Cyberpunk: Legendary Life

Chapter 161 Mining Girl

Today is an important day for the recent graduates of Arasaka Academy.

The college meeting has not yet begun, but the auditorium is already full of Arasaka students.

They have all completed their three-month internships with the company and submitted internship reports to the college.

Today is the day when their practical results are released. After getting the scores, they can be used as a basis for application, and each of them starts to find companies to submit their resumes to participate in the application.

Many students talked happily about their internship experience in the company, and asked each other about each other's situation from time to time.

"Well, I'm afraid my score isn't very good this time when it comes to grading the practical report. I feel like I haven't done much in three months."

"Don't make trouble, you are already an intern at Ye's company, and you also go to the construction site to participate in front-line construction. Whose quality of practice is not higher than anyone else?"

"I'm the worst offender. I don't go to a big company, and I don't work on any big projects. I heard that Mr. Tang, the instructor of the judges, is very strict. Many parents of students went to him to intercede, but they were all rejected."

"Isn't that right? Grading affects students so much that they can apply for jobs after graduation. My mother went to Mr. Tang's office through Arasaka's upper-level connections, but was rejected. This time I really have to leave it to fate."

Everyone couldn't help but look a little sad, as if they had predicted in advance that their results would be poor.


Someone curiously asked David sitting next to him.

"David, which company are you interning at?"

David's little heart suddenly skipped a beat. Faced with the curiosity of his classmates, he seemed a little unsure of what to do.

If you tell them the truth, it will probably cause an exaggerated reaction.

to be honest.

He didn't like the feeling of being noticed, and hoped that his classmates would ignore him.

But when the results of the practical report are announced later, I will definitely not be able to hide which company I went to for internship.

David sat on his original seat and couldn't help but look at the main seat on the stage. There were still two vacant seats, which should be for the judges, mentors and the principal of the college.

Mr. Tang hasn't come yet.

David hesitated for a while, then said softly.

"I'm an intern at Arasaka Company."

Arasaka internship?

Several students who heard this suddenly opened their eyes wide and looked at David in disbelief, with extremely exaggerated expressions as if they had heard something shocking.

"Is it true? David, you are interning at Arasaka Company!"

"It's so silly. How did you do it? I didn't expect you, David, to be so secretive."

"Oh, let me go. This classmate has been with me for more than two years. I really made a mistake. I didn't expect you to have such a relationship."

"Yes, Tanaka Katsuo is because his father is a senior executive in Arasaka, what about you?"

The surprised and exaggerated expressions and comments of the surrounding students soon attracted a lot of attention and attention.

The story of David's three-month internship at Arasaka Company spread like wildfire.

David saw his classmates whispering to each other, and glanced at him from the corner of his eye from time to time, his face curled up with helplessness, and he was too embarrassed to laugh.

I had expected this reaction from my classmates, but I still couldn't help but feel weird.

As the person involved, he was sitting here openly, but the students still gathered around and discussed him in whispers.

Some people showed surprise, some showed envy, and most of them showed suspicion and jealousy. These looks were not very friendly.

David knows.

What they really care about is how a little-known poor boy suddenly came to be an intern at Arasaka Company.

The secrets hidden in it are like sweet blood, attracting countless sharks to swim around excitedly.

They don't care what the truth is, what's important is that they have gossip to talk about.

David only talked about his internship at Arasaka Company, but did not mention the internship department and Tang Yu's recommendation. He did not want to expand the matter.

In fact, he was also looking forward to the report that was about to be released. After all, he had been an intern in the Counterintelligence Department for three months, so he was considered to be diligent.

His overtime hours are definitely no less than those of regular employees, and his colleagues around him also speak well of him.

If he can get a good score, his chances of applying for Arasaka Company will be much greater.

at this time.

Tanaka Katsuo, who was sitting in the front row, remained calm and quietly waited for the start of the college meeting.

With the lesson learned last time, he behaved much more calmly this time and did not make irresponsible remarks to the people around him.

The two followers next to them failed to enter Arasaka Company for internship, but they also knew the reason and could not blame Tanaka Katsuo.

In addition, Tanaka Katsuo's father is still powerful, so it is always right to please and flatter him.

But what surprised the two followers was that Tanaka Katsuo's attitude seemed a little cold. They were worried about how to start the topic when they suddenly learned from the classmates in the back row that David was also interning at Arasaka Company.

They quickly approached Tanaka Katsuo and said with surprise.

"Katsuo, did you know? That guy David is also an intern at Arasaka Company! He alone can get into Arasaka? What a joke!"

"Yes, could it be that this kid's luck has changed? How could a poor kid from a single-parent family have the connections to join Arasaka Company? Could it be her mother?"

"Noisy!" Tanaka Katsuo shouted, interrupting the conversation between the two, his eyes couldn't help but fall to the main seat on the stage, and murmured: "David is indeed an intern at Arasaka Company, but this matter is not something you can discuss. He is not as simple as you see, use your stupid brains and think about it, can it be that simple to get an internship at Arasaka Company?"

Tanaka Katsuo didn't want the two little followers to get him in trouble because of their nonsense, lest he be the unlucky one like last time.

He knew that David entered the counter-intelligence department of Arasaka Company and followed Tang Yu's path.

Gossip David is gossiping about Tang Yu, which is why he was slapped in the first place.

As for the relationship between David and Tang Yu, Tanaka Katsuo didn't know, and he couldn't get any useful information.

I just learned from my father that David had been in a car accident before, and it was Tang Yu, the senior executive of Arasaka Company, who saved him.

Tanaka Katsuo knew that he had offended Tang Yu invisibly, and he had no hope for the results of this practical report. He did not apply for the job based on this score anyway.

After graduation and a little bit of operation, joining the Arasaka R\u0026D department will be a sure thing, so there is no need to make extra trouble for this.

Just as Tanaka Katsuo was thinking about it, at the entrance of the auditorium, a group of Arasaka Academy senior officials surrounded Tang Yu and walked in talking and laughing.

This time the Arasaka College meeting was attended with more grandeur than the last time. Many members of the college council were present, and Tanaka Katsuo's father was also present.

When Tanaka Katsuo saw his father's figure, he quickly sat upright and stopped talking to the two classmates around him.

His eyes were wide-eyed and full of disbelief.

As the director of the R\u0026D department and a member of the college council, his father would accompany Tang Yu to attend the Arasaka College conference. Isn't this a clear sign of support for Tang Yu?

He never expected that his always strong father would now become Tang Yu's foil, and he felt very uncomfortable.

Tang Yu is so popular in Arasaka Tower that it can no longer be described as popular.

The students in the audience immediately fell silent. It was the first time they saw so many senior executives of Arasaka Company and Arasaka Academy attending a meeting. They couldn't help but stare blankly and were stunned.

On the main stage of the auditorium.

As Tang Yu took the main seat, other Arasaka senior officials and college senior officials also took their seats, facing the students in the audience.

A strong sense of oppression filled the hearts of every student, and each student sat upright and did not dare to make the slightest move.


The principal of Arasaka Academy presided over the meeting, briefly introduced some basic information into the microphone, and then began to announce the students' practical assessment scoring results.

The names and scores of the students are announced one by one, which fully reflects the importance Arasaka College attaches to its graduates.

First, because these students have extraordinary family backgrounds, either rich or noble, they must at least do enough to show face to the parents behind the students.

The second reason is that graduates also represent the brand of Arasaka Academy. Graduating from Arasaka Academy is not only a diploma, but also a symbol of honor.

As the principal announces the scoring results one by one.

Many students showed overjoyed expressions, and did not expect that their scores were quite good.


There are standards for grading, and the scores are not entirely based on Tang Yu's personal wishes. The scores must be approved by the college council.

Generally speaking, the scoring results can still truly reflect the actual situation of students' internship.

When the principal of the college announced the scores of Tanaka Katsuo, all the students were shocked.

Tanaka Katsuo's practice report score actually got an A+.

The highest this year.

When Tanaka Katsuo saw this result, he was immediately stunned.

Looking at the scores announced by the holographic projection on the stage, the score column clearly said A+.

That's right.

He found that he really got the highest rating in the game.

what happened?

Tanaka Katsuo looked at the judges' table blankly, looking straight at Tang Yu. He couldn't believe that this score was given by Tang Yu.

But the results don't lie.

In his eyes, Tang Yu was sitting on the seat, not showing anything special, still looking indifferent.

Didn't Tang Yu care about those things from the beginning?

He thought of the two slaps he received and the cruel words he said.

Tanaka Katsuo was silent.

Only then did I realize that I had really thought too much.

In his current view, Tang Yu is a real big shot, a big shot at the same level as his father, or even slightly higher.

Tanaka Katsuo couldn't help but beam with joy. This time he finally took a breath.

Tanaka Katsuo suddenly felt like he had an epiphany. He suppressed his excitement and tried to calm down.


"If you want to become a real big shot, you should have a long-term vision. If you care about the rights and wrongs in front of you, you will never become a great person!"

Tanaka on the main stage glanced at Tanaka Katsuo in the audience from the corner of his eye, and felt a little relieved to see that he had calmed down a bit and was not as frivolous as before.

The principal continued to announce the scores, and it was David Martinez's turn.


When David heard this score, he was stunned. He never expected to get this result.

During his internship in the Counter-Intelligence Department, he may have been really unsuitable for intelligence work. He received little recognition and praise from Tang Yu. He always thought that he did poorly and could only make up for it through diligence.

Now seeing that he can get an A- rating is enough to show that Tang Yu still has a lot of affirmation and praise for him.

With this score, David can take it back to compete with Gloria. After all, this score ranks high in the same level.

Although he is not as powerful as Tanaka Katsuo, he has proved that his strength is no worse than other students.

It didn't take long.

The results of all students were announced one by one. After the principal asked Tang Yu to say a few words as usual, the meeting entered the final closing stage.

The main emphasis is on the final graduation ceremony, and during this period you can freely submit your resume to apply for companies.

In order not to affect the employment rate of Arasaka College graduates, all students are required to receive notice of employment from the company before the graduation ceremony.

After the meeting.

Tang Yu left the college auditorium with the support of senior executives from companies and colleges.

After dealing with the affairs of the academy, he decided to go to Saburo Arasaka's office to see what content the restarted cyberspace plan contained, which was worth hiding for Kate.

Arasaka Saburo opened the office permissions for him, which is a convenience that no one in the entire Arasaka Tower has.

Tang Yu did not return to the department office as usual, but took the public elevator and activated the authority to let the elevator go directly to the top of the building.


The elevator has arrived.

Tang Yu walked out of the elevator, passed through two stainless steel gates, and came to the office door. Going outside was the floating car parking garage dedicated to the Arasaka family.

This is not his first time here. The last time he arrived at Arasaka Tower in Arasaka Saburo's exclusive float vehicle, he passed the office door.

After accepting the identity security scan and authentication, the gate automatically slides open to both sides, revealing the entire office layout.

Walking into the gate, it feels like returning to Arasaka Manor.

The entire office is built as a three-story loft, with a classic cherry blossom style wooden structure and cornices, giving it an antique feel.

In the middle of the attic hall, the Arasaka family crest on a red background is hung on the front wall, surrounded by rockeries and green plants dotting the scenery.

Saburo Arasaka's office is located on the third floor of the attic. Tang Yu walked straight into the hall and climbed the wooden steps.

After traveling smoothly, Tang Yu entered Saburo Arasaka's office.

Tang Yu stood in front of an oversized laminated marble desk and looked around the office.

To know.

After the reconstruction of Arasaka Tower in Night City, Saburo Arasaka has never been here once.

This means that Tang Yu is the first person to come to this office.

As the core secret place of Arasaka Tower, Saburo Arasaka's office has the authority to investigate the entire Arasaka Tower. Whoever sits here can exercise part of Saburo Arasaka's authority.

After Tang Yu looked around, he sat directly on the leather chair in the office and started to activate the smart office system.

He tapped the table lightly, and a holographic projection appeared on the table. After logging into the Arasaka system from Saburo Arasaka's office, he could see a lot of things, and even browse the situation in the mikoshi.

However, Tang Yu knew that every move he made in this office would be secretly recorded, so he did not check the information at will, but retrieved the content about the cyberspace plan.

Holographic projection transformation immediately displays relevant content items.

Tang Yu took a rough look and didn't find anything special.

It is nothing more than Arasaka Company arranging a large number of deep dive hackers to enter cyberspace and jailbreak beyond the black wall to mine useful information and data on the old Internet.

The old Internet contains almost all the wisdom of all mankind, and the information elements cover a wide range of them, just like a rich mine of infinite value.

Technology, weapons, information, technology, even video, music, etc., everything can find clues from the old network beyond the black wall.

Major companies have invested huge manpower, material and financial resources in exploring old networks in order to obtain those long-lost treasures.

However, the old network outside the black wall is full of murderous potential. Countless malicious programs, attack software, and electronic viruses are filled with it. Deep-diving hackers will be attacked by unknown sources if they are not careful.

Those who are lucky enough to be able to withdraw in time will suffer brain damage and become a vegetative state or a cybermaniac.

For those who are less lucky, their whole brains will be burned to ashes, their orifices will be filled with smoke, and they will die to the point of death.

Not to mention the wandering AI outside the black wall, which is a natural enemy to deep-diving hackers.

Tang Yu continued to browse the contents of the plan and suddenly discovered some trends in the R\u0026D department.

The hackers captured by Kate using counterintelligence agents were not sent to network monitoring as required by the agreement, but were instead provided to the R\u0026D department.

The R\u0026D department uses these hackers to conduct deep dives and dig into old networks in cyberspace to mine information and data.

Tang Yu clicked to view the excavation content, which involved the development of many high-end combat implants and weapons, including high-end weapons prepared for Adam's Hammer.

These combat implants are all in the research and development stage. It has to be said that Tanaka has a lot of projects in his hands. No wonder he needs to catch deep-diving hackers. The number of gaps is indeed huge.


One of the projects caught Tang Yu's attention.

[High-end prosthetic research and development project that can be mass-produced]

Click to view its contents.

【Prosthetic Ghost】(Completed)

【Prosthetic King Kong】(Experimental)

[Prosthetic Thunder] (Core)

Seeing that the prosthetic body "Big Ghost" was also in the research and development project, Tang Yu immediately thought that when Adam Hammer was still semi-cyberized decades ago, the prosthetic exoskeleton he wore was the "Big Ghost".

It may be that due to the nuclear explosion of the Arasaka Tower in Night City and the impact of the network collapse, some data of the prosthetic body "Big Ghost" was lost, so the R\u0026D department was required to be included in the research and development project.

The research on the replica of the prosthetic body 'Big Ghost' has been completed. After all, it is an equipment developed by Arasaka, so it is not difficult to re-develop it.

But the problem is that it seems that only Adam's Hammer has successfully used the prosthetic body 'Big Ghost'. It is unknown whether others can wear it and withstand it.

Listed as a high-end prosthetic research and development project that can be mass-produced, it can be seen that Arasaka's purpose was to manufacture thousands of Adam's Hammers.

But the reality is that not everyone has the talent of Adam Hammer.

Tang Yu casually browsed the prosthetic King Kong and the prosthetic Thunder.

The prosthetic King Kong has been successfully developed and has entered the experimental stage. In terms of performance in all aspects, it is almost an enhanced version of the Big Ghost, but the quality requirements for the implanted body have been reduced a lot.

The difficulty lies not in batch research and development, but in the inability to select suitable and matching users.

The person who can match Adam's heavy hammer in the body, Tang Yu's most recommended candidate is naturally V Zi.

Tang Yu checked the research and development of the prosthetic Thunderbolt, which was the only core among many projects.

Judging from the drawings, parameters, and models, the design of this prosthetic body is more exquisite and powerful. Overall, it is an external wearable armor.

No matter from which angle you look at it, the prosthetic Thunderbolt is more suitable for popularization.

But the crux of the matter is.

The overall structure of this prosthetic battle armor is precisely designed, and its various functions are complete and powerful. It has extremely demanding requirements on the brain, nerves and physical fitness of the subject.

Anyone who wears it and uses it once will truly experience the feeling of being cooked from the inside out.

This information is of little use to Tang Yu at the moment.

He once again clicked on the list of hackers captured by Arasaka and carefully compared it with the list sent to him by Kate to confirm that there were no discrepancies and that there was no concealment or deception.

When something goes wrong, there must be a monster.

The more honest Kate appears on the surface, the more she hides her secrets.

Tang Yu suddenly discovered that there was a list in the R\u0026D department, which was the Arasaka Company's deep-diving hacker list.

Different from the hackers captured by the outside world, these deep-diving hackers were all trained by Arasaka Company. They are very high in terms of hacking skills and loyalty.

Click to view.



【Tucker】(at large)


Tang Yu glanced at it casually and found that most of the deep-diving hackers in the list were dead, some were at large, and a small number continued to work at Arasaka Company.

It can be seen how bad the situation of the old network outside the black wall of cyberspace is, and it is basically a narrow escape.

Tang Yu saw the list directory and compiled an additional list. It was a list of deep-diving hackers who had been found to be at large and active in Night City.

The hackers captured by the Night City Arasaka Tower Counter-Intelligence Department followed clues and were all based on this list.

He clicked in and saw an unexpected scene. A familiar name and profile picture were listed.

【Lucy】(at large)

Is she also a deep dive hacker on the run from Arasaka Corporation?

A proper senior mining lady.

Tang Yu suddenly fell into deep thought, and every detail of his dealings with Lucy came to his mind.

The first time I met Lucy was on the subway. At that time, she was stealing the chips of Arasaka employees and even stole them from herself.

So the reason why she stole the chip was to investigate Arasaka's movements and find some clues about her files.

It is also possible that it is simply revenge on Arasaka Company, but this possibility is too low.

Tang Yu remembered the silver-haired girl, whose words and deeds revealed a deep fear of the word Arasaka.

Just like when he first learned about his identity, his evaluation was "extremely dangerous."

Tang Yu stared at the file about Lucy on the holographic projection, silently calculating in his heart that there were many doubts in this matter.

The reason why Lucy stayed away from the Mann team during this period and stopped going out for night runs was probably because she noticed the movements of Agent Arasaka and someone was secretly investigating her.

So she chose to hide temporarily to avoid being caught by Arasaka and affecting the safety of those around her.

Only then did he remember that when he was chatting with the silver-haired girl that night, she said this was hell and wanted to fly away.

To her, wherever Arasaka is, it's hell.

She chose to hide in Night City, most likely because Arasaka's power here was not too big and could provide her with a place of refuge.

But now Arasaka has restarted the cyberspace project, and Lucy is on the wanted list again. It may not be so easy to escape this time.

So how did Kate discover Lucy?

According to her temperament, she should be very cautious. In addition, so many years have passed, both her appearance and biological signs have changed, but she is still being targeted by Arasaka. This is a bit too coincidental.

Tang Yu searched and found no clues.

After thinking for a moment.

He suddenly thought of Kate's office system, so he entered the information network of the Counterintelligence Department and checked Kate's personal database.

as expected.

A video was placed in front of me.

See this scene.

A cold light flashed in Tang Yu's eyes.

Because the main content of the video is about Lucy stealing the chip of Arasaka staff on the subway. Everything she did was recorded by the camera, including the scene where she stole Tang Yu's portable communicator.

Tang Yu watched the video coldly, which recorded the situation in detail.

He took the subway to work, and the silver-haired girl set her sights on him after successfully stealing several Arasaka employee chips.

Then the silver-haired girl took action, stole his communicator, and was caught red-handed.

Then subway security and passengers came forward to arrest her, but Tang Yu finally let the silver-haired girl go.

The video ends here.

It's easy to deduce a few things from this video, especially if there's an ulterior motive.

He checked the storage status and transmission records of this video, and found that it had been encrypted and stored by Kate.

Kate probably didn't expect that 'Arasaka Saburo' would check her personal database.

Tang Yu tapped his index finger on the table, thinking about what to do with this video.

Deletion will inevitably arouse Kate's alert and even attract the attention of Saburo Arasaka, thus making Lucy's situation even more dangerous.

Kate wanted to use this video to attack him, and she was probably waiting to close the net and catch Lucy to dig out information about herself.

But the reality is that Lucy really doesn't know much.

If Kate is caught and sent to the R\u0026D department, not to mention digging out information about Tang Yu from her, just entering the old network to continue mining is basically equivalent to declaring death.

If she gets Tang Yu's scent, she is destined to be involved in this turmoil.

If Lucy wants to escape from this whirlpool, it is absolutely useless to escape. The only real way out is Tang Yu.

Just when Tang Yu was thinking about how to arrange the chess game, he received a letter.

Click to view.

[Lucy: Are you free tonight? 】

[Tang Yu: Bay Pier 4 is waiting for you, I’ll give you a ride. 】

[Lucy: Yeah. Thank you. 】

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