Cyberpunk: Legendary Life

Chapter 168 Adam’s Hammer

Empire State Building.

Tang Yu returned to the temporary base control room and asked Mosley, a senior agent for network monitoring, about the situation.

Mosley stared at the electronic screen and kept tapping on the keyboard, trying to search for the location of the Voodoo Gang server through signal fluctuations.

The digital consciousness bodies of several Voodoo Gang members are trapped in cyberspace, which prevents the Voodoo Gang from shutting down the server, otherwise the hacker consciousnesses in the cyberspace will be disconnected from their bodies and directly brain-dead.

Mosley stared at the screen seriously and said: "The traces have been found, but the Poseidon Network data fortress wall is too thick and cannot be broken through to obtain its specific location. I am trying to find a way to bypass the firewall and search for the other party's BBS."

This battle between network surveillance and the Voodoo Gang has officially begun. Now the Voodoo Gang has no choice but to stop the attack of network surveillance head-on.

At this time.

The Savage King passed the security check, passed the access control identification, walked into the control room from the gate, and said angrily.

"Those people from the Voodoo Gang are outside trying to storm in. Our brothers have already started working with the Voodoo Gang. When will the general attack be launched?"

The Savage King could no longer restrain his manic mood and was gearing up to show off to the Voodoo Gang.

Mosley had to ask her to wait: "I'm still searching for where they are hiding. It may take a few minutes."

Hearing Mosley say it would take a few more minutes, the Savage King looked displeased, veins popped out of his strong chest muscles, and he clenched his fists.

"Then you better hurry up."


She was a little disappointed with the technical methods of network surveillance. After so much trouble, she couldn't even find a hiding place, which only meant that network surveillance was not as powerful as they boasted.

The Animal Gang put a lot of effort into this operation. Almost the entire army was mobilized to take down the Voodoo Gang.

If they can't even find the opponent's base, let alone disintegrate the opponent's main forces, it will be impossible for the Animal Gang to gain a stable foothold in the Empire State Building.

Now, as promised, the Animal Gang helps network surveillance move into the Empire State Building, setting up so many servers and arranging a large number of subordinates to guard them. This matter can only succeed but cannot fail.

Mosley also saw what the Savage King was thinking. He, who had always dealt with things smoothly, couldn't help but feel a little anxious. This Poseidon subnet was really troublesome.

Tang Yu stood next to the office desk, looking at the exchange between the two and seemed unhappy, so he nodded.

"You try to focus on searching for areas in the south. Most of the abandoned buildings there are newer, have a higher degree of completion, and have enough capacity to host server construction."

According to what Tang Yu said, Mosley moved the detection focus to the south to detect the signal fluctuations of those building communities.

Tang Yu pointed to a building on the screen again: "Bring this out."

Badi Hotel?

Mosley quickly pulled up the digital image of the Batty Hotel and tried to scan it from all directions.

Suddenly his eyes lit up.

Sure enough, extremely subtle signal fluctuations were discovered. At the same time, the signal types of the voodoo gang hackers in cyberspace were compared, and the analysis showed that there was a certain common pattern in the signal spectrum.


Mosley couldn't help but laugh: "Haha, we found the lair of these rats!"

He pointed at the electronic screen image of Badi Hotel, his tone was full of satisfaction, and said to the Savage King.

"We found them. The Voodoo Gang's server base is set up in the Badi Hotel. You can take over the hotel now and destroy the server. In this way, the subnet Poseidon, which the Voodoo Gang relies on for survival, will no longer exist, and the rest will be beaten. .”

The Savage King looked obviously relaxed. As long as he found the Voodoo Gang's lair, everything else would be easy to handle.

Now she just needs to lead the Animal Gang brothers to fight towards Badi Hotel and use her strong muscles to push the Voodoo Gang flatly.

The Savage King glanced at Tang Yu, his eyes were not as arrogant as before. From the behavior of mentioning Mosley just now, he could see that the other party was a capable person.

"Okay, now that I have a goal, let me let my fists do the talking."

Mosley nodded and continued to add a reminder: "Don't forget the results of our cooperation. You guys took down the Empire State Building, and we want to get the subnet Poseidon data."

Savage King Leng sniffed and said bluntly: "Don't worry, as long as you don't make a mistake, I will lift the server over to you."

After saying that, the Savage King turned around and left the console, preparing to summon his men to launch a general attack on the Batty Hotel.

After seeing the Savage King leave, Mosley reluctantly sighed: "It's really hard to deal with the Animal Gang."

"Mr. Tang, thank you so much just now. Without your prompts, it would be a bit troublesome to dig out the Voodoo Gang's lair. The guys from the Animal Gang can't sit still anymore."

What Mosley didn't expect was that Tang Yu, as a senior executive of Arasaka Company, would be talented in network technology.

But when he saw that Tang Yu was still in his original state, he lamented that this talent was somewhat wasted.

What Tang Yu is concerned about is not the Voodoo Gang, but Lucy.

Now that Lucy has infiltrated into cyberspace to freeze the Voodoo Gang hackers in accordance with the requirements of network monitoring, and has also searched for the address of the Poseidon server of the Voodoo Gang subnet, it stands to reason that it is Mosley's turn to fulfill his promise.

"You're welcome, without Lucy diving deep into cyberspace, we wouldn't be able to discover the location of the Voodoo Gang."

Mosley was convinced and nodded in agreement: "According to our cooperation plan, if you don't regret it, Mr. Tang, Network Supervision can go through the recruitment process."

It is difficult to find hackers like Lucy who have deep diving experience and have received systematic training from the company on the market.

More importantly, Lucy has no faith in Arasaka Company and is unlikely to be an undercover agent arranged by Arasaka Company for network surveillance.

Now that there is such a person in front of us, there is no reason why network surveillance should not accept him.

Mosley was even worried that Arasaka would regret it and forced Lucy to return to Arasaka to continue working.

Although Lucy is no longer loyal to Arasaka, it does not prevent Arasaka from squeezing her remaining value.

While the two were discussing, Lucy, who had put on her clothes again, walked out of the deep diving chamber.

She had just finished a deep dive and her face looked a little pale.

Tang Yu turned to look at Lucy and asked: "The Internet Supervision has approved your joining, now let's see what your opinion is."

Lucy glanced at Tang Yu, then nodded in affirmation.

Joining the network surveillance industry is her best choice. Only in this way can she protect herself to the greatest extent.

Lucy already knows too many secrets about Tang Yu. She will be in danger wherever she goes and bring serious hidden dangers to Tang Yu.


That dream had already revealed the outcome.

Leaving Night City and leaving Tang Yu's side, what awaits her is endless disaster.

Bharti Grand Hotel.

A blond black guy hurried to the main entrance of the hall and shouted urgently.

"Placide! Placid!"

"ICE, the network watchdog, has frozen our hacker, and Bridget has lost contact!"

"Network surveillance is searching for signal fluctuations in our servers. If we don't shut down the server, we may be found."

The old black man known as Placid is a senior member of the Voodoo Gang. He is not only a top hacker, but also responsible for force.

Now Bridget, the leader of the Voodoo Gang, dives deep into cyberspace and goes to test and invade the network monitoring server, but suddenly loses contact. The only person who can preside over the overall situation of the Voodoo Gang is the second-in-command Placid.

Placid looked serious and scolded in a cold voice: "Stop making such a fuss!"

The blond black boy of the Voodoo Gang who was responsible for guarding the deep dive hackers hurriedly explained, emphasizing the urgency of the situation. If the location of the server was discovered by network surveillance, the entire Voodoo Gang would have to follow suit.

"The server must not be shut down!"

"We have to wait for Bridget to come back!"

The blond and black guy's face was full of anxiety. If he waited any longer, not to mention the people who dived deeply would not be able to come back, even they would suffer.

Placid frowned. If he didn't shut down the server, he would have to risk being discovered and have a head-on confrontation with the Animal Gang.

He asked the blond and black guy to continue to observe the situation while he went to the butcher shop to gather people and prepare to take action.

Just as he stood up and started to take action, another Voodoo Gang spy ran in with a hurried look.

The spy reported urgently: "Placide, the people from the Animal Gang seem to be coming towards us!"

Placid's eyes widened and he asked angrily: "How is this possible? The subnet Poseidon has not been breached, and the BBS has not been leaked. How did they find it?"

The Voodoo Gang spies knew nothing and couldn't answer this question.

Instead, the blond black boy who had not yet left explained again: "I heard that the Internet Monitoring is also cooperating with people from Arasaka Company. Maybe Arasaka took action!"

Placid cursed.

"damn it."

"Do you have any usable footcloths?"

"Let those people take action!"

Several members of the Voodoo Gang fell silent.

Their reputation is very bad throughout Night City, and almost no one is willing to accept the job of the Voodoo Gang. Even if they do, they will be called footcloths, which means throwing them away after use.

So much so that in the entire Night City, no middleman is willing to do work for the Voodoo Gang, and those cyberpunks rarely deal with this group of cyberhackers who claim to be territorial.

Now facing the offensive of the Animal Gang, there will be no one to help for a while.

So far.

Placid also understood that today's battle was related to the life and death of the Voodoo Gang.

Even the subnet Poseidon server address was discovered, indicating that the other party had an advantage in network technology.

If the Animal Gang breaks through the Batty Hotel, the Voodoo Gang will really be finished.

Now that Bridget has lost contact, she is most likely frozen in cyberspace by the network surveillance agency ICE.

Placid can only coordinate the entire Voodoo Gang and fight with the Animal Gang.

He no longer hesitated and quickly called the Haitians into action.

at this time.

V, who was sitting near the hotel, finished a convenience meal and felt his stomach was still a little empty, so he got up and went to the window to buy some more snacks.

She stood in front of the window and randomly ordered two bags of puffed snacks.

The boss took the snack bag and threw it on the window sill.

V picked up two bags of snacks with his left hand and put his right hand into the back pocket of his pants to take out the money to pay the bill. The boss suddenly stood up, opened the store door and ran out.

The convenience store owner didn't even have time to close the door and stopped doing business. He ran straight to the hotel, looking as if something big was going on.

This caught V's attention. She watched the other person rush into the hotel and murmured.

"It looks like something big is going on."

The words just fell.

I saw dozens of off-road vehicles parked on the street not far away. The cars were painted in fancy colors, including pink, blue and red. The whole fleet looked colorful.

The only thing they have in common is that there is a tiger pattern printed on the hood of the car, a typical Animal Gang logo.

V knew that the show was about to begin, so he crumpled a European gold note into a ball and threw it into the store, where it just happened to land in a large plastic jar.

She couldn't help but smile proudly, then tore open a pack of snacks, threw one into her mouth, and started chewing.

In sight.

I saw a group of muscular men taking out weapons from the trunk of the car and pointing them at the Buddy Hotel on the street.

The Animal Gang used fire coverage as usual, using heavy machine guns, RPG cannons, and fire bombs.

In order to avoid being affected, V deliberately stayed away, and when the two sides entered the fight, they could almost start taking action.

When the scattered pedestrians on the street saw this formation, they all wisely avoided it. In the surrounding streets and small squares, no one could be seen in an instant.

A fierce battle begins.

V stood in a safe area, eating snacks, looking at the surrounding fires, smoke and dust, and the endless sounds of bullets and explosions.

The Voodoo Gang was not just a freeloader, so they brought out their own weapons and started fighting with the Animal Gang.

V stretched out her little finger to pick out her ears. The deafening sound made her feel her cochlea itchy.

Both sides poured out firepower for half an hour.

The Animal Gang damaged many vehicles and some people, and the front floor of Badi Hotel had its walls blown away, revealing part of the building structure.

The main entrance of the hotel no longer existed. After getting rid of the fire, the members of the Animal Gang did not hesitate. They opened their strong legs and rushed straight into the hotel.

The person at the front of the Animal Gang's charging team caught V's attention.

The man was as strong as a mountain of flesh, with a ferocious face and a big hammer held high.

Under her leadership, the entire animal gang rushed into the Buddy Hotel as if they were on violent hormones.

The two sides started a head-on fight in the hotel.

V had just finished two bags of snacks. Seeing that the time was right, he found another passage and walked into the Bati Hotel.

Enter the hotel interior.

She saw people from the Animal Gang fighting to the death with people from the Voodoo Gang, almost killing each other without mercy.

The Savage King, the leader of the Animal Gang, rushed into the Voodoo Gang crowd and smashed down with a sledgehammer, instantly smashing the Voodoo Gang people into pulp.

The Savage King swung the hammer in his hand and struck from left to right, leaving everyone in the Voodoo Gang unable to fight back.

Even though she was hit by a bullet, it still couldn't stop her.

On the side of the Voodoo Gang, an old black man wearing a cloak, holding a submachine gun, moved flexibly among the Animal Gang crowd. His speed was so fast that even his sight was difficult to catch.

Sean Westan?

V saw the ability used by the cloaked old black man. He should have installed Si'an Westan, and the model was not low.

She has always wanted to buy this kind of high-end product.

Street vendors sell a lot of Sianwistan, but they are usually of low quality and she doesn't like them at all.

V saw that the Voodoo Gang was already involved in a fierce battle and had no time to care about other things, so he continued walking into the hotel, looking for the entrance to the underground floor.

Using various bunkers, V soon discovered the passage. Seeing that no one was guarding the area, she slipped in quietly.

She came to the underground floor, saw the server facilities lined up, and confirmed that she was looking in the right place.

V carefully checked in the underground computer room to avoid being discovered, and at the same time looked for the socket to steal the Poseidon data from the server.

After walking some distance further inside, she suddenly discovered that there were many hacker chairs set up in front of them. A dozen Voodoo Gang hackers were lying on the chairs, motionless.

V estimated that they were still deep diving and would not wake up for a while, so he secretly came to the console and took out a black card from his pocket.

This was given to her by Gloria. All she had to do was insert the black plug-in card into the data interface, and the rest was just waiting for automatic copying.

She looked around and saw no one was around, so she pointed the card at the interface and handed it in.

But what she didn't expect was that the card seemed to have triggered a system alarm, and all the data streams on the surrounding electronic screens that were functioning normally lit up red alerts.


“I didn’t expect to set a burglar alarm.”

The black plug-in card suddenly emitted a burst of white smoke and was directly burned.

This suddenly stumped V. Without the card chip, the data could not be stolen, and the commission failed immediately.

She didn't have time to think about it, so she directly pulled out the discarded black plug-in card and threw it away. Then she pulled out the data cable from her right wrist and re-inserted it into the console socket. She turned her prosthetic eyes and endured the attack of the alarm system to forcibly steal the data.

V felt as if her head was cracking. A torrent of data poured into her brain uncontrollably. The pain made her almost fly up on the spot.

Fortunately, she was physically strong and resisted the first wave of data torrent. The rest of the process was much smoother and the pain gradually became less.

It may be that voodoo helped fight the animal gang. Although the alarm system was triggered, no one came to stop her action.

V secretly rejoiced.

She strictly followed Gloria's instructions and did not act rashly. Otherwise, as soon as the alarm was triggered, a large group of Voodoo Gang members would rush out to control her.

While she was stealing data, she reluctantly looked around. Some of the people lying on the hacker chairs had smoke coming out of their heads, their whole bodies were twitching inexplicably, and there was foam coming out of their mouths. They looked very scary. .

"Fuck, what's going on?"

The tragic deaths of these Voodoo Gang hackers made V completely forget about his own pain.

"Made, I will never do hacking in the future!"

"I just lay there like this for no reason. I don't know how I died."

Just as she was sighing, she suddenly heard someone yelling harshly.

"What are you doing?!"

"Stop it now!"

V looked around and saw a blond black guy with two people rushing over, pointing a gun at her.

She glanced at the data she was copying, but it was still not finished and she had to find a way to delay it for a while.


V showed her hands, indicating that she didn't have any weapons.

"Their deaths have nothing to do with me. I just came to copy some data and didn't do anything."

When the blond and black boy heard the word "death", he immediately became even more nervous. While aiming his gun, he walked to the hacker's chair to check on their situation.

as expected.

Every hacker was burned until his head was smoking, his orifices were bleeding, and his whole body was dead, including Bridget, the leader of the Voodoo Gang.

The blond black boy suddenly panicked. Seeing the leader dead in cyberspace, he didn't know what to do for a moment.

His hand holding the gun couldn't stop trembling, his eyes were filled with fear, and he weakly muttered: "It's over, it's over, everything is over."

V knew that the Voodoo Gang would definitely suffer heavy losses today and might even be destroyed, but if they could escape now and preserve a certain amount of strength, they would still have a chance in the future, so he advised them.

"The situation is urgent now. You should quickly take the core secrets and evacuate to leave a chance for the future."

V could only think of various ways to hold him back and try to think from the opponent's perspective, but the work at hand did not stop and he continued to copy the subnet Poseidon data.

The blond and black boy didn't know what to do. He was just the guy in charge of guarding the Voodoo Gang. Without the decision-making from the top, he couldn't make up his mind at all.

After hearing V's persuasion, the blond black boy with a strong desire for survival murmured: "You're right, I want to take Poseidon with me quickly. It's important to save Poseidon first!"

After saying that, his eyes suddenly fell on V, and he noticed that the data cable at her wrist was connected to the office desk, trying to copy and steal the subnet Poseidon data.


"You're here to steal Poseidon!"

The blond and black boy was furious. Just as he was about to raise his pistol and point it at V, there was a loud bang above his head and the entire ceiling collapsed.


It was like a steel giant falling heavily, directly smashing through the Badi Hotel and blasting to the basement.

Countless steel bars mixed with gravel fell one after another, and gray-white dust filled the surrounding area.

The fierce battle at the Batty Hotel came to an end immediately.

No one knew what happened. Like an earthquake, two-thirds of the entire building collapsed, and the remaining building was also crumbling.

"Cough cough cough"

V choked on the thick smoke and coughed involuntarily. He quickly tried to wipe his nose with his hand, but found that his left arm was empty and he couldn't feel anything, only severe pain.

She was shocked and quickly raised her left arm to check. She found that her left forearm and palm were missing, leaving only half of the bones and flesh.


“It’s really unlucky today”

V's face turned pale and he complained despite the severe pain.

Only then did she realize that she was buried in a pile of rubble, and her whole body was pressed under a prefabricated board.

V tried to move his right hand and found that there was still feeling in his right hand. He quickly clenched his fist and found that his fingers were still intact.

She forced a smile and said, "Fortunately, I kept one."

The data cable on the right wrist is still connected to the desk socket, but no more data can be read.

This made V feel a little annoyed. It seemed that the mission was in vain.

She was furious when she thought that all her work was in vain. Even though she was seriously injured and weak to death, she still couldn't help but wanted to curse a few words, but she couldn't find the right person at all.

Her surroundings fell silent, and the Batty Hotel was almost reduced to ruins.

The thick smoke gradually dispersed and diluted, and in V's vision, he could vaguely see a black figure standing not far ahead. A deep pit was sunken into the ground with the black figure as the center, and there were layers of cracks around it, and ruins and stones were scattered. in the periphery.

Apparently, it was the black shadow that caused the building to collapse.


"What the hell"

V couldn't tell what the black figure was at all. He might have been severely injured and his vision was blurred.

Her mind became more and more dizzy, and she only heard someone approaching her and saying coldly.

"Adam Hammer."

"The Poseidon data is in her head, take her back and hand her over to Lord Yorinobu."

"The mission is over."

Adam Hammer?

V tried to carve this name into his mind.

"Adam Hammer."

"I remember you"

When I woke up, there were so many votes, and I felt ashamed that I couldn’t post more!

The storm cries!

Mainly because I didn’t have a holiday and was too busy, so I couldn’t start coding until I came back in the evening.

Wait until New Year's Day to strive for 10,000 yuan, and you won't rest.

It's so hard for me.

This 6,000-word piece is published first and revised later.

PS: Thank you to the following funders for your support!

Xiyu 3.11

Ye Yu You Tan 28.88

Ye Yu You Tan 28.88

cjl don’t leave 15.00

Nostalgia for Saikyo Temple 15.00

Hero's Pit 4.00

Gray Fish TR 17.00

Mulan Valley 15.00

Where is the Magical Author, Qidian Reading iOS 2.33

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