he went out to do errands, he would choose to take a special car in Delama.

Tang Yu thought for a while and said directly: "There is no need for a special car from Delama. I have something to do tonight, so I can just use the company's car."

After sorting out his clothes, Tang Yu found that Sasha was looking at him with a hint of expectation in his eyes, obviously wanting to go out with him.

He raised his hand and touched the cat's head, and said somewhat helplessly: "Today is a private matter, it's not convenient for you to go."

The place where Tang Yu is going is indeed not suitable for taking Sasha. After all, that place used to be a strip dance club.

Lizzy Bar.

Even though it is now renamed Lizzy Bar, it is still essentially a restricted area.

Sasha is not deeply involved in the world, so it is not good to be exposed to these things too early, lest she will have some strange knowledge in her head.

Sasha's eyes flashed with disappointment, but he soon became happy and replied in a serious manner.

"Yeah, Sasha understands."

"Mr. Tang is busy."

"Sasha stays and tidies up the office before going home from get off work."

Tang Yu nodded slightly: "Thank you for your hard work, Sasha."


He walked straight out of the office door and disappeared behind the gate.

The reason why Tang Yu went to Lizzie Bar today was because he made an appointment with Jack to have two drinks.

This matter has been scheduled for a long time. Due to various things, it has been put on hold until now. In addition, Jack strongly invited today, so Tang Yu decided to go to Lizi while he was free.

Tang Yu walked into the Arasaka Tower public elevator and chose to go directly to the Arasaka Tower lobby. Arasaka's exclusive black limousine was already waiting outside the door.

He strode out of Arasaka Tower and got into the car. The car then navigated directly to the Watson Kabukicho Lizzie Bar according to its destination.

As soon as the train set off, Jack called.

Tang Yu couldn't help but smile and sigh, Jack is really anxious.

The call is connected.

On the other end of the phone, Jack asked with a somewhat excited tone.

"Tang, haven't you gotten off work yet? I've been waiting for you at the door of Lizi. To be honest, since you returned to the company to work, you have been as busy as anything every day. Arasaka Company will not collapse without you. Come on, I'll buy you two drinks."

A picture emerged in Tang Yu's mind. At this time, Jack was standing at the door of Lizzie Bar. He was holding back his excitement and rubbing his big hands back and forth. It was so silly and interesting.

"Jack, this isn't enough. Wasn't the world between you and Misty not enough for you last time?"

Hearing this, Jack suddenly felt embarrassed and hesitantly laughed a few times.

"Ah ha, ah ha ha ha, ha ha ha"

"Every time you mentioned, Misty and I were simply communicating psychically in the divination house."

"I sometimes stay in the garage for a while, but my mom is right behind the store, so I'm not in the mood."

Tang Yu: "."

"Stop talking, Jack, if you do this, I will give you permanent suite access in the Kanbi Building, and the account will be in my name."

"I don't need to worry about your relationship, but don't be too wild."

Jack seemed more embarrassed and let out a few dry laughs again.

"Ah ha, ah ha ha ha, ha ha ha"

Tang Yu said helplessly: "You go into the room first, I will be there later."

hang up the phone.

It didn't take long.

A black Arasaka car arrived slowly and parked in the small square in front of Lizzy Bar.

Tang Yu stepped out of the car and looked around the small square.

It’s a familiar place again, a familiar scene, a familiar Lizzy sign, and a familiar Mox Gang.

The walls on the left and right sides of the main entrance of Lizzy Bar are lit up with neon patterns. On the left, a purple fluorescent light line outlines the graceful curves of a man holding an axe, and on the right, a bright white fluorescent light outlines a sassy figure holding a baseball bat.

The huge sign on top of the main entrance emits bright fluorescent light, slightly illuminating the small square below.



Scattered people gathered in the small square, chatting and chatting. There were men and women.

They saw the Arasaka Company car drive into the square, and then saw Tang Yu walking over and casting a not-so-friendly look.

Tang Yu knew that Arasaka was not very popular at Lizzy, but Lizzy Bar did not order people from Arasaka Company to enter and exit.

Lizzy Bar does belong to the Mox Club and has a certain influence, but it is still mainly about business.

Tang Yu remembered that the big boss of Lizi Bar was Susie Q, a very business-minded woman who managed Lizi successfully in just a few years.


Lizzy Bar has taken the top spot in the restricted area industry in Night City. The quality of the girls and Mewtwo here is indeed the best in Night City.

After all, Lizzy Bar has Judy Alvarez, Night City’s most talented Mewtwo experience editor and technical expert.

Tang Yu's understanding of Judy is not shallow. In his opinion, Judy has always been a girl who simply loves Mewtwo.

It's just that this city is not friendly to her. Everyone around her is obsessed with fame and wealth. No one really cares about emotions, but she does.

When Tang Yu came to Lizzie this time, in addition to drinking with Jack, he also wanted to see Judy.

At that time, his first woman was neither the V-wife who lived through thick and thin together, nor the wild girl Panan who roamed the bad land and desert.

But this girl, Judy, who hides in the basement computer room and is immersed in her own Mewtwo editing world day after day.

Tang Yu also thought about this issue at the time and afterwards. This kind of thing depends more or less on fate.

V-zi was indeed the first girl he fell in love with, and he spent the longest time with her day and night.

The two of them also had many times of being alone together, but V Zi came to the realization too late and maintained a 'brother' relationship for a long time.

But the relationship with Judy has not been smooth sailing. When I first met her, I always felt that she had a natural sense of alienation from herself, or from men.

Only later did he vaguely realize that something was wrong. Judy's emotional orientation almost eliminated the possibility of him.


Orientation is not as rigid as a mechanical program setting.

Even if the mechanical program is set to such a rigid level, there are still opportunities for secret tampering.

Tang Yu did successfully capture Judy, but his original method of cooking rice before cooking was somewhat disgraceful.

Because of this, Judy was at odds with him for a long time.

Tang Yu put away his thoughts and went straight to the main entrance of Lizzie Bar.

Mox's little sisters were guarding the main entrance, as if they were not to be approached by strangers.

The little girl at the head had two blue buns on her head and carried a baseball bat on her shoulders. She wore a white T-shirt and short coat on her upper body. Her left and right arms were replaced with advanced combat implants, and her whole body was covered with milkshake-like simulated skin. Shining white under the neon lights.

Seeing Tang Yu's temperament as a wealthy young man in the company, he couldn't help but chuckle.

"You look quite handsome. Do you want to try the latest Super Dream?"

Tang Yu was equally impressed by the little girl from the Mox Gang in front of him. Guarding the door at Lizi was not an easy job. He often encountered some troublemaking hooligans who could not be restrained without any real skills.

However, for him, Lizzy's new products are equivalent to old products. He had been in Lizzy before and had already experienced all the movies.

"If you mean the new movie 'The Wizard of Oz', there's nothing to recommend it."

"Please tell Judy."

"To cater to market tastes."

"No need to."

"I have an appointment."

"Also keep an eye on the car."

Little Miss Mox looked at Tang Yu strangely, with no impression of him at all in her mind.

The new Mewtwo she wants to recommend is indeed the 'Wizard of Oz', where you can sway to the rhythm of Baiyangdian in the green forest.

The little girl looked across the small square, and those people were obviously thinking a little bit.

Street gangsters generally don't have a good impression of the people in the Arasaka Company. They don't dare to kill people, but they regard it as a pastime to make car marks or puncture tires.

The little sister stepped aside, and the gate behind her opened automatically, and then said: "I will pass on your suggestion to Judy, but she is from the Mox Gang, so don't make any plans."

Tang Yu smiled without saying anything and walked directly into Lizzy Bar.

PS: Nothing today, I’m so tired, I’ll try to resume double updates on Tuesday.

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