Cyberpunk: Legendary Life

Chapter 143 It’s really you

Tang Yu and Rebecca stood in front of an entrance passage and looked up at the business sign above their heads.

Red fluorescent lines outline two words.


Rebecca clasped her hands behind her head, chewed gum in her mouth, and murmured.

"Phoenix, is this here?"

Watson, Kabukicho, and Phoenix Club are exactly where Tang Yu is going.

After confirming that it was correct, the two set off and walked into the club.

At the front desk.

The waiter saw two strangers and asked them if they had reservations.

Phoenix Club mainly operates casinos, but also provides private rooms, drinking, Mewtwo, escort and other services.

And most of the people who come here to mess around are acquaintances, so they basically don’t ask anything.

Tang Yu told the front desk that he didn't have an appointment and was here to have some fun and go to the casino to see his luck.

The receptionist heard that the other party was going to the casino to have fun, and after taking a closer look, he found that he did not have an advanced implant installed on his body.

It's just that a high-end suit can't deceive anyone, and with a bit of nobility, it feels like he comes from a wealthy family.

"It's okay to play in the casino, but we have a rule. The minimum starting chips are 10,000 euros."

The starting fee of 10,000 euros is added by the front desk. Club casinos like this mostly serve street customers, and those who can drop a few thousand euros are considered VIPs.

He obviously wanted to test it out to see if the other person was really as noble as he seemed.

Tang Yu didn't care about anything with the front desk, and just asked Rebecca to exchange as many euros as she had for chips.

The receptionist couldn't help but look at Rebecca and found that she was a little loli, and said in a somewhat disapproving tone.

"I forgot just now, we have a rule here, we don't accept children who have not grown up."

Rebecca suddenly frowned, her original comfortable expression disappeared, and she glared at the front desk fiercely.


Who is the kid?

Rebecca's vision turned and she transferred 150,000 euros directly to the front desk to exchange for chips.

One hundred and fifty thousand euros?

This is no small sum of money.

The expression at the front desk instantly became extremely surprised, and he looked blankly at the angry Rebecca.

It took me a few seconds to realize that this was definitely a big customer, not a kid.

The originally cold gaze at the front desk suddenly became enthusiastic. Realizing that what he just said was wrong, he quickly changed his words.

"Alas, it's all my fault for these two prosthetic eyes. They're too cheap. I'll replace them as soon as they change. Otherwise, I almost mistakenly recognize two distinguished guests."

"Dear guest, really honored guest, please come in."

"If you want to play something, just ask."

"For customers like you, we provide drinks for free."

The front desk immediately exchanged the chips, packed them in an exquisite box, and handed them over with both hands.

Immediately afterwards, he arranged for waiters, and two bunny girls walked out from the inner door. Their tall ears were erect, flashing with fluorescent lights, and their tall and hot figures were clearly revealed.

Rebecca held the chip box and looked at the two bunny girls with some dissatisfaction, which were a head taller than her.

With a smile on his face, the front desk enthusiastically introduced to Tang Yu that this was a feature of the Phoenix Casino. If he wanted, he could also open a private room and bring the two bunny girls with him.

Under the guidance of the two bunny girls, they walked into the casino's inner hall.

After entering the casino's inner hall, Tang Yu asked the two bunny girls to leave on their own. He had no interest in the special services provided by Phoenix.

Seeing Tang Yu drive them away, Rebecca turned her attention to the inside of the casino and completely forgot about the unpleasantness just now.

It was her first time to come to a casino. Seeing a dazzling array of slot machines, big roulette wheels, craps, and fishing masters, she felt like she had entered a new game world.

The casino is not too large, but it has a complete range of entertainment projects, which can basically meet the needs of having fun here.

The reason why I come here to gamble is to have fun, because it is impossible to win any money. It is purely for experience and consumption.

This is not the most prosperous time for the casino. There are not many people in the entire casino. Customers in twos and threes are wandering in front of various entertainment items, sometimes staring and thinking, sometimes sighing with regret.

Tang Yu asked Rebecca next to him what project he wanted to start with.

She glanced around carefully, pondered and hesitated for a moment, then pointed with her little hand and spotted the slot machine.

The slot machine project is very simple. There are three glass frames on the screen with different patterns inside. After you put in the chips and pull down the lever, it will start to rotate.

If a specific pattern appears, such as three of the same, chips will be spit out. The more identical patterns appear, the higher the bonus.

Rebecca carried the chip box and trotted excitedly to a slot machine and sat down. She took out a thousand-yuan gold chip from the box and put it directly into the slot machine.

The three slot machine symbols begin to change.

Uh-huh! Uh-huh! Uh-huh!

The three patterns are all different, and there are no special patterns. The coin mouth does not spit out a chip.

The first show failed.

Rebecca didn't believe in evil, so she took out another thousand-yuan gold chip and put it heavily into the slot machine.

Pull down the lever.

Uh-huh! Uh-huh! Uh-huh!

Still didn't win.

This made Rebecca so angry that she almost started to curse.

She couldn't believe her luck was so bad today. She spent ten large chips in a row and still didn't win.

Rebecca raised her chubby legs and was about to kick the slot machine, but was stopped by Tang Yu.

Tang Yu had expected this result a long time ago. It was almost impossible to win money in this kind of casino. It was hard to tell what kind of prize he would win.

However, Rebecca has already bet so many times that she has fed the slot machine, and a small prize should come out after a few more bets.

Rebecca was so angry that she was about to stand up and leave, but Tang Yu held her shoulders and sat down again.

She looked up at Tang Yu strangely, only to see Tang Yu take out a chip coin and put it to her mouth.

"Blow it for good luck."

Rebecca took a sip of the chip coins doubtfully, then stared at Tang Yu, put the chips into the slot machine, and pulled the lever down.

Uh-huh! Uh-huh! Uh-huh!

The result made Rebecca's eyes light up.


Really hit!

The slot machine has two of the three patterns, plus a special pattern of a tiger head.

The slot machine began to spit out small chips. Although it was not a big prize, the amount was only more than 3,000 euros, which was far less than what Rebecca had invested.

But winning the lottery for the first time made Rebecca instantly happy.

When she saw the small chips that kept falling, her eyes lit up and she smiled happily. She couldn't help but turn around and give Tang Yu a thumbs up.

After playing slot machines, the two began to try other entertainment projects.

Tang Yu has already played all these casino projects, so he is not interested. He mainly teaches Rebecca the basic gameplay.

As for winning or losing, he didn't care at all.

Rebecca had a great time. Almost every project made her adrenaline surge, and she experienced the tense atmosphere before the big prize was revealed.

Sometimes, because I am so nervous, my fat legs kick up in place unconsciously.

Tang Yu didn't know whether she understood it or not. Anyway, she just followed the dealer's instructions and placed her bets. She had no time to calculate points, probabilities and other issues.

He looked like a prodigal and came to the casino to spend money like water.

It didn’t take long for Rebecca’s chip box to bottom out.

She was playing dealer three-card poker and wanted to place a bet. She dug hard in the box with her little hands and finally found nothing.

Rebecca quickly lifted up the box, opened the lid, and checked it carefully again, and found that not a single 150,000 euro gold chip was left.


She lifted the chip box and tipped it down. There was really not a single chip left, so she had to look at Tang Yu beside her, with a face full of dissatisfaction.

Tang Yu smiled helplessly and said, "Change more?"

Rebecca nodded happily, but soon realized that she didn't have much money left, not enough to play two more games.

Tang Yu saw her little thoughts and said bluntly: "I'm treating you."

After finishing speaking, he called the waiter with a snap of his fingers and directly transferred 300,000 euros in exchange for chips.

The waiter bowed and immediately withdrew, walked to the back room of the casino, and reported to the manager who was watching the venue.

"Manager, there is a customer over there who wants to exchange 300,000 euros in chips. I think he is a big customer."

The casino manager, sitting in the back room, had already noticed them through surveillance.

A kid from a rich family took a loli who didn't know anything and went to the casino to squander money.

No matter from which angle you look at it, it's a good lamb to slaughter.

"Well, give them 300,000 euros in chips, and give them some extra. Don't squeeze them too hard, and let them win a few more times."

"Also, keep an eye on them, don't let them leave easily, and remember to treat them well."

The waiter got the order and left the back room to prepare European gold chips.

It didn't take long.

The waiter carried two chip boxes and returned to Tang Yu. He respectfully placed the chip boxes on the table and said politely.

"Hello sir, here are your 300,000 euros in chips, and our manager will give you an additional 10,000 euros in chips."

"Hope you enjoy your time."

Rebecca looked at Tang Yu in surprise, not expecting that he had exchanged so many European gold chips.

A total of three hundred and ten thousand.

She spent 150,000 euros herself, plus what Tang Yu had just exchanged, for a total of 460,000 euros in chips.

After losing so much money in one day, no matter how big-hearted she was, she couldn't help but take a breath of cold air and asked.

"I just spend my money on the company. Anyway, my brother still has a lot of money. How much money can you make from working? Is it really okay to spend it all in the casino?"

Tang Yu asked back: "Why, this is not your temperament. Where is this? What number do you want to bet this time?"

Rebecca smiled proudly, and when she saw Tang Yu being so generous, she naturally let go.

Living in Night City means living a life of today and tomorrow. If you have money, you should spend it. Petty calculations are not her character.

She casually grabbed a handful in the box and threw it down, and the chips rolled onto the gambling board.

The goddess's scatter-style betting method shocked many surrounding customers, and the amount of this bet amounted to tens of thousands of euros.

The owner of the bank took out the lever and placed the scattered chips into the squares one by one. After confirming that Rebecca agreed to place the bet, he started to start the top.

It didn't take long for the results to come out.

When Rebecca saw that she had won some points and won a small reward, she happily competed with Tang Yu to celebrate her good luck.

When people around her saw her prodigal appearance, they couldn't help but look envious. If she dared to bet like this, she simply didn't regard money as money.


Crowds gradually began to gather around the gambling table, all coming to see Rebecca's lavish spending. Many people even gave her professional advice on how to place bets.

Rebecca also played carelessly. She didn't care how many chips she threw, she only cared about one thing, the lottery results.

Tang Yu could bear his temper and just watched Rebecca having fun.


The European gold chips in the two chip boxes disappeared one after another, although Rebecca's luck got better and better and she won quite a lot of times.

But compared with the amount of European gold chips she threw down, it was obviously more than she could make ends meet.

After playing for a while, the two boxes of European gold chips also bottomed out.

In less than half a day, she spent a total of 450,000 euros.

Rebecca sat at the slot machine and placed the chip box on the table, empty.

Suddenly, there was an inexplicable feeling of emptiness in my heart. The originally excited expression gradually became dull and became more and more depressed.

She stared at the chip box with a somewhat distracted look and murmured.


"Have you finished spending it?"

She couldn't help but recall the scene of the gamble just now.

When playing slot machines, you can collect thousands of chips at a time.

When playing three-point poker, thousands of chips are compared at one time.

When playing big roulette, you can have tens of thousands of euros in chips at a time.

She smiled as much as she bet.

Before I knew it, it hit the bottom, and all the 460,000 euro gold chips were spent.

I have never been so crazy in my life.

Rebecca turned her neck stiffly, looked at Tang Yu blankly, and then said: "Uh, no, I have to take a breath."

After she finished speaking, she stood up from her seat, slumped her shoulders, and walked toward the casino door with a sluggish expression.

Tang Yu stood up and followed, and walked out together.

Rebecca seemed to remember something, looked up at Tang Yu, and said, "From the company, don't be unhappy after losing so much money. I won't rely on you."

Instead, Tang Yu asked with a smile: "Money is not important, what is important is whether you have fun?"

Have fun?

Rebecca suddenly had an epiphany as to why she was feeling depressed.

It’s not that I’m depressed because I’ve lost too much money, it’s because I’m not having fun and I’m always holding back my anger.

In the final analysis, it’s not big enough!

Not exciting enough!

Rebecca's eyes flashed brightly and she asked: "Ha, from the company, do you still have money?"

Tang Yu shook his head.

The bright color in Rebecca's eyes disappeared instantly, and she said with some confusion: "How can we have fun if we don't have money?"

at this time.

The casino attendant smiled and took the initiative to come up and say hello.

"ladies and gentlemen."

"Can you two enjoy your time?"

"Our casino can provide large amounts of low-interest unsecured loans, and the interest is only 100%."

Tang Yu said bluntly: "Let me give you a half-million euro gold chip first."

When Rebecca heard this, she immediately understood. It turned out that she was borrowing money from the casino to continue playing.

But if you continue to play like this, you will definitely lose. It is impossible to win back the money, and you will only lose more and more.

Although it was her first time coming to a casino, she still understood this point.

When the waiter turned around and left, Rebecca asked with some worry: "From the company, I want another half a million euros. Is it really okay to play so big? I really don't have the money to compensate you if you lose this time."

Tang Yu asked Rebecca to put her heart back in her stomach and enjoy it.

"Don't worry, someone will pay for us when the time comes."


The waiter came out pushing a cart full of European gold chips, a total of half a million euros.

After he sent the European gold chips to Tang Yu, he said respectfully and politely.

"Hope you enjoy your time."

This time.

Rebecca didn't want to play too much anymore. It was okay to spend her own money, but asking Tang Yu to borrow money seemed boring.

She sat at the gambling table without interest, folded her legs and rested her little head on her knees, leaving a deep mark on her fleshy thighs.

Tang Yu glanced at Rebecca, who was sitting silently next to her, and saw that she was not very interested, so he had to smile.

He snapped his fingers and summoned the waiter.

The waiter stood aside respectfully, waiting for Tang Yu's instructions.

Tang Yu looked at the numbers on the gambling table, thought for a moment, and then said.

"Put all these chips on position four."


The waiter thought he heard wrongly, and quickly confirmed with Tang Yu again whether he wanted to move all the 500,000 euro gold chips to the fourth position.

After getting Tang Yu's approval, the waiter moved the chips on the cart to the gaming table one pile after another, and piled them all on the fourth position.

This exaggerated move quickly attracted the attention of the entire casino.

How crazy is it to bet half a million euros at once?

Even Rebecca, who was sitting aside with a lack of interest, couldn't help but be surprised. She didn't expect someone from the company to dare to play so hard.

Even if the company's top executives can make money, this is completely inconsistent with Tang Yu's style of conduct.

She tilted her little head and looked at Tang Yu doubtfully. Suddenly she realized something, her frown gradually relaxed, and she smiled proudly.

"Okay, you're from the company, you're so big and you didn't tell me"

at the same time.

In the casino monitoring room, the manager also saw Tang Yu's crazy behavior.

Phoenix Club has been open for so many years, and there are many customers who spend a lot of money, but this is the first time that Tang Yu dares to borrow 500,000 euros and spend all of it.

The manager stared at the monitor screen and narrowed his eyes, seeming to be thinking about something.

"Is this person really stupid, or did he do it on purpose?"

Obviously, he realized something was wrong.

Several casino thugs also gathered around him. If he encountered someone who had borrowed money like this and dared not to repay the debt, there were plenty of ways to teach him how to behave.

"Manager, do you want us to keep an eye on him? If he dares not to pay, we will tie him up directly."

The casino manager pondered for a long time and asked the thugs to wait.

"There's no rush. I don't know where he comes from at the moment. He's a new customer. I'll report the situation to the boss first. Just keep an eye on him."

The manager took out his cell phone and dialed Jotaro Shoho.


The call was connected.

The manager informed everyone of what happened in the casino and explained that the identity of the victim could not be found.

Shohō Jotaro was wearing a suit and a plastic smock, and was busy recording Black Mewtwo in a secret base upstairs in the club.

On the huge white mat, there was a man tied up with his arms stretched out in all directions. He had been tortured beyond human appearance.

After he learned about the situation in the casino, his face showed a hint of displeasure. He waved his hand and asked his men to carry the person to the operating table and handle the follow-up procedures according to the procedure.

Zhengfa Jotaro walked out of Black Mewtwo's recording room, took off his blood-stained blouse, and prepared to go downstairs.

Today is the day to pay tribute to the boss of the Tiger Claw Gang. In addition to preparing the necessary points, some special services need to be arranged in Phoenix.

Because the leader of the Tiger Claw Gang will come to the Phoenix Club in person, and after collecting the money, he can enjoy the special services provided here.

After he finished sorting out, he took the private elevator directly to the back room of the club, and then came to the control room.

Upon seeing this, the casino manager stood up and greeted him respectfully, then pointed to Tang Yu on the screen and explained.

"Lord Jotaro, it is this person. Just after I reported to you just now, he borrowed another five hundred thousand euros in gold chips."

Zhengfa Jotaro stared at Tang Yu in the surveillance camera and was silent for a moment.

I can only see it on the electronic screen.

The waiter used a cart to deliver the European gold chips to Tang Yu, and then placed the chips one after another on the gaming table according to his wishes.

Stud again?

Shoho Jotaro felt something was wrong.

He found that Tang Yu didn't seem to care about the amount of these European gold chips at all. He looked completely calm and just placed bets on the market.

Customers from the entire casino have gathered around this gambling game, wanting to see how far it goes.

As the points were announced, Tang Yu's 500,000 euro gold chips were once again lost.

This move caused everyone around to boo, and they all looked puzzled and whispered, expressing their confusion at Tang Yu's crazy behavior.

Shohō Jotaro asked in a deep voice: "How much money did he lose in total?"

Casino manager: "Including the money they paid themselves, they have lost 1.46 million so far, of which 10,000 chips were given to them."

"Lord Jotaro, I see how confident he is, and he can make hundreds of thousands of euros in one go. I guess it's most likely some rich young man out there looking for fun."

"We just take this opportunity to kill him so that we can make more money in tribute next year."

Shohō Jotaro didn't think so. The other party didn't look like he came to the casino to have fun, but instead looked like he was looking for trouble.

Because he couldn't see any emotion in the other party's expression, as if the money was really just chips.

Either the other party is really full of enthusiasm, or they are here to be ripped off by the casino.

Or you are confident and confident about getting the money back.

According to his judgment, there is a high probability that it belongs to the latter.

This lamb might be a wolf in sheep's clothing.

"Have his details been found out? Can't we find the NCPD files?"

The casino manager immediately replied: "There is no information about him. At present, we only know that his surname is Tang, and the girl next to him likes to call him company."


Zhengfa Jotaro felt something was wrong.

Which company will it be from?

Although he has a wide network of connections, he knows many gang leaders and some company executives on the road.

But there are so many company executives in Night City, and it's impossible to get information about everyone.

Moreover, the other party does not have any company logo on his body, and the information cannot be read by scanning, which makes it very difficult to deal with.

The waiter came to the control room again and sought the casino manager's opinion, saying that Mr. Tang also wanted to lend another one million euros in chips.

One million euros?

The casino manager also realized that something was wrong. After working in this business for so long, he had never seen anyone play like this, so he asked quickly.

"Lord Jotaro, this person most likely wants to cause trouble. How about I find a few brothers to do it for him and ask him to hand over the money honestly."

Shohō Jotaro said coldly: "Bullshit, I can't even find out the details. I won't know how I died when I die."

He now has more speculations in his mind. The other party is most likely to have a high-level background in the company, otherwise he would never dare to blatantly mess around here.

Either he was born into a high-level family of the company, or his elders joined the company as a high-level person. In short, they have a lot of connections.

The key question now is which company.

Could it be Arasaka?

Shohō Jotaro is not the leader of the Tiger Claw Gang. He has limited access to the top management of Arasaka Company, and the personal information of the company's top management is kept confidential, so it is still very difficult to understand.

Shofa Jotaro decided to go and have a meeting first to find out the details before making a decision.

"You can ask someone from the Tiger Claw Gang to check if there is anyone named Tang among the senior management of Arasaka Company."

After the manager took the order and left, he personally pushed the carriage containing one million euro chips, slowly came to the casino hall, walked next to Tang Yu, and said with a smile.

"Hello, Mr. Tang, I am the owner of this club, Jotaro Shobo. I wonder if I could ask you to meet me and say a few words?"

Tang Yu's eyes left the gambling table and looked at the real owner of the casino, Jotaro Shobo. Then he showed a hint of interest and finally found the real owner, so he said lightly.

"Say it."

The surrounding customers also looked at Shoho Jotaro, knowing that he was a ruthless character on this road. He rarely showed up, but they didn't expect that he would appear in person.

Zhengfa Jotaro couldn't help feeling a little more angry when he saw that Tang Yu didn't give any face to him and was still sitting at the gambling table. He didn't take him seriously at all.

"I still don't know how Mr. Tang plans to repay this loan?"

As he spoke, he put his hand on the pile of chips, waiting for the other party's answer.

Rebecca realized something was wrong and began to prepare for action.

She understood when she borrowed 500,000 yuan from Tang Yu that Tang Yu was not here to have fun at all, but to do something, and his target was the casino owner in front of him, Shobo Jotaro.

So it doesn't matter how much money you lose, anyway, even if it's a robbery, you have to get it back from here.

Tang Yu said calmly: "Repay? How do you want to repay, or how about we have another bet?"

As soon as this statement came out.

The whole audience was astonished.

In a casino, betting with the casino owner, there is no chance of winning.

What's more, I've already gambled a million euros. If I continue to play like this, how much money will I have to spend?

Zhengfa Jotaro didn't expect that Tang Yu would still gamble. He probably didn't know how to write the word "death", so he asked coldly.

"Okay, since Mr. Tang is so elegant, I am naturally happy to accompany you. I wonder what you want to bet on?"

Tang Yu looked around and said with a sigh.

"Your casino is a bit small, but for the sake of having a lot of fun, I think it's quite appropriate to bet on this casino."

There were more and more customers watching the excitement around, and the focus of the entire casino was on Tang Yu. He couldn't help but marvel when he heard that the casino was going to be the bet.

What a loud tone.

Zhengfa Jotaro smiled sinisterly, and all the casino's surveillance cameras were pointed at Tang Yu. Dozens of thugs holding weapons guarded the main entrance, waiting for orders.

The situation became increasingly tense.

He smiled with some disdain and said: "Okay, I promise you, if you think you can win, I will use the casino to bet."

"Then may I ask Mr. Tang, what did you bet with?"

"You can't just talk in vain."

When Tang Yu heard his request to place a bet, he said with some reluctance: "If you place a bet, I think your head is pretty good. If I win, I can consider saving your life."


Zhengfa Jotaro was immediately furious, with several veins popping up on his face. His original gentle image could no longer be maintained, and he wished he could make Tang Yu disappear from this world right now.

Just when he was about to give the order to take action, the manager who arrived in time stopped him with a look of panic on his face.

"Lord Jotaro, you can't move."

The manager quickly leaned into Jotaro Shohō's ear and whispered something.

I saw that Jotaro Zhengfa's eyes, which were originally full of anger, gradually turned into shock, and he looked at Tang Yu with an expression of disbelief.

He asked the manager next to him again: "Are you sure you read that correctly?!"

The casino manager nodded wildly, ensuring that he was right.

Zhengfa Jotaro understood instantly. No wonder the other party was so confident that he spent money lavishly.

Damn it!

This money is life-threatening!

Shohō Jotaro tried his best to suppress the anger and shock in his heart, put away his hand, tried to force out a smile, and wanted to say something.


A group of people walked in at the gate of the casino, all of them had strong backs and tattoos.

The leader, wearing a burgundy suit and dress, entered the venue surrounded by people.

Everyone in the casino immediately looked around and recognized that they were members of the Tiger Claw Gang. They couldn't help but step back a few steps and get out of the way.

A member of the Tiger Claw gang walked forward, slapped Jotaro hard, and cursed in a thick Kyoto accent.


"Jotaro, what are you doing?"

"Mr. Tang is also someone you can touch?"


The leader of the Tiger Claw Gang has discovered Tang Yu's existence.

After being scolded, Shohō Jotaro could only freeze in place, not knowing how to explain this matter. He really wanted to take action, but he hadn't done so yet.

The leader of the Tiger Claw Gang walked up to him, nodded slightly and apologized: "Mr. Tang, I'm sorry for offending your elegance. Jotaro is too blind to recognize Taishan. Please don't be offended."

Tang Yu glanced at Shofa Jotaro and said calmly: "I'm not very lucky today. I lost a million. I will ask people from the company to pay off the debt tomorrow."

"But it's time for your casino to close down for rectification. With such a dirty trick, who would dare to come and play again?"


Tang Yu stood up and left the casino with Rebecca, leaving the Tiger Claw Gang and Zhengfa Jotaro to argue in the casino.

The two walked out of the Phoenix Club one after another.

Rebecca quickly caught up with Tang Yu, poked Tang Yu with her elbow, and said with a triumphant smile: "From the company, I can't tell, you are very classy. I think the Tiger Claw gang saw you and followed you well." It’s like a cat, it’s honest, it’s so fun.”

Tang Yu just smiled indifferently and explained: "Arasaka is a good boss of the Tiger Claw Gang. Do you think they can be disobedient?"

"What a big daddy?" Rebecca laughed out loud and couldn't help but give Tang Yu a thumbs up and praised.


But she was still a little curious: "From the company, you just lost so much money, don't you feel bad at all?"

After saying that, Rebecca smiled confidently: "But it's okay, I can make money, and money will protect you."

But the words just fell.

Rebecca received a transfer, a total of 150,000 euros, a lot of money, and the remittance party was Phoenix Club.

She looked at Tang Yu in surprise, knowing that it must be because of him.

Rebecca smiled helplessly: "It's really yours. It seems I don't have to pay back the money, but what I just said is true."

"Let's go, I'll treat you to a drink from Benbenhou."

Johnny: I have witnessed instant noodles being taken away from water and bread, and I have also witnessed instant noodles turn into a ruthless coding machine, using broken spirits, broken dreams and crackling keyboards as fuel.

V: So?

Johnny: So, thanks to ‘European Admiral Take My Spear’ for filling up the instant noodles again! Instant noodles, seeing how hard I work, just smoke one for me!

Instant noodles: No. Smoking is just to show off, and it smells bad.

Johnny: Non-smokers are the most arrogant and unlucky.

PS: Congratulations to ‘European Admiral Eat My Spear’ for becoming the helmsman of this book, thank you!

No more tonight!

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