Cyberpunk: Legendary Life

Chapter 198 Promotion

Arasaka Tower.

Counterintelligence Department on the 33rd floor.

The entire department was silent, and the employees sat in their offices and peeked at the situation at the front desk with great curiosity.

I saw a group of company executives in high-end suits and uniforms standing together, as if waiting for something.

Standing in the center of the crowd was Kanti, a member of the Arasaka Tower Board of Directors.

Next to her stood not only Counterintelligence Secretary Arthur Jenkins, but also director-level executive Susan Abernathy.

in addition.

The main persons in charge of the Human Resources Department and the Public Relations Department came to the scene and stood at the front desk chatting and laughing.

The counter-intelligence department staff were quite puzzled and didn't know what happened today, but when they saw such a luxurious lineup, they knew that things were not simple.

At this time, the entire department's attention was focused on the group of company executives, while the staff in the office area started chatting quietly in private.

The short-haired girl pretended to type on the keyboard, her prosthetic eyes rolled, and she started an intelligence group chat.

"Did anything big happen last night? Why did all the big guys come to the Counterintelligence Department this morning, and all the middle-level people in the department went into Boss Tang's office to talk."

"I didn't hear about it last night. It's just that the top management of Arasaka Tower was replaced a while ago. It is said that he was replaced by the crown prince."

"Really? But I heard from my colleagues in the finance department a few days ago that they asked for approval of large-amount project funds, but the approver has not changed."

"The Crown Prince has just arrived in Night City, and he hasn't had all the fun yet. He will definitely not report to Arasaka Tower for a while. Now this person has been transferred to the position of Co-Managing Director."

"There is still this kind of thing, but does it have anything to do with what happened this morning?"

Sister Fengqing smoothed her wavy hair and asked patiently.

"There's such a huge battle today, have you seen Boss Tang?"

Sisters: "No."

Sister Fengqing asked again: "Boss Tang has been sitting in the office since he came this morning, and he hasn't shown up yet. Haven't you produced anything yet?"

"What you mean is that the real owner of this matter is Boss Tang. Could it be that he has been promoted to a higher position?"

Sister Fengqing nodded slightly: "Nine times out of ten, yes, he is indeed a capable lone wolf. Anyone would like to use him. Boss Tang's reputation for not joining gangs has spread throughout Arasaka Tower. It is impossible for the Crown Prince to I don’t know, this is solicitation in advance.”

Everyone agrees with this statement. Everyone in the department knows about Tang Yu's rise through the ranks. In just over two years, he has reached this stage, which is indeed unique.

Now if you go one step further, you will undoubtedly reach the ministerial level.

Another female colleague in a short skirt and uniform asked doubtfully: "But Lao Zhan didn't move, so where will Boss Tang get promoted?"

Until this kind of high-level personnel information comes to light, they won't be able to give a definite answer.

Sister Fengqing shrugged helplessly: "We'll find out later."

At the front desk.

Susan Abner had a smile on her face. Seeing Jenkins's proud look, chatting and laughing with a few people around her, and praising Tang Yu's abilities, she felt a little disgusted in her heart.

‘Haha, it’s as if you were promoted. The people you promoted have climbed to the same level as you, and they still have the nerve to joke around. ’

She suppressed her true thoughts and said with a fake smile: "Mr. Jenkins, I have to say that you are really blessed. It seems that since you arrived at Arasaka Tower in Night City, everyone who has dealt with you has improved a lot. "

Jenkins' smile gradually solidified, and these words clearly hinted at his incompetence.

Back then, he and Susan Abernathy worked together at the Arasaka headquarters in Kyoto, and together they went to the Arasaka Tower in Night City to serve as ministerial-level executives.

Two years later, Susan Abernathy was already the director, and Tang Yu, whom he personally led, was about to be promoted to a senior ministerial level, but he was still standing still.

When everyone heard Susan Abernathy's wonderful praise, they all nodded in praise, and for no apparent reason, they praised Jenkins as a blessed person.

Susan Abernathy then launched an attack, teasingly asking the person in charge of the human resources department next to her: "As Mr. Jenkins is such a capable talent, those of you who are doing human resources work, don't ignore him, and try to fight for him from the top."

The person in charge of the human resources department smiled and said yes again and again.

Jenkins forced a smile and said: "Director Abernathy is right. Now that we are in this position, we must not cherish our own feathers too much. We must contribute more to the company and support several talents, and educate and guide our subordinates before they make mistakes. .”

"Actually, Director Abernathy should thank Tang Yu more. During the time you were at home on vacation, Tang managed the Special Operations Department in an orderly manner."

Susan Abernathy heard the sarcasm in his words and used the topic to mock her. Even if she served as a director-level executive, the person she promoted was overturned and was implicated, causing her to have to take a 'vacation'.

As for Tang Yu's so-called well-organized management, it is even more ridiculous. He has not even reported it.


Doesn't this mean that the Special Operations Department is different from her, comparing her to a person in charge who has no role?

She gritted her teeth, suppressed the anger in her heart, sniffed, and ignored Jenkins.

Conti, who had been silent all this time, was no longer surprised to hear the verbal attacks between the main heads of the two departments.

It is well known to everyone in Arasaka Tower that these two powerful departments cannot get along. The struggle between the departments is also a kind of balanced management.

From a perspective like hers, this kind of conflict is not only normal, but also necessary.

Arasaka Tower is now divided into three factions, which are inseparable from each other and are indispensable.

The man at the helm of the manor in Kyoto uses this method to control the situation, and no one can hide it from him.

If the doves are too strong, the hawks need to be strengthened to suppress them.

In the seven years since the reconstruction of Arasaka Tower in Night City, Arasaka Corporation has been too soft on military technology, seeking stability.


Arasaka has regained his past influence and has the ability to compete with military technology, so he will naturally not adopt a dovish style of governance.

Conti saw this very clearly. Director Michiko's weakness was temporary.

Even if Arasaka Yorinobu takes office in person, he will not be able to shake Michiko's status in the slightest.

In the long run, Michiko is most likely to stay at Night City Arasaka Tower for a long time, and investing in her is the way to invest in the future.

Everyone waited for a while.

A straight figure walked from the office area and quickly attracted the attention of the counterintelligence department employees.

They all stopped what they were doing and looked at Tang Yu, their doubts gradually being replaced by certainty.

When you see the senior executives welcoming Tang Yu, you can guess the outcome of the matter.

Tang Yu has indeed been promoted and is about to leave the Counterintelligence Department and work in other departments.

The eyes of the backbone and staff of the department were full of surprise. Although they had long seen the momentum of Tang Yu's take-off, they did not expect that this moment would come so suddenly.

It's not to mention that there are any inseparable feelings. After all, Tang Yu didn't stay in the ministry for long.

It's more of a pity that such a 'good' deputy minister can leave as soon as he wants.

After Tang Yu came back from the field, he ignored them, which made many people feel that the pressure at work was much less.

Now that Tang Yu has been promoted and gone, if the new deputy minister is similar to Kate, he must not add more fuel to their fire.

Seeing Tang Yu finishing cleaning up in the office and coming out, Jenkins took the initiative to greet him and led him to introduce him to everyone.

"This is Director Kanti, entrusted by the board of directors to send you to take office."

The two briefly shook hands in greeting.

Only then did Kandi smile: "Congratulations, I hope you will continue to work hard in your new position. Director Michiko has made a special statement that he will take a good look at your performance."

In front of everyone, she expressed her intention very straightforwardly and labeled Tang Yu as a dove. It sounded more like Michiko arranged for Tang Yu's promotion before being transferred.

Tang Yu smiled and said nothing. For him, this promotion was not as glamorous as it seemed.

Tang Yu had met several other high-level directors and ministers and exchanged greetings with each other.

Apart from a few polite words to his old boss Arthur Jenkins, he treated everyone equally.

Tang Yu has just finished handling the work at hand. Those that need to be followed up will be handed over to the relevant middle-level officials in the department.

Everyone walked to the public elevator and headed to other office floors.

Kandi led a group of company executives to escort Tang Yu to the front desk of the public relations department. He stopped, smiled and said some words before shaking hands and saying goodbye.

Susan Abernathy looked up at the department sign, smiled meaningfully, and left.

The person in charge of the human resources department confirmed the entry procedures and regulations with the front desk and everything was done properly before everyone said goodbye one by one and left.

Arthur Jenkins, who was left at the end, sighed with some emotion: "I didn't expect that we would be of the same level so soon. Knowing that you are not simple, there will definitely be a place for you in Arasaka Tower in the future."

Tang Yu seemed calm. Now that he, a lone wolf in the limelight, has left the Counterintelligence Department, it is a good thing for Jenkins.

Arthur Jenkins has not seen promotion trends for the time being, but Tang Yu got up too quickly.

The leader cannot suppress the deputy, which is a taboo in any workplace.

Fortunately, Tang Yu usually showed no interest in fighting for power and never made any small moves in private. This gave Jenkins some reassurance.

The remaining three points of uneasiness settled down as Tang Yu was promoted to the public relations department.

Tang Yu knew that after leaving the Counterintelligence Department, he would have fewer opportunities to deal with Jenkins, so he also said a few words of mutual encouragement.

Since everyone congratulates him on his 'high promotion', then he is considered a high promotion.

After sending Jenkins away, Tang Yu walked into the public relations department.

The office layout here is roughly the same as that of the Counterintelligence Department, but it only occupies a small floor area and is shared with the other two departments.

Under the respectful guidance of the front desk, Tang Yu walked into the newly decorated minister's office and activated the identity recognition access control system.

Being in the minister's office, Tang Yu didn't have any trouble in his heart, just because it was similar to the minister's office of the Counterintelligence Department.

Arasaka Company has express regulations on the area and decoration of ministerial offices, and personalized adjustments can only be made within a limited scope.

Tang Yu's minister's office occupies one-third of the entire public relations department's office area.

This is the treatment for those at the top. At this level, the treatment is based on rigid standards, unlike lower-level employees who can only work in small squares.

In the office, some of Tang Yu's personal belongings were moved intact, including the long knife sent by the Tiger Claw Gang executives.

Tang Yu walked to the spacious office, sat on a brand new office chair, and called up his personal employment information.

【Tang Yu】

[Date time: 2077]

[Employee number: NC77]

[Employee level: M10]

[Department position: Public Relations Minister]

[Message prompt: Your new position has been generated and entered into the Arasaka Company position system.]

Looking at the job information in front of him, Tang Yu couldn't help but feel helpless. He could only sigh that Arasaka Yorinobu's actions were really fast enough.

This matter must not have been caused by little Michiko. When choosing chess pieces, in addition to looking at people, the status of the chess pieces should also be considered.

Although he was only a deputy minister before, he was responsible for two important departments with real power and exerted great energy.

Without these two powers, it would be much more difficult for Tang Yu to run big errands for Michiko or Saburo Arasaka.

The Public Relations Department does not have its own field staff, and the affairs it is responsible for are more soft.

This is not conducive to Tang Yu's lone wolf characteristics, and his style of doing special things and doing things quickly is difficult to work.

After the two broke up unhappy in the Cree Villa, Lai Xuan adopted the method of "light rise and dark tone" and began to gradually dispel Tang Yu's power.

On the surface, it is true that Tang Yu was 'promoted'.

This promotion not only includes Arasaka's recognition of his performance, but also includes rewards for handling Saburo's personal errands.

Therefore, the outside world's view of Tang Yu's "Gaosheng" will become more and more firm, thinking that he is a favorite of the Arasaka family.

First, he gained the favor of little Michiko and got the title of double deputy minister.

Then he gained the respect of Saburo Arasaka and climbed the ladder to a higher level.

Now even Arasaka Yorinobu has arrived in Night City and wants to win over this lone wolf.

Tang Yu's current situation can be said to have been pushed to the forefront, and overnight it became a hot topic for everyone in Arasaka Tower.

He knew Yori Xuan's thoughts very clearly. Compared with sending people to carry out assassination activities, this kind of covert approach was more effective.

Tang Yu didn't care about these small actions. Which department he went to didn't have much impact on him. It was just doing the same thing in another place.

He has too many cards to play. On the company side, he has some high-level authority in Saburo Arasaka's office. On the private side, he has Gloria's intelligence network, Mann's employment team, and his good helpers V, Jack, etc.

What really worries him is David, who remains in the Special Operations Department.

After being promoted to the Public Relations Department, although he was entrusted with the work of the Counterintelligence Department and the Special Operations Department, he still kept this matter in mind.

There has been tension between the companies Arasaka and Military Technology recently, and Arasaka responded to Military Technology's recent attacks in a targeted manner.

The higher-ups decided to launch a new round of secret raids on military technology transport convoys, with the Special Operations Department taking the lead. The requirement was to hit the opponent to a certain extent without exposing the details.

Susan Abernathy launched a large-scale mobilization of the Special Operations Department for this purpose, and many people were arranged to participate in this operation, including David Martinez on the operation list.

Tang Yu believes that whether she did it intentionally or not, the risk of David's participation in this task is not low.

A newcomer who has just joined the army and has not yet undergone systematic military training has a high chance of death if he rashly participates in a regular armed conflict.

He has mastered some details of this operation. Basically, Arasaka took the lead and secretly organized multiple teams to launch the attack.

In order to cover up Arasaka's movements, gang members will also be used to contact Night City middlemen to arrange for mercenaries to participate.

The action components are relatively complex. It is David's first time participating in the company's actual combat operations. If he ignores it, it is very likely that a small mistake will lead to irreparable consequences. His growth still needs to be taken step by step.

The only one who can help David in his cruel corporate career is Tang Yu.

And he could have a premonition that this action was somehow related to his promotion to Minister of Public Relations.

For such a big move, military technology will definitely cast doubt on Arasaka.

By then, the two sides will start negotiations, and as the person in charge of public relations, he will inevitably face the wrath of military technology on the front line.

Tang Yu must protect the interests of Arasaka Company and put peace of mind at the same time, otherwise more serious consequences will be waiting for him.

Once the impression of superior ability is shattered and the members of the Arasaka family lose their attention, the ill-intentioned glances in Arasaka Tower will become even more malicious.

Tang Yu called up Gloria's contact information. This matter needed to be clearly communicated with Gloria and arranged for the Mann team to make comprehensive arrangements.

No more tonight.

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